Since 2001, researchers from the Center for Research in Water Resources (CRWR) at The University of Texas at Austin have been engaged in a program of developing water management tools for use in the Rio Grande - Rio Bravo basin shared between Mexico and the United States.
Our research team has been the technical lead on the Physical Assessment Project, a bi-national US-Mexico effort to develop improved management strategies for the transboundary Rio Grande basin, including GIS data base development, water allocation modeling and negotiation, water policy assessment, water quality modeling, hydrologic model development and climate change adaptation.
This research has been funded by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the North American Development Bank (NADBank), The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA). Some of the results of this research are available at the links listed below.
For more information, contact Dr. Daene McKinney at: daene@aol.com.
Sandoval-Solis, S., and D. C. McKinney, Integrated Water Management for Environmental Restoration Flows in the Rio Grande, J. Water Res. Plann. and Management, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000331. Posted ahead of print 8 Nov 2012
Sandoval-Solis, Samuel, Rebecca L. Teasley, Daene C. McKinney, Gregory A. Thomas, and Carlos Patiño-Gomez. Collaborative Modeling to Evaluate Water Management Scenarios in the Rio Grande Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-15. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12070, 2013
Ingol-Blanco, E., and D. C. McKinney, Development of a Hydrologic Model for the Rio Conchos Basin, J. Hydrologic Engineering, accepted, Posted ahead of print 15 February 2012, doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000607
Sandoval-Solis, S., D. C. McKinney, R. L. Teasley, C. Patino-Gomez, Groundwater Banking in the Rio Grande Basin, J. Water Resour. Planning and Management, J. Water Resour. Plng. and Mgmt. 137(1):62-71, 2011.
Sandoval-Solis, S., D. C. McKinney, and D. P. Loucks, Sustainability Index for Water Resources Planning and Management, J. Water Resour. Planning and Management, 137(5):381-390, 2011.
Patiño-Gomez, C., D.C. McKinney, and D.R. Maidment, Sharing Water Resources Data in the Bi-National Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, J. Water Resour. Planning and Management, 133(5):416-426, 2007
Whiteaker, T.L., D.R. Maidment, H. Gopalan, C. Patiño-Gomez, and D.C. McKinney, Raster-Network Regionalization for Watershed Data Processing, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p341-353, 2007
Books & Book Chapters
Sandoval-Solis, S., D. C. McKinney, and Teasley, R.L., Water management policies to reduce the over allocation of water rights in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, in Transboundary Water Management -- A Multidisciplinary Approach, J. Ganoulis, J. Fried and A. Aureli (eds), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2011
Conference Proceedings
Patiño-Gomez, C., D. C. McKinney, and D. R. Maidment, Water Management Information System for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, GIS-Hydro 2004, Proceedings ESRI User Conference, San Diego, August 2004
Patiño-Gomez, C., D. C. McKinney, and D. R. Maidment, Development of a Hydrologic Geodatabase for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, AWRA Spring Specialty Conference: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Water Resources III, Nashville, TN, May 17-19, 2004
Patiño-Gomez, C., D. C. McKinney, D. R. Maidment, J. Goodall, P. Martínez, J. M. Hinojosa, and V. Quezada, Water Management Information System for the Rio Bravo/Grande basin: Creation of a georeferenced data base, Second International Symposium on Transboundary Water Management, Tuscon, Arizona, Nov. 2004
Patiño-Gomez, C., D. C. McKinney, D. R. Maidment, and T. Whiteaker, Raster – Network Regionalization Process Applied to the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, Second International Symposium on Transboundary Waters management, Resolving Transboundary Water Conflicts: Approaches, Tucson, AZ, Nov. 16-19, 2004
Patiño-Gomez, C., D. C. McKinney, and D. R. Maidment, Water Management Information System for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, GIS-Hydro 2005, Proceedings ESRI User Conference, San Diego, August 2005
Patiño-Gomez, C., D. C. McKinney, and D. R. Maidment, Water Quality Data Model (WQDM) in GIS for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, GIS-Hydro 2006, Proceedings ESRI User Conference, San Diego, August 2006
Patiño-Gomez, C., D. C. McKinney, and D. R. Maidment, Water Quality Data Model in GIS for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, GIS-Hydro 2007, Proceedings ESRI User Conference, San Diego, August 2007
Patiño, C., D.C. McKinney, and D.R. Maidment, Water Quality Data Model in GIS for the Rio Bravo/Grande basin, Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH V), Tempe, Arizona, 4-7 December 2007
Patiño-Gomez, C., and D. C. McKinney, Water Management Information System in Mexico-United States of America Border Region, IV International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15th-18th October 2008
Patiño, C., D.C. McKinney, and D.R. Maidment, Water Quality Data Model in GIS for the Rio Bravo/Grande basin, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Honolulu, HI, May 2008
Sandoval-Solis, S., D. C. McKinney, R. L. Teasley, C. Patino-Gomez, H. Sanvicente, Scenario Analysis for improved management f the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Honolulu, HI, May 2008
Sandoval-Solís, S., D. C. McKinney, Evaluation of Water Management Scenarios in the Rio Bravo/Grande Basin, XXIII Congreso Latino-Americano de Hidraulica, Cartegena de Indias, Columbia, September 2008
Sandoval-Solis, S. and D. C. McKinney, Water management policies to reduce the over allocation of water rights in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, IV International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15th-18th October 2008
Sandoval-Solis, S., and D. C. McKinney, Hydrological Feasibility of Environmental Flows in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Kansas City, KS, May 2009
Sandoval-Solis, S., and D. C. McKinney, Evaluation of Policies to Improve the Water Management in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, WEAP Regional Conference, Damascus, Syria, May 25-27, 2009
McKinney, D. C., and R. L. Teasley, , Whole Basin Water Resources Planning Model for the Rio Grande/Bravo, Proc. EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Tampa, FL, May 2007
Teasley, R. L. and D. C. McKinney, Water Resource Management in a Transboundary River Basin using Cooperative Game Theory: The Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Honolulu, HI, May 2008
Teasley, R. L. and D. C. McKinney, Water Resource Management in Transboundary River Basin using Cooperative Game Theory: The Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, in An International Perspective on Environmental and Water Resources, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of ASCE and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), January 5-7, 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand
E. Ingol-Blanco, and D. C. McKinney, Hydrologic Model of the Rio Conchos, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Kansas City, KS, May 2009
Teasley, R.L., and D. C. McKinney, Evaluating Water Resource Management in the Transboundary Rio Grande/Bravo using Cooperative Game Theory, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Providence, RI, May 2010
Sandoval-Solis, S., and D. C. McKinney, Evaluation of Water Conservation Measures Implemented in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Providence, RI, May 2010
E. Ingol-Blanco, and D. C. McKinney, Transboundary Climate Change Effects on the Hydrologic Regime in the Rio Conchos Basin, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Providence, RI, May 2010
Ingol, E., and D.C. McKinney, Scenarios analysis to adapt to climate change effects in the Rio Conchos Basin, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Palm Springs, CA, May 2011
Sandoval, S., and D.C. McKinney, Risk Analysis of the 1944 Treaty between the United States and Mexico for the Rio Grande/ Rio Bravo Basin, EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, Palm Springs, CA, May 2011
Sandoval-Solis, S. and D.C. McKinney, Water Management for Environmental
Restoration Flows in the Big Bend Reach, Rio Grande, Geological Society of
America, 46th South-Central Annual Meeting, Alpine TX March 2012
Technical Reports
Rio Grande Geodatabase:
Map Inventory of the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin:ftp://ftp.crwr.utexas.edu/pub/outgoing/PATINOC/MAPS_1.htm
List of Digital Information and Inventory:ftp://ftp.crwr.utexas.edu/pub/outgoing/PATINOC/INF_SOURCE-WebPage.htm
WRAP Hydro Training Course Notes:ftp://ftp.crwr.utexas.edu/pub/outgoing/PATINOC/WRAPHydro_TrainingCourse/
ArcHydro training course in Spanish November 2002:ftp://ftp.crwr.utexas.edu/pub/outgoing/PATINOC/ArcHydro_SpanishCourse/
Patiño-Gomez, C., Martinez, S., McKinney, D. C., and D. R. Maidment, Courso de Cpacitacion ArcHydro, Technical Report, CRWR, University of Texas at Austin, July, 2004
Patino-Gomez, C., and D. C. McKinney, Water Management Information System for the Rio Bravo/Grande Basin, CRWR Online Report 04-10, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, August 2004http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/reports/2004/rpt04-10.shtml
Patiño-Gomez, C., R. Teasley, and McKinney, D. C, ArcHydro Course at IBWC (July 18-21, 2005), Training Manual, CRWR, University of Texas at Austin, 2005
Patiño-Gomez, C., and McKinney, D. C., Courso de ArcHydro at ITESM (August 16-19, 2005), Training Manual, CRWR, University of Texas at Austin, 2005
Patiño-Gomez, C., and D. C. McKinney, GIS for Large-Scale Watershed Observational Data Model, CRWR Online Report 05-07, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, December 2005http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/reports/2005/rpt05-7.shtml
Nicolau del Roure, R. A., and D. C. McKinney, Rio Conchos WEAP Exercises – Rio Conchos Ejercicios WEAP, CRWR Online Report 05-11, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, December 2005http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/reports/2005/rpt05-11.shtml
Teasley, R., and D. C. McKinney, Modeling the Forgotten River, CRWR Online Report 05-12, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, December 2005 http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/reports/2005/rpt05-12.shtml
Danner, Constance L., Daene C. McKinney, and Rebecca L. Teasley,Documentation and Testing of the WEAP Model for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, CRWR Online Report 06-08, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, August 2006http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/reports/2006/rpt06-8.shtml
Sandoval-Solis, S., D. C. McKinney and R. L. Teasley, Water Management Scenarios for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, CRWR Online Report 08-01, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, April 2008, http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/reports/2006/rpt08-01.shtml
Teasley, R.L., and D. C. McKinney, Evaluating Water Resource Management in Transboundary River Basins using Cooperative Game Theory: The Rio Grande/Bravo Basin, CRWR Online Report 08-0x, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, August 2009
Amato, C. C., D. C. McKinney, E. Ingol-Blanco, and R. L. Teasley, WEAP Hydrology Model Applied: The Rio Conchos Basin, CRWR Online Report 06-12, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, December 2006 http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/reports/2006/rpt06-12.shtml
E. Ingol-Blanco and D. C. McKinney, Hydrologic Model for the Rio Conchos Basin: Calibration and Validation, CRWR Online Report 08-09, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, 2009
Patino-Gomez, C., and D. C. McKinney, Water Quality Data Model in GIS for the Rio Bravo/Grande Basin, CRWR Online Report 06-13, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, November 2006http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/reports/2006/rpt06-13.shtml
Sandoval-Solis, S., B. Reith and D. C. McKinney, Hydrologic Analysis Before and After Reservoir Alteration at the Big Bend Reach, Rio Grande/Rio Bravo,CRWR Online Report 10-6, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, August 2010
Sandoval-Solis, S. and D. C. McKinney, Water Planning and Management for Large Scale River Basins: Case of Study of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Transboundary Basin, CRWR Online Report 11-02, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, May 2011.
Ingol-Blanco, E M. and D. C. McKinney, Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology and Water Resources: Case Study Rio Conchos Basin, CRWR Online Report 11-03, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, May 2011.
Yalçinkaya, S. and D. C. McKinney, Hydrologic Modeling of the Pecos River Basin Below Red Bluff Reservoir, CRWR Online Report 11-04, Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, May 2011.