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    Bhat, C.R., "Activity-Based Travel Demand Modeling: Comprehensive Econometric Microsimulator for Daily Activity Patterns Performance Measurements and Validation," Conference Proceedings 44, U.S. and International Approaches to Performance Measurement for Transportation Systems: Summary of a Conference, Transportation Research Board, pp. 78-80, 2008.

    Bhat, C.R., "Brief description of CEMDAP: Comprehensive Econometric Microsimulator for Daily Activity-Travel Patterns," Conference Proceedings 42, Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling: Summary of a Conference, Transportation Research Board, Volume 2, 14-16, 2008.

    Bhat, C.R., A. Pinjari, N. Eluru, I. Sener, R. Copperman, J. Guo, and S. Srinivasan, "Comprehensive Econometric Microsimulator for Daily Activity-Travel Patterns: Recent Developments and Sensitivity Testing Results," Conference Proceedings 42, Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling: Summary of a Conference, Transportation Research Board, Volume 2, 78-81, 2008.

    Bricka, S., and C.R. Bhat, "Using Global Positioning System Data to Inform Travel Survey Methods," Conference Proceedings 42, Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling: Summary of a Conference, Transportation Research Board, Volume 2, 89-93, 2008.

    Srinivasan, S., and C.R. Bhat, "Companionship for Leisure Activities: An Empirical Analysis Using the American Time Use Survey," Conference Proceedings 42, Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling: Summary of a Conference, Transportation Research Board, Volume 2, 129-136, 2008.

    Bhat, C.R., and J.Y. Guo, "An Innovative Methodological Framework to Analyze the Impact of Built Environment Characteristics on Activity-Travel Choices," Conference Proceedings 42, Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling: Summary of a Conference, Transportation Research Board, Volume 2, 137-141, 2008.

    Pendyala, R.M., and C.R. Bhat, "Validation and Assessment of Activity-Based Travel Demand Modeling Systems," Conference Proceedings 42, Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling: Summary of a Conference, Transportation Research Board, Volume 2, 157-160, 2008.

    Spissu, E., N. Eluru, R.M. Pendyala, C.R. Bhat, and K. Konduri, "A Comparative Analysis of Weekday Time Use and Activity Patterns Between Italy and the United States," International Association of Time Use Researchers (IATUR) International Conference, October 17-19, 2007, Washington DC (Keywords: time use, activity analysis, travel behavior, international comparison, transferability)PDF version, MS Word version

    Guo, J.Y., and C.R. Bhat, "A Comprehensive Continuous-Time Approach to Activity-Based Travel Modeling," Proceedings of the 2nd AMUS Conference (Aachener Kolloquium "Mobilitat und Stadt"), pp. 79-87, 2001.

Book Chapters


    Pinjari, A.R., C.R. Bhat, S. Saxena, and A. Mondal (2024), "Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choice Models: A Reflective Analysis and a Prospective View," Handbook of Choice Modelling, 2nd Edition, Chapter 17, 452-488, edited by S. Hess and A. Daly, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

    Mondal, A., K.E. Asmussen, C.R. Bhat, A.R. Pinjari, and R.M. Pendyala (2024), "Time Use and Activity-Travel Behavior Analysis: Recent Developments and Emerging Trends," Handbook of Travel Behaviour, Chapter 9, 161-179, edited by D. Potoglou and J. Spinney, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

    Bhat, C.R. (2020), "Consumer Choice Modeling: The Promises and the Cautions," Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, Chapter 5, 63-80, edited by K.G. Goulias and A.W. Davis, Elsevier. PDF version, MS Word version

    Zmud, J., F. Dias, P. Lavieri, C. Bhat, R. Pendyala, Y. Shiftan, M. Outwater, and B. Lenz (2019), "Research to Examine Behavioral Responses to Automated Vehicles," Road Vehicle Automation 5, 53-67, edited by G. Meyer and S. Beiker, Springer International Publishing

    Bhat, C.R., and A. Pinjari (2014), "Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choice Models: A Reflective Analysis and a Prospective View," Handbook of Choice Modelling, Chapter 19, 427-453, edited by S. Hess and A. Daly, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.  PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R. (2014), "Vehicle Ownership Models," Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy edited by M. Garrett, Sage Publications, Inc.

    Bhat, C.R. and C. Bernardo (2014), "Nonmotorized Transportation," Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy edited by M. Garrett, Sage Publications, Inc.

    Bernardo, C. and C.R. Bhat (2014), "Non-Motorized Travel as a Sustainable Travel Option," Handbook of Sustainable Travel, 277-292, edited by T. Garling, D. Ettema, and M. Friman, Springer.

    Pinjari, A., C. Bhat, and D.S. Bunch (2013), "Workshop Report: Recent Advances on Modeling Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choices," Choice Modelling: The state of the art and state of practice- selected papers from the Second International Choice Modelling Conference, Chapter 3, 73-90, edited by S. Hess and A. Daly, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

    Bhat, C.R., and M. Roorda (2013), "Workshop Synthesis: Methods for Capturing Multi-Horizon Choices," Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making, Chapter 26, 471-478, edited by J. Zmud, M. Lee-Gosselin, J.A. Carrasco, and M.A. Munizaga, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

    Goulias, K.G., R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat (2013), "Keynote - Total Design Data Needs for the New Generation Large-Scale Activity Microsimulation Models," Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making, Chapter 2, 21-50, edited by J. Zmud, M. Lee-Gosselin, M.A. Munizaga, and J.A. Carrasco, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

    Bhat, C.R., "Commuting," The Encyclopedia of Housing, 2nd Edition, edited by A.T. Carswell, Sage Publications, Inc., 2012.

    Pendyala, R.M. and C.R. Bhat (2012), "Meeting the Travel Behaviour Research Needs of an Evolving World," Travel Behaviour Research in an Evolving World: Selected Papers from the 12th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Chapter 1, 3-12, edited by R.M. Pendyala and C.R. Bhat, Publishers, USA.

    Copperman, R., and C.R. Bhat (2011), "An Assessment of the State-of-the-Research of US Children's Time-Use and Activity-Travel Patterns," presented at the Second Workshop on Time Use Observatory (TUO 2), March 2010, and published in Time Use Observatory, Chapter 2, pp. 29-52, edited by J.A. Carrasco, S. Jara-Diaz, and M. Munizaga, Grafica LOM, Santiago de Chile (Keywords: Time use, activity-travel patterns, children, joint activities, physical activity)PDF version, MS Word version

    Pinjari, A.R., and C.R. Bhat (2011), "Activity Based Travel Demand Analysis," A Handbook of Transport Economics, Chapter 10, pp. 213-248, edited by A. de Palma, R. Lindsey, E. Quinet, and R. Vickerman, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R. (2011), "Quasi-Random Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation of the Mixed Multinomial Logit Model," Choice Modelling: Foundational Contributions, Classics in Transport and Environmental Valuation 1, Chapter 30, edited by D.A. Hensher and J.M. Rose, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

    Bhat, C.R. (2011), "A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model: Formulation and Application to Discretionary Time-Use Decisions," Choice Modelling: Foundational Contributions, Classics in Transport and Environmental Valuation 1, Chapter 43, edited by D.A. Hensher and J.M. Rose, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

    Bhat, C.R., and N. Eluru (2010), "Recent Advances in Discrete and Discrete-Continuous Modeling Systems," Feasibility Decisions in Transportation Engineering, Chapter 6, pp. 111-144, edited by S. Nocera, McGraw-Hill.

    Bhat, C.R., C. Varin, and N. Ferdous (2010), "A Comparison of the Maximum Simulated Likelihood and Composite Marginal Likelihood Estimation Approaches in the Context of the Multivariate Ordered Response Model," Advances in Econometrics: Maximum Simulated Likelihood Methods and Applications, Vol. 26, pp. 65-106, edited by W. Greene and R.C. Hill, Emerald Group Publishing Limited (Keywords: Composite marginal likelihood, multivariate ordered-response model system, maximum simulated likelihood, pairwise marginal likelihood, statistical efficiency). PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R., and N. Eluru (2010), "The Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) Model: Formulation and Applications," Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-Art and the State-of-Practice, Proceedings from the inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference, Chapter 4, pp. 71-100, edited by S. Hess and A. Daly, Emerald Group Publishing Limited (Keywords: Discrete-continuous system, multiple discreteness, Kuhn-Tucker demand systems, mixed discrete choice, random utility maximization).

    Bhat, C.R. (2009), "Advances in Econometric Methods," The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research: Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Chapter 24, pp. 491-493, edited by R. Kitamura, T. Yoshii, and T. Yamamoto, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R., and A.R. Pinjari (2008), "Duration Modeling", Handbook of Transport Modelling, 2nd edition, Chapter 6, pp. 105-132, edited by D.A. Hensher and K.J. Button, Elsevier Science. PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R., N. Eluru, and R.B. Copperman (2008), "Flexible Model Structures for Discrete Choice Analysis", Handbook of Transport Modelling, 2nd edition, Chapter 5, pp. 75-104, edited by D.A. Hensher and K. J. Button, Elsevier Science. PDF version, MS Word version

    Sivakumar, A., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "Emerging Simulation-Based Methods," Transport Science and Technology, Chapter 3, pp. 15-36, edited by K.G. Goulias, Elsevier. PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R. (2007), "Econometric Choice Formulations: Alternative Model Structures, Estimation Techniques, and Emerging Directions," Moving Through Nets: The Physical and Social Dimensions of Travel - Selected papers from the 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Chapter 3, pp. 45-80, edited by K. W. Axhausen, Elsevier.  PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R. (2003), "Random Utility-Based Discrete Choice Models for Travel Demand Analysis", Transportation Systems Planning: Methods and Applications, Chapter 10, pp. 1-30, edited by K. Goulias, CRC Press.

    Bhat, C.R. (2002), "Recent Methodological Advances Relevant to Activity and Travel Behavior Analysis," In Perpetual Motion: Travel Behavior Research Opportunities and Application Challenges, Chapter 19, pp. 381-414, edited by H.S. Mahmassani, Pergamon, Elsevier Science.

    Bhat, C.R. (2000), "Flexible Model Structures for Discrete Choice Analysis", Handbook of Transport Modelling, Chapter 5, pp. 71-90, edited by D.A. Hensher and K. J. Button, Elsevier Science. PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R. (2000), "Duration Modeling", Handbook of Transport Modelling, Chapter 6, pp. 91-111, edited by D.A. Hensher and K.J. Button, Elsevier Science. PDF version, MS Word version

    Bhat, C.R., and F.S. Koppelman (1999), "Activity-Based Modeling of Travel Demand", The Handbook of Transportation Science, Chapter 3, pp. 35-61, edited by R.W. Hall, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, Massachusetts.

    Bhat, C.R. (1998), "Statistical Theory: Summary and Future Research Possibilities", Theoretical Foundations of Travel Choice Modeling, Chapter 20, pp. 473-478, edited by T. Garling, K. Westin, and T. Laitila, Elsevier Science.