Todd A. Helwig
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1994
M.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1989
B.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1987
Professor Todd Helwig is an international expert on the stability aspects of bridge construction, focusing on the design and behavior of steel structures. He is a talented, hands-on researcher and teacher who trains his students to become outstanding engineers and creates practical solutions for practicing engineers. His ability to educate others on the applied technology that comprises the built environment is exemplary.
Todd joined the faculty at The University of Texas at Austin in 2005 after excelling on the faculty at the University of Houston. His research has had a broad focus, including studies involving full-scale laboratory testing, field monitoring of bridges under construction and parametric FEA studies. He has also carried out studies on prestressed concrete and elastomeric bearings for high-demand bridge applications.
Todd has also been active in developing and teaching continuing education short courses on the design and behavior of building and bridge systems. Over the last 20+ years, over 5,000 engineers have attended his short courses. Most of the material for these courses is derived directly from his own research program.
Many of his novel solutions and recommendations have been implemented by TxDOT, and Todd has been active on several technical committees within the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Steel Construction, the Transportation Research Board, the AASHTO Steel Bridge Task Force and the Structural Stability Research Council.
His research has been recognized with several awards, including the ASCE Collingwood Research Prize, the ASCE Moisseiff Award and the ASCE Shortridge Hardesty Award. Todd's work on stability bracing systems in steel bridges was recognized at the North American Steel Construction Conference with a Special Achievement Award. He was also recently selected as the recipient of the 2017 T. R. Higgins Lectureship Award from AISC.