Brazil Center
Civil Engineering
About Us
UT longhorns
UT Austin
Ball State

Eligibility for Enrollment

The program targets Civil Engineering students, primarily those in their second and third year of studies. Seniors and graduate students with outstanding academic performance will be eligible upon advisor’s recommendation. Program participants must be U.S. citizens.

Academic Credits

Students will receive full credit (12-15 credit hours per semester) for successfully completed course work. Students must obtain advisor’s approval for the courses that will be taken in Brazil to ensure transfer of credits that will meet CEE degree requirements.

Language Requirement

A good working knowledge of Portuguese is needed to attend classes in Brazil. Students can take Portuguese I and II at UT (6 credit hours each) and meet the Humanistic Studies and Fine Arts elective requirements for a Civil Engineering undergraduate degree. Students that are proficient in Spanish may take Accelerated Portuguese for Spanish Speakers, which is an intensive course covering two semesters in one. Students will enroll in a one-month Intensive Portuguese course at UFPE or PUC before classes start.

Program Costs

Students pay UT tuition and fees for 12 hours per semester. They pay no tuition and minimal fees at UFPE or PUC. A fellowship of up to $4,000 is awarded directly to students to pay for travel and living expenses in Brazil. Estimated costs for each city are below.

Rio de Janeiro

Roundtrip airfare from Austin:


Roundtrip airfare from Austin:

Living in Brazil

Brazilian universities do not provide on-campus housing. UFPE’s and PUC’s International Centers help students to find housing at private homes registered with the university or to rent apartments near campus. Boarding at private homes includes breakfast and ranges from US$200 to $250 per month. The cost of renting apartments varies substantially and may require sharing the unit with another student.



UFPE logo


Recife at night


UFPE campus


For more information, email Brazil Center of LLILAS, University of Texas at Austin.
Tel. (512) 471-8418 Fax. (512) 471-3090

Updated 6/4/2004