Donald R. Haragan
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1969
M.S., Texas A&M University
B.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1959
Donald Haragan’s combination of broad interests with an engineering education has led to an enormously rich, diverse and productive career in the academic world. After receiving his B.S. in meteorology through the College of Engineering, quickly followed by an M.S. in meteorology from Texas A&M, he returned to UT Austin, where he spent nine years in several positions: research scientist in the electrical engineering research lab, instructor in the College of Engineering’s atmospheric science group and civil engineering graduate student.
Upon attaining his doctorate, he embarked on a new stage in his career. In 1969, he moved to Lubbock to accept an assistant professor position in the geosciences department of Texas Tech University. For the next three decades, he climbed steadily through the ranks, academically and administratively. Prior to becoming the university’s president, he held the successive posts of professor and chair of geosciences, associate dean and interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, vice president for academic affairs and research, and executive vice president and provost.
Haragan has served as president of the Southwest and Rocky Mountain division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; as an academic consultant with the U.S. Information Agency; as chair of the academic affairs committee for the Commission on International Affairs of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges; and, in 1988, was one of two U.S. representatives to the International Conference on University Governance in Ankara, Turkey. He has also served as chairman of the formula advisory committee for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and on a number of advisory councils related to higher education in Texas.
In retirement, he continues to serve Texas Tech University in a variety of roles.