CE 374K Hydrology   
Spring Semester 2012
University of Texas at Austin


Syllabus:  CE374KSyllabus.docx   CE 374KSyllabus.htm

Field Trip Forms:   Release.docx  Medical.docx

Job Opportunity: Halff and Associates  Halff.pdf

Part-Time Job Opportunity: A.W. Blair Engineering   Blair.pdf

Session 1: Tues 17 Jan    Introduction to Hydrology   Lecture12012.pptx

Session 2: Thurs 19 Jan  Hydrologic systems and the continuity equation   Lecture22012.pptx

Session 3: Tues 24 Jan  Momentum, energy and atmospheric water    MomentumEnergyAtmosphere.pptx  Homework1.pdf   Homework1 Solution Hmwk1Soln.docx

Session 4: Tues 31 Jan  Preparation for Field Trip   FieldTrip.pptx  Precipitation.pptx Dam7Photos.pdf

Session 5: Thurs 2 Feb   Exercise 1: Introduction to ArcGIS for Brushy Creek   CE347KEx1.docx  CE374Kex1.htm  CE374KEx1.pdf   Solution to Ex1  Ex1Soln.docx Evaporation  Evaporation.pptx

Session 6:  Tues 7 Feb Soils and Soil Water  SoilWater.pptx

Session 7:  Thurs 9 Feb Infiltration by the Green-Ampt method  GreenAmpt.pptx Green-Ampt spreadsheet  GreenAmpt.xlsm  Homework #3  Homework3.pdf  Hmwk3Soln.pdf

Session 8: Tues 14 Feb Runoff processes Runoff.pptx  Texas Drought Planning   Drought2012.pdf

Session 9: Thurs 16 Feb  HydrologicMeasurement.pptx  RadEvap.pptx

Session 10: Tues 21 Feb  Review for First Exam  Review12012.docx  Review1.pptx  Solutions to Sample Problems  SampleProblems.pdf

Session 11: Thurs 23 Feb  First Exam

Session 12: Tues 28 Feb  Unit Hydrograph  UnitHydrograph.pptx

Session 13: Thurs 1 Mar  Hydrologic Routing   HydrologicRouting.pptx   Panther.pptx  Dam7.xlsx

Session 14: Tues 6 Mar  Introduction to HEC-HMS   CE374KEx2.docx  CE374KEx2.htm Homework4.docx  Hmwk4Soln.pdf

Session 15: Thurs 8 Mar  Hydraulic Routing   HydraulicRouting.pptx  Adding Reaches and Reservoirs to an HEC-HMS model  ReachReservoir.docx

Session 16: Tues 20 Mar  Design Storms DesignStorms.pptx   20MarchStorm.pptx

Thurs 22 Mar   Arc Hydro Groundwater in CE 374L    ArcHydroGroundwaterExercise.docx  ArcHydroGroundwaterExercise.htm    AHGroundwater.pptx

Session 17: Thurs 22 Mar  GeoHMS and GeoRAS for Brushy Creek (Dr Dean Djokic)  SanAngeloReservoirs.pdf   ColoradoLakes.pptx   BrushyGeoHMS.docx  BrushyGeoRAS.docx 
Hmwk5.docx  Hmwk5Soln.pdf  Brushy Creek Models: UBCHermine.zip  TSHermineModelRES.zip UBCCN.zip  UBCCNRes100yr.zip    Djokic.pptx

Session 18: Tues 27 Mar   Texas Drought and MegaDrought   Dr Robert Mace   Mace.pptx

Session 19: Thurs 29 Mar  Hydrologic Frequency Analysis   HEC-SSP.docx   HEC-SSP.htm  Statistics.pptx Hmwk6.docx Hmwk6Soln.pdf

 Session 20: Tues 2 April   Karl McArthur, City of Austin   McArthur.ppt   (75MB)

Session 21: Thurs 4 April Dr Paola Passalacqua  on LIDAR data   Passalacqua.pdf

Session 22: Tues 9 April  HEC-RAS and Floodplain mapping on Brushy Creek   Ex4.docx  Ex4.htm  ExData.zip  (36.5MB) Ex4Soln.pdf  Hydraulics&Mapping.pptx

Session 23: Thurs 11 April  Elevation data for Floodplain Mapping  FloodElevation.pptx   FloodMappingSenate.pdf  WindOcean.pptx

Session 25: Tues 16 April   Review for Second Exam   Review22012.docx   Review2.pptx

Session 26: Thurs 18 April  Second Exam

Session 27: Tues 23 April  Flow in Channels   KinematicWave.pptx   TINFlood.pptx

Session 28 Thurs 25 April  Environmental Flows in the Trinity River   TrinityRouting.pptx

Session 29  Tues 1 May   Drought and Water Supply Planning   DroughtTechnology.pptx Drought.pptx  

Session 30  Thurs 3 May  Course Instructor Evaluation and Review for the Final Exam    Review32012.docx   Review3.pptx  SampleProbSoln.pdf

Final Exam: Monday 14 May  9AM to 12 noon ECJ 6.406   CE374KDraft.docx