Groundwater Hydraulics
This course will give students a quantitative understanding of the hydraulics of subsurface fluid flow and engineering applications and design. This includes:
- Characteristics of porous media, hydrologic cycle
- Darcy's law of fluid flow in porous media
- Continuity principles
- Well hydraulics; aquifer and borehole testing
- Engineering applications of groundwater hydraulics
- Modeling of groundwater problems
For more information, contact me at:
Course Objectives & Academic/Learning Goals
This course gives students a quantitative understanding of the hydraulics of subsurface fluid flow and its engineering applications. This includes:
- Characteristics of porous media, hydrologic cycle (3 classes),
- Darcy's law of fluid flow in porous media (2 classes),
- Continuity principles (3 classes),
- Well hydraulics; aquifer and borehole testing (5 classes),
- Engineering applications and modeling of groundwater hydraulics (7 classes),
Program Outcomes addressed in this course include:
- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
- An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
- An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
- An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
- An ability to communicate effectively.
- The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
- Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
- Knowledge of contemporary issues
- An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Program Criteria addressed in this course include:
- Apply knowledge of mathematics through differential equations, calculus-based physics, chemistry, and at least one additional area of science, consistent with the program educational objectives
- Apply knowledge of four technical areas appropriate to civil engineering
- Design a system, component, or process in more than one civil engineering context
The student is expected to have a working knowledge of the basic principles of fluid mechanics and engineering hydraulics, and facility with the use of spreadsheets for performing advanced analyses including writing of modules. Thus, the student must have completed the following University of Texas at Austin courses or their equivalent:
- Civil Engineering 319F, Elementary Fluid Mechanics, or equivalent,
- Civil Engineering 356, Engineering Hydraulics, or equivalent
Text Required
Groundwater Hydrology, Todd, David Keith, Larry W. Mays, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Homework Policy
Homework assignments will be made by the instructor and due on the date posted in the "assignments" page of the course website or as modified from time to time by the instructor. The homework assignments that you turn in are intended to represent just your own work. We encourage you to work together in terms of understanding problems, and helping each other learn the material. The actual work should be yours alone. Late homework assignments will be penalized 20% per day late. Once a homework assignment has been graded and returned, no further homework will be accepted for that assignment. Assignments will be graded based on solution procedure, numerical results, clarity, and appearance of the report. The instructor may assign a failing grade to any student not turning in 75% of the homework assignments for this course.
CAEE Department policy: Graded materials must not be returned to a student in any manner that would allow others to see the student’s grade on the assignment. Graded materials may not be passed around the classroom or left outside an office. Graded assignments will be available for students to pick up from Ms. Carol Perales or Ms. Shamma Haque (ECJ 4.200).
Attendance is mandatory.
Office Hours
By appointment. Please feel free to call me at (471-5644), or send me an e-mail at
Exam Policy
Exam procedures - Exams will be held during class periods. The exams will be closed book and closed notes. One (1) 8.5 x 11 in page may be used in each exam. Conversion factors, physical properties of fluids and trigonometric formulas will be provided to you on the exam paper as needed. Prior to the end of an exam the time remaining will be announced. You must submit your exam paper at the end of that time. At the end of the exam period the instructor or proctor will leave the room with all submitted exam material. Absolutely no exam material of any kind will be accepted by the instructor or proctor after leaving the exam room.
Calculators and Cell Phones: Calculators (equivalent to the model allowed on the SAT exam) may be used on the exam, but they must be provided by the student. The instructor does not have calculators to use during the exams, so bring your own. Computers (laptops, tablets, or smart phones) are not allowed to be used during the exam period. Cell phones are not allowed to be used during the exam period.
Exam dates will be posted on the class website and announced in class. Students are responsible for informing the instructor of any conflict with this schedule so that, if possible, alternative dates can be agreed upon by the class.
Makeup exams will not be given. Medical illness (or other comparable situation) will be the only excuse for being given credit for a missed exam. If you miss an exam during the semester for a medical reason, you will be assigned a grade for the exam based on the exams which you have taken as follows: A grade for the exam that you missed will be estimated based on how you did on the other exams during the semester relative to the rest of the class. If you miss an exam due to an illness, you will be asked to present definitive evidence that you were, in fact, ill. You must inform the instructor in advance that you are ill, unless there are compelling reasons why you cannot do so. If you miss an exam for reasons other than illness or other valid excuse, you will be assigned a grade of zero.
CAEE Department policy: Graded materials must not be returned to a student in any manner that would allow others to see the student’s grade on the assignment. Graded materials may not be passed around the classroom or left outside an office. Graded assignments will be available for students to pick up from Ms. Carol Perales or Ms. Shamma Haque (ECJ 4.200).
Questions about grading - If, after a homework or an exam has been graded and returned, you have questions about the grading, please write your questions or comments on a separate sheet of paper and turn this in to the instructor with the paper. Papers will be accepted for re-evaluation for only one week after they have been returned.
Project/Design Assignments
Purpose - Students use a groundwater flow model to assess the effectiveness of combinations of containment options in managing the effects of a contaminated site. Various combinations of options are analyzed for their hydraulic merits. Students work in teams on the design project dealing with limiting hydraulic containment of a contaminated aquifer. This is a real, complex groundwater issue. Each team makes an video presentation of their results, and delivers a final report.
During the semester each student will in a team on a design project dealing with limiting hydraulic containment of a contaminated aquifer. The purposes of the term project are:
- To enable you to explore in-deptha real complex groundwater problem.
- To provide experience in the formulation, execution and presentation of an engineering design investigation in the area of water resources planning and management.
- To produce a video report that will be informative to you and to your classmates.
Steps in Carrying out the Project - The steps in carrying out the project are:
- Students and the instructor for teams.
- Teams will then work on a series of assignments leading to the final design assignment.
- Teams will present their project to the class as a video on the course Canvas site and submit a written critique of 2 other videos to the instructor.
Project Presentations - Final projects will be presented in video, 15 minutes (max). Presentations should include
- Introduction
- Short statement of problem, its importance, and what report contains
- Method(s)
- Theory and method of how you solved your problem
- Results
- Example of running your program or solution to your problem
- Conclusions
- What did you learn from the project, including an assessment of how effective you think your program or project is, and what could be done to extend or improve your project
Project Grading Rubric - Based on the project video and submitted computer implementation files, and considering:
- Originality
- Introduction
- Technical Competence (method, results, assessment)
- Overall quality of presentation or report (speaking, audience interest, language usage)
Project Reports - Should contain:
- Project presentation (video format)
- Computer code files (Groundwater Vista files for each alternative)
Grading basis - The basis of grading for this course will consist of the following components with the indicated weights:
- Exam 1: 17%
- Exam 2: 17%
- Homework: 32%
- Project: 3 parts:
- Part 1 = 5%;
- Part 2 = 10%;
- Part 3 = 19%
Grade Ranges - Letter grades will be assigned as follows:
- A 92 – 100%
- A- 89 - 91%
- B+ 86 – 88%
- B 82 - 85%
- B- 79 - 81%
- C+ 76 – 78%
- C 70 – 75%
- C- 67 - 69%
- D+ 64 – 66%
- D 58 – 63%
- D- 55 – 58%
- F < 55%
Drop Policy
The standard drop policy is in force.
Course Evaluation
Standard approved Course Instructor web-based form will be used.
Students with Disabilities
The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 471-6259 (voice) or 232-2937 (video phone) or
Topical Outline
See Assignments Page