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UT: Housing Information

Housing is one of the main concerns for anyone moving to Austin to attend UT. Although there are many options for renting apartments or houses near the university, coops and private dorms have been the choice for most of the Brazilian BCSP students.

Students are strongly encouraged to avoid living with other Brazilians. This is in order to maximize their contact with Americans and other international students, as well as their English language skills.

Laurel House Coop. The smallest of the coops, Laurel House is a good alternative for graduate students and older undergrads. 50 residents max.

The best aspects were: proximity to campus, low cost, good meals everyday, rich cultural environment, opportunity to speak English all the time, opportunity to have a private bedroom and bathroom and never be alone because I could always meet lots of people at the commons parts of the house, high organization of the house in terms of rules and labor enforcement. Maria Fernanda Zannetti (Fall 2003)

Taos Coop. A large coop close to campus. The people is general in my house are very friendly. They are polite and always try to help you. However, the food in my house is the worst that I ever seen... I think that this problem of food was particular of my coop because I ate in other coops and the food was great. Dalson Britto (Fall 2003)

Pearl Street Coop. A large coop close to campus. Most of the time spent outside the university was with the accompany of my co-op friends. Eloi Senhoras (Fall 2003)

Madison House. A private dorm located in the West Campus neighborhood. There are no required chores or duties, and there is a pool for resident's use. This is the most inexpensive of private dorms. [I had] a lot [of contact with friends from my dorm]!!! We would go out together, eat together, give parties, celebrate birthdays, listen to music from different places, participate on their traditions, talk about the way they act in their countries. Cíntia Melchiori (Fall 2002)

For more information, please read the Exchange Student Guide prepared by the International Office.

Laurel House

Laurel House Coop


Room at Taos Coop

Madison House

Madison House entrance


For more information, email Brazil Center of LLILAS, University of Texas at Austin.
Ph. (512) 471-8418 Fax. (512) 471-3090

Updated on 06/4/2004