Altamira Project - Tampico, Mexico

March, 2002

Dr. Sanchez (UAT), Tsutomu Nishimura, Caroline Gerwe, David Wortman, Tanya Hoogerwerf

Final Document (MS Word)- 234kb

Power Point Presentation- 7.36Mb

More Files:

1. SFWETL~1.xls is an excel file with calculations to size the subsurface
flow wetlands (Caroline)

2. TXSEWE~1.xls is the revised sewer pipeline (slope, size, etc.) design
drawn on the big map of the neighborhood

3. ALTIMI~1.doc is David's document describing his economic analysis

4. ALTIMI~1.xls is the excel worksheet with David's economic analysis

5. PICTURES.ppt contains a diagram that Tanya drew of the Subsurface flow

6. NOM-001.doc is a table listing the Mexican wastewater effluent standards

7. SEWERN~1.doc contains two figures for the report.

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