Tabular Database
Tables are related by Key Fields
Besides the spatial database, we also have an extensive relational tabular database that we have created using Microsoft Access. If you are unfamiliar with databases, the data is stored in tables. Each table contains specific information related to the database subject, which in this project is environmental conditions at the facility. The tables are essentially spreadsheets with columns of data. Here you see the design view of the Location table from the database. Some of the information it contains includes location identifiers, location coordinates, and location type, such as monitoring well or soil boring.
Tables are related in the database through key fields. In this example, the location table is linked to the groundwater levels table through the common LOC_ID field. When tables are relationally linked, queries can be set up to pull specified information from multiple tables. For example, a query could be set up to determine all the groundwater measurements taken from monitoring well #5 in 1996.