Brazil Center
Civil Engineering
About Us
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UT Austin

The University of Texas at Austin (UT)

University of Texas at Austin (UT)

UT was established in 1876, and today has more than 2,300 faculty members and over 48,000 students. The 300-acre Austin campus has eight colleges, six schools and 53 departments that annually offer over 6,000 courses.

UT has much to offer Brazilian exchange students interested in comparative public policy and administration. In addition to a nationally recognized College of Engineering, the university has the strongest Latin American Studies program in the country.

Department of Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering at UT was rated the third best graduate and undergraduate program in 2004 by U.S. News and World Report. The department offers degrees in Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. Areas of specialization include construction engineering and project management, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structures, mechanics and materials, transportation, and water resources engineering.

Civil Engineering bar

Brazil Center

The Brazil Center was inaugurated in fall 1995 as part of the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies. Its mission is coordinate and promote Brazilian Studies at UT, and it works with many academic units to host events including the Brazilian Film Series, Brazil Week, Amazon Week, and more.

exchange students at the UT are based at the Brazil Center. Dr. Jorge Zornberg is the project director, and Brazil Center coordinator Jennifer Potter-Andreu works closely with the exchange students.


University resources. See what UT has to offer in library facilities, student groups, performing arts, film, etc.

Life in Austin. The "live music capital of the world" has many attractions beyond the campus

Academic information: Semester schedules, classes, advising

UT application procedures and health requirements.

Housing information. Students have many options to choose from, including coops, dorms, and apartments.


Project Director
Dr. Jorge G. Zornberg
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station, C1700
Austin, TX 78722
Tel: 512/232 3595 Fax: 512/471 6548
E-mail: zornberg@mail.utexas.edu

Jennifer Potter-Andreu
Brazil Center of LLILAS
1 University Station, D0800
University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX, 78712
Phone: (512) 471-8418
Email: brazil@uts.cc.utexas.edu

Marisela Salayandia
Advisor, Incoming International Students
International Office
International Office
PO Box A
Austin, Texas 78713
Phone: (512) 232-6569
E-Mail: marisela@mail.utexas.edu



UT logo

CE logo


Brazil Center logo


ECJ entrance

ECJ, Civil Engineering building

Dr. Jorge Zornberg, UT Project Director

Jennifer Potter-Andreu
UT Project Coordinator


360 bridge

360 Bridge, Austin, TX

For more information, email Brazil Center of LLILAS, University of Texas at Austin.
Tel. (512) 471-8418 Fax. (512) 471-3090

Updated on 06/4/2004