Graduate and Undergraduate students in CAEE and those who are employed full-time by the Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering are eligible for an access card. Requests by non-CAEE students employed by the CAEE Department will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Only authorized access cardholders will be allowed inside the lab area after normal operating hours.


Card access control is a technique used to control the passage of authorized individuals "into" and/or "out of" a designated area. Authorized access into a controlled area can be allowed by an electric lock designed to bypass (or activate) the alarm system which signals the police of unauthorized access.

The card is coded to grant entry or exit through access control doors during a specific time frame. With your UT ID card, you will be able to enter the Learning Resource Center (LRC) only through the door located at the far west side of 2.206. You can exit through any of the LRC doors.

Each use by the cardholder creates a historical record, and an entry message is recorded. The message includes the individual card ID and the time the individual entered the area. The computer then matches this data with the authorization data and decides if that card is valid. If each criterion is satisfied, the cardholder is allowed entry. If not, entry is denied, and the police receive a message that an entry was attempted with an invalid card. The historical record created by the card usage can be examined later if a security question arises concerning activity in the protected area.

Access control cards are issued by The University of Texas at Austin and controlled by the Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environment Engineering.

Getting your UT ID activated

No action is required on your part.  All current graduate and undergraduate CAEE students are automatically granted access to the Learning Resource Center and the Studio Classroom. Access is granted by scanning your UT ID card in front of the reader located at the far west side entrance.

Deactivating your UT ID

Your ID card will automatically be deactivated when you graduate or leave UT. No action is required on the part of the student.

Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to the UT ID Center. Deactivation of the card can be made virtually and does not require recovery of the card.