Effects of transport and evaporation on development
of hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay
Sponsor: We are presently writing
a proposal for submission. It is possible for a student to begin
this project while working as a TA and help with the proposal writing.
Start date: ??
End date: ??
Confidence in funding: ??
Students: 1
Overview: In collaboration with
Prof. Paul Montagna at the UT Marine Science Institute (Port Aransas)
and Prof. John Morse at Texas A&M University, we are investigating
the biological, chemical and physical causes of hypoxia (low oxygen
levels) in regions of Corpus Christi bay.
Student goals: Learn to use a 3D
model for a coastal estuary/embayment. Gather all the data necessary
to set up and calibrate the model. Develop a new adaptation for
handling effects of ship channels that are below grid resolution.
Participate in field studies to gather hydrodynamic data to validate
model. Develop some new ideas on how to effectively couple the time
and space scales of physical/chemical/biological processes.
Classes for background:
ME 381P - Fundamentals of Incompressible Flow -
Panton, MWF 10-11
CE 380S - Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Hodges
TTh 2-3