Every Cockrell School of Engineering student or UT student taking an engineering class can obtain 1 GB of file space for personal information. Students should use this server storage instead of storing files on the local hard drive. Local hard drives are not backed up, and in some labs, all data is lost when the machine is rebooted. Your space is located on a network drive: \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\engrstu\yourDept\eid - substitute "yourDept" with the department of your major (e.g. CAEE) and substitute "eid" with your personal UT EID.

Additional IT Resources are available on the student intranet (EID authentication required).

UT Box

Box cloud storage is a campus-wide service that allows faculty, staff and students at The University of Texas at Austin to use Box cloud-based file sharing for business and academic use. 

To use the UT Austin Box Service, login HERE.

Desktop and Laptop Backup with UTBackup

Desktops and laptops can be particularly vulnerable to data loss, and manually backing up files can be time-consuming and tedious. The UTBackup service, which uses the CrashPlan software, provides faculty and staff who use desktops and laptops with a simple and automatic tool for backing up and restoring their files. Please contact the department's IT staff for assistance.