
Seminar by Jerry Buckwalter

Thursday, September 26, 2024
1:30 pm

Mulva Auditorium


Presented by:

Jerry Buckwalter

ASCE Strategist and Engineering Business Consultant


Yoo Sang Choo

About the Speaker:

Buckwalter has held executive roles in management, business development, strategy, and policy across various sectors including infrastructure, electronics, IT, and security. He runs his own consulting firm, Strategy Essentials, and serves as the Atlas International Director of Innovation, a Partner at the ARES Institute, a Board member for the Center for Public Policy Innovation, and a lecturer at the Engineering Change Laboratory.

Previously, Jerry was the Chief Innovation Officer and Chief Operating and Strategy Officer at the American Society of Engineers (ASCE), and Corporate Director of Strategy at Northrop Grumman, where he handled business strategy, M&A, and worked with the Department of Homeland Security. He has also been a member of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, a Board member of the National Homeland Defense Foundation, and an author for the Defense Science Board.

Jerry Buckwater Seminar POSTER


Engineering Education and Research Center (EER)
2501 Speedway, Austin, TX 78712
Mulva Auditorium 0.904
