The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) mission is to promote the technological welfare of the nation by marshaling the knowledge and insights of eminent members of the engineering profession. The NAE was established in 1964, and election to membership is the engineering profession’s highest distinction.
Active Members
Robert B. Gilbert (2020)
For advancing the use of reliability analyses, risk assessment, and risk-based decision-making for complex engineering projects
Ellen Rathje (2025)
For contributions to seismic slope assessment and site response analysis and the development of cyberinfrastructure for natural hazards engineering
Kenneth H. Stokoe II (1997)
For advancing dynamic characterization of geotechnical materials
Sharon L. Wood (2013)
For design of reinforced concrete structures and associated seismic instrumentation for extreme loadings and environment
Retired Members
Gregory L. Fenves (2014)
For contributions to computational modeling, creation of open source software for earthquake engineering analysis, and academic leadership
Davis L. Ford (1997)
For the application of theory to process design in environmental engineering
David W. Fowler (1998)
For the development and application of concrete-polymer materials
Earnest F. Gloyna (1970)
For leadership in engineering education, water resources management, and environmental engineering
James O. Jirsa (1988)
For significant contributions to research on behavior and design of structural reinforced concrete
Raymond C. Loehr (1983)
For international leadership in research, engineering analysis, education, and management practices for solution of waste disposal problems
David R. Maidment (2016)
For the development of geographic information systems applied to hydrologic processes
Richard L. Tucker (1996)
For developing management improvement practices in construction
C. Michael Walton (1993)
For contributions and technical leadership in planning and design of transportation systems
Joseph A. Yura (2000)
For research and educational contributions on bracing and stability design for steel structures
Deceased Members
Leo R. Beard (1975)
For leadership in statistical applications and system analyses in hydrologic design and operation
John E. Breen (1976)
For leadership in the field of reinforced and prestressed concrete research specifically directed toward improving engineering design practice
Ned H. Burns (2000)
For contributions to development and education in prestressed concrete including unbounded tendon building slabs and high-performance concrete bridges
Phil M. Ferguson (1973)
For leadership in structural engineering research and design procedures in structural engineering education
Robert Herman (1978)
For contributions to the development of the science of traffic theory
Hudson Matlock (1982)
For outstanding leadership in research and design related to offshore engineering
Roy E. Olson (2003)
For furthering our understanding of the properties of clays and for contributions to geotechnical engineering design
Lymon C. Reese (1975)
For contributions in geotechnical engineering and education