Memberships in Professional and Honorary Societies:
- Member, Chi Epsilon, The National Civil Engineering Honor Society (Inducted in 2002). - Member, Tau Beta Pi, The Engineering Honor Society (Inducted in 2006). - Member, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) - Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Member, Purdue Geotechnical Society (PGS) - Member, GeoInstitute, the geotechnical branch of ASCE. - Member, The International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) - Member, Order of Engineers and Architects, Beirut, Lebanon.
Professional Societies and Major Governmental Committees: (back to top of page)
- Member, ASCE Grouting Committee (Geo-Institute) - Member, ASCE Soil Properties and Modeling committee - Member, ASTM D 18: Soil and Rock Committee - Secretary, ASTM D18.09: Cyclic and Dynamic Properties of Soil - Task Group Chairman: ASTM WK38054, Cyclic Simple Shear Test with load Control and with Displacement Control - Co-Chair GeoCongress 2014 session: Hydrocarbon Bearing Geomaterials for Sustainable Energy Production
Technical Community Services: (back to top of page)
- Reviewer, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - Reviewer, ASTM Journal of Testing Evaluation - Reviewer, GeoShanghai- International conference on Soil Mechanics (2010) - Reviewer, International Foundation Congress and Equipment Exposition (2009) - Reviewer, 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2009). - Reviewer, Geo-Congress 2011. - Reviewer, ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal - Reviewer, Soils and Foundations Journal - Reviewer, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Department Committee Assignments: (back to top of page)
- Member: Geotech faculty search committee (Spring 2012) - Member: Graduate Curricula & Policies Committee (Fall 2010 - Present) - Member: Distinguished Lecture Series (Fall 2009 - Present) - Advisor for Geo-Institute Graduate Student chapter (Fall 2008 - Present) - Member: ABET Review Committee (Program Outcome 5 Subcommittee-Spring 2009) - Member: Geotechnical Laboratory Technician Hiring Committee (Spring 2009) - Member: Curriculum Committee (Fall 2009 - Summer 2010) - Geotechnical Engineering Liaison for the External Advisory Committee (Fall 2008) |
Chadi El Mohtar, Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |