The Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering in the Cockrell School of Engineering is one of the largest, most extensive departments of its kind in the U.S. With 10 graduate specialties, over 10,000 living alumni, over 1,200 undergraduate and graduate students, over 50 faculty members and a 22:1 student/faculty ratio. Texas CAEE is a tight-knit community of like-minded civil, architectural and environmental engineers who truly believe that we can change the world through engineering.

Message from our Department Chair

Welcome to the Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering!

We are leaders in developing innovative solutions to enable civilization and improve the quality of life. We are particularly excited about developing new ways to provide and manage cities, water and energy.

It is an exciting time to be in civil, architectural and environmental engineering at UT Austin. Our work has become even more important and challenging as the world population grows in the face of expanded urbanization, limited resources and changing climatic conditions. We are leading major changes in energy, transportation, water management and treatment, sustainable construction and materials, and information technology.

My goal as department chair is to help our students be prepared to lead this wave of change – to have the engineering skills, the creativity and the savvy needed to develop innovative solutions.

I am honored and excited to lead this outstanding department. What starts here does change the world!

Robert B. Gilbert


We aim to:

  • Educate the next generation of engineering leaders to formulate and solve complex problems of importance to society, to collaborate as productive team members, to engage in lifelong learning and to act professionally and ethically.
  • Extend engineering knowledge across the breadth of the discipline and beyond through creative, innovative research ranging from the fundamental to the applied.
  • Facilitate the understanding and use of new ideas, technologies and practices for the betterment of society through service and leadership in local, state, national and international communities


Continue to be a department of civil, architectural and environmental engineering recognized worldwide for excellence in engineering education, creation of knowledge and leadership in professional and public service.