Brazil Center
Civil Engineering
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Pontifica Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in Latin America and the fifth largest in the world, with an area of more than 3.2 million sq. miles. Brazil has much to offer in diversity, culture, exoticism and outstanding natural beauty. Brazil has established technologically sophisticated industries particularly in the fields of telecommunications, electronic data processing, biotechnology and new materials. Brazilian engineering is known by the Itaipu hydroelectric power plant, deep water drilling technology, and the application of concrete in urban construction as showcased by the buildings in Brasilia, the nation’s capital.

Rio de Janeiro is a cosmopolitan city that still preserves much of its historical legacy. Rio is the cultural capital of Brazil, home of samba and the country's most famous beaches, but also the scene for cutting edge music and arts. It is blessed with a beautiful location between the sea and mountains, helping to make Rio one of the most wonderful cities in the world. Rio de Janeiro.

Pontifica Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

PUC-Rio is a private, non-profit, Catholic university. It was created in 1941 by the Jesuit Company in order to develop knowledge based on humanistic values. Today, the university has approximately 10,000 undergraduate students, 2,500 graduate student,s and 5,000 extension students. PUC-Rio is internationally recognized as one of the top five universities in Brazil and one of the two best in Rio de Janeiro.

Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering's mission is to train researchers, faculty, and professional engineers with a high level of technical expertise. The department offers undergraduate, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees, and its graduate program received a rating of 6 from the Brazilian Ministry of Education.

button Ongoing research projects include: Estruturas; Instabilidade e Dinâmica de Estrutura; Estruturas de Concreto Armado e Protendido; Estruturas Metálica; Computação Gráfica Aplicada; Materiais Não-Convencionais; Métodos de Elementos de Contorn; Biomecânica; Aplicação de Técnicas de Otimização; Geotecnia; Geotecnia Ambiental; Mecânica de Rochas e Geologia de Engenharia; Geomecânica do Petróleo; Geotecnia Experimental; Geomecânica Computacional


Click here for information on elligibility, costs, transfer of credit.

How to Apply

Application to study abroad program is through the UT Center for Global Educational Opportunities. For info on how to stary your online application contact Latin American Advisor Tommy Ward at 512/471-2446 or by email. Study abroad application deadline for Fall 2005 is March 1, 2005. Application deadline for Spring 2006 is October 1, 2005.

Fellowship applications are through the UT Brazil Center. Required documents:

1. Statement of intent
2. Portuguese/Spanish langage training
3. Resume
4. Official UT transcript
5. Two letters of Recommendations

Download fellowship application guidelinesHERE. For more information, contact Brazil Center Coordinator Jennifer Potter-Andreu at 512/471-8418 or by email. Fellowship application deadline for Fall 2005 is April 1, 2005. Fellowship application deadline for Spring 2006 is October 1, 2005.


Project Director
Dr. José Tavares Araruna Junior
Departamento de Engenharia Civil
Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Rua Marques de São Vicente, 225, Gávea
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil 22453-900
Tel.: 55/21/3114-1188
Fax: 55/21/3114-1195
E-mail: araruna@civ.puc-rio.br

Graduate Coordinator
Paulo Batista Gonçalves
Departamento de Engenharia Civil
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
22453-900 Gávea Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Tel: (21) 3114-1194
Fax: (21) 3114-1195

International Programs
Central Coordination Office
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
Edifício Padre Leonel Franca - 8 oandar
CEP 22453-900 - Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL
Tel: (5521) 3114 1578
Tel/Fax: (5521)31141577
E-mail: inter@ccci.puc-rio.br

Rosa Marina de Brito Meyer
Coordenadora Central de Intercâmbio Internacional
Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs - International Programs



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For more information, email Brazil Center of LLILAS, University of Texas at Austin.
Tel. (512) 471-8418 Fax. (512) 471-3090

Updated 2/25/2005