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Once I received the coverages from the survey company, I built the facility basemap. This figure shows the facility structures, storage tanks, and surface hydrology. The Delaware River runs along the southern boundary of the site, and there are also two creeks that wind through the facility. You will also notice that features were mapped within 250 ft. of the boundary line. On the northern boundary of the property, there is a residential neighborhood and a school, so there are a lot of potential receptors. There are also a lot of sources. Each storage tank and each process unit could be a source. All of the sources and receptors will be incorporated into the site conceptual model being developed by Dr. Gilbert and Lizan Koerner. Similar to the regional database, there are about 40 facility coverages, and each coverage has an associated attribute table. For instance, for the storage tank coverage, we know each tank id and what is stored in each tank. So this gives you an idea of the amount of information we have compiled for this site.