Robert B. Daigh P.E.
B.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1977
Robert B. Daigh, P.E., became the Austin district engineer for the Texas Department of Transportation on September 1, 2003. His duties give him responsibility for all state transportation construction, operation, and maintenance projects in the 11-county Austin District. This includes toll roads, such as the Central Texas Turnpike Project, the nation’s largest toll road construction project.
Prior to his latest appointment, Daigh served as both the deputy director and the director of turnpike planning and development for the Texas Turnpike Authority Division (TTA) of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). In 1977, Daigh graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a B.S. in civil engineering and began his professional career in Houston as a consulting engineer. Four years later, he transferred to the consultant's Austin office where he held positions including lead structural engineer and manager of public works. He began his TxDOT career in 1988 as an engineer in the Austin District’s Georgetown Area office. He also served as an assistant area engineer and the district programming and contracts engineer before being promoted to TTA. Daigh is a past president of the Central Texas Chapter of the American Concrete Institute, served as the State National Engineering Design Challenge coordinator and was a 1999 director of the Capitol Area Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. He was further honored in 2003 with Texas A&M’s “Gibb Gilchrist Award,” recognizing his outstanding service in highway engineering with TxDOT.