wilbur meier

Wilbur L. Meier, Jr.

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1967
M.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1964
B.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1962

Wilbur L. Meier, Jr., a leader in developing innovative engineering programs, has served as professor of industrial engineering and engineering dean at North Carolina State University, program manager for ABB, Inc., division director at the National Science Foundation, chancellor of the University of Houston System, engineering dean at Penn State University, head of the School of Industrial Engineering at Purdue, chairman of Industrial Engineering at Iowa State, and faculty member at Texas A&M.

He has served in leadership positions in engineering societies, including IIE, ASEE, ABET and SME. He has been selected as a Distinguished Engineering Graduate of The University of Texas at Austin, received the 2000 International Education Award by SME, and has received the Bliss Medal from the Society of American Military Engineers. He has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, American Society for Engineering Education, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, American Association for the Advancement of Science and World Academy of Productivity Science.

Active in professional practice and investigations, Meier most recently served as a program manager for ABB, Inc., for almost three years while on leave from NC State. He has led lean manufacturing training and applications in ABB and other companies for more than seven years. At ABB and in other companies such as Black & Decker, Nokia, Eaton, Square D and Data General, he has had the opportunity to lead and participate in improving production systems in a variety of industrial settings.