Waheed Uddin
PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 1984
MS, Asian Institute of Technology, 1975
BS, University of Karachi (NED Engineering College), 1970
Waheed Uddin has had distinguished careers in both consulting and education. He is currently a Professor of Civil Engineering at The University of Mississippi and the Founder and Director of Center for Advanced Infrastructure Technology (CAIT) at The University of Mississippi. He has 40 years of professional and research experience in highways, airports, air quality, traffic management, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability.
After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin, he has worked as a pavement engineer for Austin Research Engineers, Inc. and then as a research engineer for the Center for Transportation Research. He has also served as a pavement expert for the United Nations, living abroad in the United Arab Emirates, and then as a consultant for the World Bank Project for the Indonesian Toll Road Authority.
He joined the faculty at Ole Miss in 1993 as an assistant professor. A full professor since 2007, he also served as the civil engineering graduate coordinator and acting department chair. He continues to serve as the Director of the Center for Advanced Infrastructure Technology (CAIT) since its establishment in 1999.
Waheed is a pioneer in evaluating laser remote sensing terrain scanning technology and geospatial analysis for infrastructure development and environmental applications. His transportation and flood inundation mapping products were implemented for 2005 Hurricane Katrina impact assessment on Mississippi Gulf Coast, post 2010 floods in Pakistan, and 2011 floods in Thailand.
He has published four books, one book chapter, and over 150 papers and technical reports. Additionally, Waheed has worked and lectured worldwide in 27 countries and made over 135 presentations including 40 invited lectures and keynote speeches at national and international meetings.
In 2015, he was awarded the Senior Faculty Research Award from the School of Engineering at The University of Mississippi. Waheed is also a ASCE Life Member for life-long dedication and service to engineering profession.