Researchers from the Center for Research in Water Resources (CRWR) at The University of Texas at Austin are engaged in a program of developing water management tools for use in the Jordan River Basin. The goal of the project is to study sharing and utilization of water in the basin, by understanding the applicability of the principles of the European Union Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD) and other legal documents such as the 1997 UN Convention on the Law of the Non Navigational Uses of International Watercourses and the Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean (SWM) emerging in the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean (UFM).

To start this process, a GIS database and a model of the Jordan River Basin is being be developed to study the vulnerability of water resources in the basin under a changing climate and growing water demand. Obtaining water availability, demand, hydrology and physical data of the basin is essential to create an accurate model.
Book Chapters
- Comair, G. F., D. Eaton and D. C. McKinney, Water resources and security challenges in the Orontes River Basin, in Science diplomacy and transboundary water management: The Orontes River case, Ballabio, R., F.G. Comair, M. Scalet, M. Scoullos (eds), UNESCO, Paris, 2015
- Comair, G. F., D. R. Maidment and D. C. McKinney, River basin modeling as decision support for improvement of the management and cooperation for the Orontes River, in Science diplomacy and transboundary water management: The Orontes River case, Ballabio, R., F.G. Comair, M. Scalet, M. Scoullos (eds), UNESCO, Paris, 2015
Comair, G., D. C. McKinney, and D. Seigel, Hydrology of the Jordan River Basin: Watershed delineation, Precipitation and Evapotranspiration, Water Resources Management, Printed Online (DOI) 10.1007/s11269-012-0144-8, 2012
Comair, G. F., P. Gupta, C. Ingenloff, G. Shin, and D. C. McKinney, Water Resources Management in the Jordan River Basin, Water and Environment Journal (2012) doi:10.1111/j.1747-6593.2012.00368.x
Comair, G. F., D. C. McKinney, M. J. Scoullos, G.E. Espinoza, R.E. Flinker, Transboundary cooperation in international basins: Clarification and experiences from the Orontes River Basin agreement: Part 1, Environmental Science and Policy, April, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2013.01.006
Comair, G. F., D. C. McKinney, M. J. Scoullos, G.E. Espinoza, R.E. Flinker, Transboundary cooperation in international basins: Clarification and experiences from the Orontes River Basin agreement: Part II, Environmental Science and Policy, April, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2013.03.003
Comair, G. F., D. C. McKinney, D. R. Maidment, G. Espinoza, H. Sangiredy, A. Fayad, F. Salas (2013) Hydrology of the Jordan River Basin: A GIS-Based System to better guide Water Resources Management and Decision Making, Water Resources Management, accepted
Conference Proceedings
Comair, G.F. and D.C. McKinney, 2012. Hydrology of the Jordan River Basin: Precipitation and Watershed analysis. Conference proceedings of the World EWRI Congress, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Comair, G. F. and D. C. McKinney, “Transboundary Cooperation in International Basins: Clarification and Experiences from the Orontes River Basin Agreement” 3rd annual International Water Law workshop, University of Dundee, June 2012
See page 55 in the INBO Newsletter.
See page 48 in the INBO Newsletter.