Research Documentation Update
Center for Research in Water Resources
University of Texas at Austin
Using ArcView as a User Interface for naUTilus
By Cindy How
Work Update - ISBL
This document is a supplement to Using ArcView as a User Interface for naUTilus, written as the term project document for CE397 - GIS in Water Resources. It describes work done on my research project since the end of the 1997 Spring semester. Note that all work discussed in this document relates to the ISBL portion of the model, though for the most part the scripts created will need little alteration to run on the OSBL portion. The idea would be to enable the applicable scripts to run both portions of the sewer network.
May 12-14:
- Added to the script SORTPOINT.
The script now finds the last node in the ISBL system. This node is the last node only by the ArcView numbering system. It is the node which has an entering branch and no exiting branch. In the naUTilus numbering system, this node is NOT numbered.
View the updated script
Detailed description of the script
- Created the script DRAININPUT.
This script works towards creating a portion of the ISBL input file. It uses information determined in SORTPOINT on node numbers (numbered in the naUTilus system) and determines the naUTilus version of the terminal node. It also creates a table (drains.dbf). This table has a number of records equal to the number of drains in the system. The fields represent the data input for each drain: drain type, branch/node connectivity, flow rate, temperature, concentration, drain diameter, sealed or unsealed, and oil fraction. A note on branch/node connectivity: If the drain is an online drain, it is associated with a node. An elbow drain is associate with a branch. (Updated on 6/16/97)
View the script
Detailed description of the script
May 19-22:
- Created the script SELECT
This script allows the user to click on the nodes which represent manholes. It then flags those nodes as manholes and puts a red graphic on it. SELECT is called from an updated version of SORTPOINT. See the documentation on SORTPOINT for more details.
View the script
Detailed description of the script
- Created the script CONNECTIVITY.
This script creates another portion of the ISBL input file. It use both the branch and node attribute tables to create the input on branch/node connectivity as required for naUTilus input. A table called nodecon.dbf is created, holding the data required for naUTilus input.
View the script
Detailed description of the script
June 9 - 13:
- Created the scripts SELECTBR and BRTAB
SELECTBR can be run with BRTAB or on its own. BRTAB creates a table containing the length, diameter, and slope information for an ISBL unit. The length information is read from the branch attribute table, while the user selects or accepts default values for diameter and length values. The values selected should be the value which describes the majority of the pipes in the network. SELECTBR allows the user change from the default value for individual pipes.
View the script BRTAB.
Detailed description of BRTAB.
View the script SELECTBR
Detailed description of SELECTBR
- Working on the script WRITEINP
June 16 - 20:
- Completed the script WRITEINP
WRITEINP creates the input file required by naUTilus by reading the attribute tables and the tables created by the scripts DRAININPUT, CONNECTIVITY, and BRTAB. WRITEINP prompts the user for some information, but reads the majority from these tables. Some changes to this script may be needed.
View the script
Detailed description of the script
View the naUTilus input file created
- Created the scripts HARDPIPE and HPSELECT.
Run together, these scripts create the table for information on hardpipe connections, as well as entering user input data on the connections. The scripts are run together through a button, with HARDPIPE as the Click event and HPSELECT as the Apply event.
View the script HARDPIPE
Detailed description of HARDPIPE
View the script HPSELECT
Detailed description of HPSELECT
- Created the script DRAINDATA.
This script runs with the updated version of the script DRAININPUT. It allows the user to input information on drains and stores it in the table created by DRAININPUT.
View the script
Detailed description of the script
- Updated the script CREATETAB and created DROPDATA.
The previous version of CREATETAB did not include a way to determine the node and branch connectivity of the drops indicated. The combination of the new CREATETAB and DROPDATA allows the user to click on the branch at which a drop occurs, finds the node which that branch flows into, and prompts the user for the height and tailwater depth of those drops. CREATETAB is run as the Click event and DROPDATA is run as the Apply event
View the updated CREATETAB script
Detailed description of updated CREATETAB
View the script DROPDATA
Detailed description of DROPDATA
- Ran the naUTilus model on the input file created in ArcView.
After some difficulty, the ISBL portion of the naUTilus model was successfully run on the input file created in ArcView. Difficulties were caused by problems with the naUTilus code, primarily with the sizes of arrays. As the test network was a large system, many of the array sizes were too small to hold the necessary data. Once the problem was pinpointed, the naUTilus code was altered and recompiled. This introduces the question as to how large the arrays should be initialized to so that no case will overwhelm the system.
- Created the script RUN_NAUT.
The script RUN_NAUT runs the ISBL portion of the naUTilus model from within ArcView. The output file created by the naUtilus model is then brought into the ArcView project. From that point, the output of naUTilus can be joined to the attribute table.
View the script RUN_NAUT
Detailed description of RUN_NAUT
June 23-27:
- Updated the script HPSELECT.
The script was updated so that problems when running the naUTilus model would not occur due to user input errors. As naUTilus cannot have more than 3 inflow branches to a node, the updated script checks for this condition. Also, to prevent user repetition of the same hard pipe connection, if a hard pipe connection already exists at the node a user selects, he is informed and asked if he still wishes to add a hard pipe connection at the node.
To do list: a reminder to me of tasks which need to be completed.
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