Dr. Chandra R. Bhat |
Op-ed: Why COVID-19 Won't Change Long-Term Travel Behavior
Two of Dr. Bhat's most important accomplishments
Awards received by Dr. Bhat's graduate students
Dr. Chandra R. Bhat is the Joe J. King Chair in Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, where he teaches courses in transportation systems analysis and transportation planning. He also served as the Director of the Data-Supported Transportation Operations and Planning (D-STOP) Tier 1 USDOT University Transportation Center, the Associate Chairman of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, and the Director of the Center for Transportation Research.
Dr. Bhat is recognized nationally and internationally as a leading expert in the area of travel demand modeling and travel behavior analysis. His substantive research interests include land-use and travel demand modeling, activity-based travel modeling, policy evaluation of the effect of transportation control and congestion pricing measures on traffic congestion and mobile-source emissions, marketing research of competitive positioning strategies for transportation services, use of non-motorized modes of travel, and physical health and transportation. His methodological research interests and expertise are in the areas of econometric and mathematical modeling of consumer behavior, including discrete choice analysis, discrete-continuous econometric systems, and hazard duration models. His methodological works are widely referenced in the economics, marketing, geography, statistics, and transportation fields, and have been included in econometric textbooks and software packages. Many of these works, published as refereed journal papers, have been listed in journals as highly cited papers, and two of his papers were included in a book compilation of the 46 most influential and innovative scholarly papers in the choice modeling field in the past 60 years (the book title is Choice Modelling: Foundational Contributions, 2011, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd). He also has authored several book chapters focusing on improved methods for choice modeling in general and land use-travel demand modeling in particular. The number of times his work has been cited, as per the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database, is over the 14,200 mark with an h-index of 65. This citation index places him among the top of transportation professors in citations. The number of his citations in the Google Scholar database is over 34,750, with an h-index of 98. Dr. Bhat's research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institute of Statistical Sciences, State Departments of Transportation, including TxDOT, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Dr. Bhat received the 2004 Walter L. Huber Award and the 2005 James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in recognition of his contributions to "innovative methods in transportation systems analysis and modeling." He also received the 2006 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Award for Excellence in Engineering Teaching, awarded by the College of Engineering at UT Austin, and the 2006-2007 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, awarded by the UT Graduate School. Dr. Bhat won the 2007 Pyke Johnson Award from the Transportation Research Board (TRB) for the best paper in the area of planning and environment, for a paper he co-authored with two former PhD students. He was selected as the 2008 recipient of the Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He also is a 2008 Jefferson Science Fellow Selectee and was conferred the 2008 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award by the Texas Institute of Transportation Engineers. He was awarded the 2009 S.S. Steinberg Award by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), the 2010 Most Outstanding Faculty Award for Civil Engineering by the Student Engineering Council in the Cockrell School of Engineering, and selected as one of seven new 2010 members of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers at UT Austin. In 2013, he receive the 2013-14 Billy and Claude R. Hocott Distinguished Centennial Engineering Research Award by the Cockrell School of Engineering, a Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the 2013 Pyke Johnson Award from the Transportation Research Board (TRB) for the best paper in the area of planning and environment, and was featured as a transportation leader in the PROFILES section of the November-December 2013 issue of Transportation News, the bimonthly magazine of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. In 2014, he was named as a distinguished scientist and visiting professor as part of the Highly Cited (HiCi) Researcher Program of King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia. At the University level, Dr. Bhat was named as a 2013-2014 Longhorn Game Changer and featured in promotional videos at UT athletic venues and in the social media. In 2015, he was selected to receive the 2015 Hind Rattan Award from the Government of India, and the 2015 Frank M. Masters Transportation Engineering Award from ASCE "for his pioneering contributions to transportation systems analysis, his international leadership in bridging the gap between the research and practice of transportation planning, and his dedicated efforts to produce a new generation of high quality transportation professionals." In 2016, he was named as a Distinguished Alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in recognition of his seminal contributions to the field of transportation and urban policy, and was listed on the Eno Center for Transportation's Top 10 Transportation Thought Leaders in Academia. The list, put together by Eno and the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC), features academics who "work in multi-modal disciplines that vary greatly from computer science, information systems, and engineering to public policy, planning, business and design. In addition to grooming the next transportation workforce, this esteemed group leverages their resources and expertise to help solve real world transportation challenges through ongoing research and thought-leadership." In 2017, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement in Transportation Research and Education Award (Academic) from the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC). This award is to "identify individuals who have had a long history of significant and outstanding contribution to university transportation education and research resulting in a lasting contribution to transportation." His paper with students entitled "Transportation Planning to Accommodate Needs of Wind Energy Projects" received the 2017 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Travel Analysis Methods Section Ryuichi Kitamura Paper Award. This award is for the best paper, authored by a student(s)-mentor combination, submitted to the Travel Analysis Methods Section (ADB00) of TRB, which gets over 500 papers each year. Recently, he received the 2022 Theodore M. Matson Memorial Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) for "...a long and distinguished academic career focused on resolving the critical issues facing the transportation industry." Chandra in 2022 is ranked as one of the top three scientists globally in the subject area of transport and logistics. Along with colleagues and students, he is the recipient of the 2022 Pyke Johnson Award from the Transportation Research Board for the best paper in the area of planning and environment (the paper is entitled "The Influence of Mode Use on Level of Satisfaction with Daily Travel Routine: A Focus on Automobile Driving in the United States").
Dr. Bhat has also made significant educational and scientific impacts on the transportation planning field by nurturing and producing a new generation of very high quality researchers. The results of his pedagogical efforts are evident in the quality of his graduate students. In each of the years 2000, 2001, 2013, and 2018, one of his MS students was awarded the prestigious Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award for the best North America thesis in the transportation science and technology area, and in 2013, one of his PhD students won the Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award for the best North American dissertation in the transportation science and technology area. In 2004, and again in 2008, one of his PhD students received the Charley V. Wootan Memorial Award for the best North American dissertation in the transportation policy and planning area, and in 2009, 2011, and again in 2013 one of his MS students won the Charley V. Wootan Memorial Award for the best North American thesis in the transportation policy and planning area. In 2009 and 2012, a PhD student received an honorable mention in the international Eric Pas Prize Competition for one of the top two dissertations in the travel behavior field. His students have been selected for the Eno Leadership Program, the International Road Federation (IRF) Leadership Program, the Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship, the Wanda Schafer Scholarship of the Women's Transportation Society, and the Herman Award, among other awards. Overall, since 2000, his students have received over 45 external (non-UT) awards for their scholarly research and leadership contributions.
Dr. Bhat has been invited and/or elected to serve on several international and national transportation committees, including the International Association for Travel Behavior Research and eleven Transportation Research Board (TRB) committees/task forces. He served as the President of the International Association for Travel Behavior Research, and was a member of the Board of Directors of this association. He is a current member of the TRB Committee on Statistical Methods (AED60), and served as the Co-Chair of the TRB Transportation Planning and Analysis Section (AEP00), Chair of the TRB Travel Analysis Methods Section (ADB00), Co-Chair of the TRB Committee on Transportation Education and Training (ABG20), and Chair of the Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting (ADB40). He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research-Part B, an Associate Editor of Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), and Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP), a consulting editor of Travel Behaviour and Society, and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Choice Modelling, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, EURO Journal on Transport and Logistics, and Transportation in Developing Economies, A Journal of the Transportation Research Group of India (TRG). Dr. Bhat is on the Board of Directors of the Research and Education Division of the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) and was a member of the Executive Committee of the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC).
Dr. Bhat has been a consultant for activity-based travel modeling for MPOs, has conducted research for the Boston MPO in the past on improvements to travel demand modeling, and is currently working with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) on an ongoing activity-based travel modeling project. He has worked with Parsons Brinckerhoff and Cambridge Systematics as a consultant for developing and implementing integrated land-use, transportation, and air quality models. He was on a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Panel to review the travel demand modeling procedures of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) in Washington D.C. He has served as a Peer Review Panelist for several MPOS, including those in the San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Calgary, and St. Louis areas. Locally, he was the technical advisor to a Blue Ribbon Task Force constituted by the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce to review and assess Capital Metro's light rail proposal for Austin.
Last modified: December 2022
Travel Behavior Modeling/Travel Demand Modeling
Socio-Demographics and Land-Use Modeling
Sustainable Urban Design and Physical Activity
Activity Participation and Time-Use
Connected and Automated Vehicles
Travel Behavior Modeling/Travel Demand Modeling
Copula-Based Frameworks
LaMondia, J.J., and C.R. Bhat, "A Conceptual and Methodological Framework of Leisure Activity Loyalty Accommodating the Travel Context," forthcoming, Transportation (Keywords: Leisure travel behavior, leisure loyalty, vacation travel, copula approach, ordered-response model). PDF version, MS Word version
Sener, I.N., and C.R. Bhat (2011), "A Copula-Based Sample Selection Model of Telecommuting Choice and Frequency," Environment and Planning A, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 126-145 (Keywords: Telecommuting choice, telecommuting frequency, copula approach, revealed preference analysis, sample selection models, ordered-response structure). PDF version, MS Word version
Spissu, E., A.R. Pinjari, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat (2009), "A Copula-Based Joint Multinomial Discrete-Continuous Model of Vehicle Type Choice and Miles of Travel," Transportation, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 403-422 (Keywords: vehicle type choice, vehicle usage, vehicle miles of travel, copula-based approach, discrete-continuous choice modeling, travel behavior, greenhouse gas emissions, transportation energy consumption). PDF version, MS Word version
Spatial Analysis and Spatial Econometrics
Narayanamoorthy, S., R. Paleti, and C.R. Bhat (2013), "On Accommodating Spatial Dependence in Bicycle and Pedestrian Injury Counts by Severity Level," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 55, pp. 245-264 (Keywords: multivariate count data, spatial econometrics, crash analysis, composite marginal likelihood). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and H. Zhao (2002), "The Spatial Analysis of Activity Stop Generation", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 557-575 (Keywords: Spatial analysis, multi-level modeling, activity-based analysis, simulated maximum likelihood, Halton sequences, accessibility measure). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. (2000), "A Multi-Level Cross-Classified Model for Discrete Response Variables", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 567-582 (Keywords: Mixed logit model, multi-level analysis, spatial analysis, quasi-Monte Carlo sequences, data clustering, Gaussian quadrature, simulation-based econometric estimation, travel mode choice modeling).
Discrete-Continuous and Other Limited Dependent Variable Models
Ziemke, D., K. Nagel, and C.R. Bhat (2105), "Integrating CEMDAP and MATSim to Increase the Transferability of Transport Demand Models," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2493, pp. 117-125 (Keywords: activity-based demand modeling, agent-based simulation, transport modeling, model transferability). PDF version, MS Word version
Pinjari, A.R., R.M. Pendyala, C.R. Bhat, and P.A. Waddell (2011), "Modeling the Choice Continuum: An Integrated Model of Residential Location, Auto Ownership, Bicycle Ownership, and Commute Tour Mode Choice Decisions," Transportation, Vol. 38, No. 6, 933-958 (Keywords: Multi-dimensional choice modeling, simultaneous equations model, tour mode choice, endogeneity, residential self-selection, built environment and travel behavior). PDF version, MS Word version
Multiple Discrete-Continuous Frameworks
Bhat, C.R., S. Astroza, and A.C. Bhat, "On Allowing a General Form for Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Probit Model: Tourism Travel," forthcoming, Transportation Research Part B (Keywords: multiple discrete-continuous models, finite discrete mixture of normals, MACML approach, endogenous segmentation, recreational trips, long distance trips, tourism travel). PDF version, MS Word version
Wafa, Z., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and V.M. Garikapati (2015), "Latent-Segmentation-Based Approach to Investigating Spatial Transferability of Activity-Travel Models," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2493, pp. 136-144 (Keywords: spatial transferability, activity-travel model, geographic contexts, MDCEV model, latent segmentation approach, regional similarity). PDF version, MS Word version
Ferdous, N., A.R. Pinjari, C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2010), "A Comprehensive Analysis of Household Transportation Expenditures Relative to Other Goods and Services: An Application to United States Consumer Expenditure Data," Transportation, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 363-390 (Keywords: consumer expenditure, transportation expenditure, fuel prices, vehicle operating expenses, multiple discrete continuous nested extreme value model, econometric modeling, evaluating impacts of fuel price increase). PDF version, MS Word version
Rajagopalan, B.S., A.R. Pinjari, and C.R. Bhat (2009), "Comprehensive Model of Worker Nonwork-Activity Time Use and Timing Behavior," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2134, pp. 51-62. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and S. Sen (2006), "Household Vehicle Type Holdings and Usage: An Application of the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) Model," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 35-53. PDF version, MS Word version
Hazard Duration Models
Nair, H.S., and C.R. Bhat (2003), "Modeling Trip Duration for Mobile Source Emissions Forecasting," Journal of Transportation and Statistics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 17-32 (Keywords: trip duration, mobile source emissions, running loss emissions, operating mode fractions, local-road VMT, MOBILE emissions factor model). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and J.L. Steed (2002), " A Continuous-Time Model of Departure Time Choice for Urban Shopping Trips", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 207-224.
Bhat, C.R. (1997), "Work Travel Mode Choice and Number of Nonwork Commute Stops", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 41-54.
Bhat, C.R. (1996), "A Generalized Multiple Durations Proportional Hazard Model with an Application to Activity Behavior During the Work-to-Home Commute", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 465-480 (Keywords: Proportional hazard, multiple durations, competing risks, activity-type choice, activity durations, work commute). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. (1996), "A Hazard-Based Duration Model of Shopping Activity with Nonparametric Baseline Specification and Nonparametric Control for Unobserved Heterogeneity", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 189-207. PDF version, MS Word version
Random Utility Models
Bhat, C.R., S.K. Dubey, and K. Nagel (2015), "Introducing Non-Normality of Latent Psychological Constructs in Choice Modeling with an Application to Bicyclist Route Choice," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 78, pp. 341-363 (Keywords: multivariate skew-normal distribution, multinomial probit, ICLV models, MACML estimation approach, bicyclist route choice). PDF version, MS Word version
Ruiz Juri, N., R.M. James, N. Jiang, J. Duthie, A. Pinjari, and C.R. Bhat, "On the Computation of Skims for Large Scale Implementation of Integrated Activity-based and Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models," forthcoming, Transportation Research Record. PDF version, MS Word version
Lavieri, P., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and V.M. Garikapati, "Introducing Latent Psychological Constructs in Injury Severity Modeling: A Multi-Vehicle and Multi-Occupant Approach," forthcoming, Transportation Research Record (Keywords: injury severity model, Generalized Heterogeneous Data Model (GHDM), latent variable modeling, driver behavior, safety interventions).
Kumar, V., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, D. You, E. Ben-Elia, and D. Ettema, "The Impacts of an Incentive-Based Intervention on Peak Period Traffic: Experience from the Netherlands," forthcoming, Transportation Research Record (Keywords: travel demand management, voluntary travel behavior change, incentive-based scheme, mixed logit model). PDF version, MS Word version
Kamargianni, M., S. Dubey, A. Polydoropoulou, and C. Bhat (2015), "Investigating the Subjective and Objective Factors Influencing Teenagers' School Travel Mode Choice - An Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Model," Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 78, pp. 473-488 (Keywords: integrated choice latent variable (ICLV) models, multinomial probit (MNP), MNP kernel-based ICLV, walking, cycling, safety, green lifestyle, physical activity, school transportation, teenagers).
Sanjust di Teulada, B., C.R. Bhat, and I. Meloni (2014), "Modeling the Propensity to Use a Sustainable Mode in the Context of a Program of Voluntary Change in Travel Behavior," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2412, pp. 11-19 (Keywords: voluntary travel behavior change, panel binary probit, personalized travel plan). PDF version, MS Word version
Ferdous, N., L. Vana, J.L. Bowman, R.M. Pendyala, G. Giaimo, C.R. Bhat, D. Schmitt, M. Bradley, and R. Anderson (2012), "Comparison of Four-Step Versus Tour-Based Models for Prediction of Travel Behavior Before and After Transportation System Changes," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2303, pp. 46-60 (Keywords: trip-based model, MORPC tour-based model, vehicle ownership, work flow distribution, and highway projects). PDF version, MS Word version
Holguin-Veras, J., N. Xu, and C.R. Bhat (2012), "An Assessment of the Impacts of Inspection Times on the Airline Industry's Market Share after September 11th," Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 23, pp. 17-24 (Keywords: airport security screening, behavioral impacts, discrete choice modeling, extreme events, mixed logit). PDF version
Xu, N., J. Holguin-Veras, and C.R. Bhat, "On the Impacts of September 11th on Intercity Passenger Travel Behavior and an Assessment of the Impacts of Inspection Time on the Airline Industry's Market Share after 9/11," Technical paper, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 2007 (Keywords: Airport security screening; behavioral impacts; discrete choice modeling; extreme events; mixed logit). PDF version, MS Word version
LaMondia, J., T. Snell, and C.R. Bhat (2010), "Traveler Behavior and Values Analysis in the Context of Vacation Destination and Travel Mode Choices: European Union Case Study," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2156, pp. 140-149. PDF version, MS Word version
Munizaga, M., S. Jara-Diaz, P. Greeven, and C.R. Bhat (2008), "Econometric Calibration of the Joint Time Assignment - Mode Choice Model," Transportation Science, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 208-219 (Keywords: travel behavior, demand forecasting, time assignment, mode choice, discrete/continuous econometrics). PDF version, MS Word version
Pinjari, A.R., R.M. Pendyala, C.R. Bhat, and P.A. Waddell (2007), "Modeling Residential Sorting Effects to Understand the Impact of the Built Environment on Commute Mode Choice," Transportation, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 557-573 (Keywords: causality, heterogeneity, joint model, built environment, residential self-selection, travel behavior). PDF version, MS Word version
Sall, E.A., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "An Analysis of Weekend Work Activity Patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area," Transportation, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 161-175 (Keywords: Weekend travel, weekend work, work time-of-day modeling, location choice, day of week/season effects). PDF version, MS Word version
Pinjari, A.R., and C.R. Bhat (2006), "On the Nonlinearity of Response to Level of Service Variables in Travel Mode Choice Models," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1977, pp. 67-74 (Keywords: Willingness-to-pay measures, response heterogeneity, mixed multinomial logit model, nonlinear utility forms, travel time reliability). PDF version, MS Word version
Warburg, V., C.R. Bhat, and T. Adler (2006), "Modeling Demographic and Unobserved Heterogeneity in Air Passengers' Sensitivity to Service Attributes in Itinerary Choice," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1951, pp. 7-16. PDF version, MS Word version
Srinivasan, S., C.R. Bhat, and J. Holguin-Veras (2006), "Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Security Perception on Intercity Mode Choice: A Panel Rank-Ordered Mixed-Logit Model," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1942, pp. 9-15. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and R. Sardesai (2006), "The Impact of Stop-Making and Travel Time Reliability on Commute Mode Choice," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 709-730 (Keywords: Travel time reliability, mixed logit, activity-based analysis, commute travel, mode choice, revealed preference-stated preference modeling). PDF version, MS Word version
Yeraguntla, A., and C.R. Bhat (2005), "A Classification Taxonomy and Empirical Analysis of Work Arrangements," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1926, pp. 233-241. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., J.Y. Guo, S. Srinivasan, and A. Sivakumar (2004), "Comprehensive Econometric Microsimulator for Daily Activity-Travel Patterns," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1894, pp. 57-66. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and A. Lockwood (2004), "On Distinguishing Between Physically Active and Physically Passive Episodes and Between Travel and Activity Episodes: An Analysis of Weekend Recreational Participation in the San Francisco Bay Area," Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 573-592 (Keywords: recreational activity, weekend activity-travel patterns, mixed multinomial logit, physical activity, activity-based travel analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Basar, G. and C.R. Bhat (2004), "A Parameterized Consideration Set Model for Airport Choice: An Application to the San Francisco Bay Area," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 889-904. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. and R. Gossen (2004), "A Mixed Multinomial Logit Model Analysis of Weekend Recreational Episode Type Choice," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 38, No. 9, pp. 767-787 (Keywords: Weekend activity-pattern, recreational activity, mixed logit, activity-based travel modeling). PDF version, MS Word version
Frusti, T., C.R. Bhat, and K.W. Axhausen (2003), " An Exploratory Analysis of Fixed Commitments in Individual Activity-Travel Patterns", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1807, pp. 101-108.
Bhat, C.R., and S. Castelar (2002), "A Unified Mixed Logit Framework for Modeling Revealed and Stated Preferences: Formulation and Application to Congestion Pricing Analysis in the San Francisco Bay Area", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 593-616 (Keywords: Revealed preference, stated preference, mixed logit, quasi-Monte Carlo simulation, state dependence, unobserved heterogeneity, congestion pricing).
Nair, H.S., C.R. Bhat, and R.J. Kelly (2001), "Modeling Soak-Time Distribution of Trips for Mobile Source Emissions Forecasting: Techniques and Applications", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1750, pp. 24-31 (Keywords: soak-time, mobile source emissions, start emissions, operating mode fractions, first starts, non-first starts, MOBILE emissions factor model).
Bhat, C.R. (2001), "Modeling the Commute Activity-Travel Pattern of Workers: Formulation and Empirical Analysis", Transportation Science, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 61-79.
Misra, R., and C.R. Bhat (2000), "Activity Travel Patterns of Non-Workers in the San Francisco Bay Area: Exploratory Analysis", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1718, pp. 43-51.
Steed, J., and C.R. Bhat (2000), "On Modeling the Departure Time Choice for Home-Based Social/Recreational and Shopping Trips", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1706, pp. 152-159.
Bhat, C.R. (2000), "Incorporating Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity in Urban Work Mode Choice Modeling", Transportation Science, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 228-238.
Bhat, C.R., and S.K. Singh (2000), "A Comprehensive Daily Activity-Travel Generation Model System for Workers", Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 1-22.
Bhat, C.R., A. Govindarajan, and V. Pulugurta (1998), "Disaggregate Attraction-End Choice Modeling", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1645, pp. 60-68.
Bhat, C.R. (1998), "Accommodating Variations in Responsiveness to Level-of-Service Variables in Travel Mode Choice Modeling", Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 495-507.
Bhat, C.R. (1998), "Accommodating Flexible Substitution Patterns in Multidimensional Choice Modeling: Formulation and Application to Travel Mode and Departure Time Choice", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 455-466 (Keywords: Nested logit model, error-components logit, mixed multinomial logit, simulation estimation technique, nonwork trip modeling, travel mode choice modeling, departure time analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. (1998), "A Model of Post-Home Arrival Activity Participation Behavior", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 387-400.
Bhat, C.R. (1998), "An Analysis of Travel Mode and Departure Time Choice for Urban Shopping Trips", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 361-371 (Keywords: generalized extreme-value model, nonwork trips, congestion pricing, peak period pricing, traffic congestion). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., "Covariance Heterogeneity in Nested Logit Models: Econometric Structure and Application to Intercity Travel", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 11-21, 1997.
hat, C.R. (1997), "An Endogenous Segmentation Mode Choice Model with an Application to Intercity Travel", Transportation Science, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 34-48. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. (1995), "A Heteroscedastic Extreme Value Model of Intercity Mode Choice", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 471-483. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. (1995), "Estimation of Travel Demand Models with Grouped and Missing Income Data", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1443, pp. 45-53.
Koppelman, F.S., C.R. Bhat, and J.L. Schofer (1993), "Market Research Evaluation of Actions to Reduce Traffic Congestion: Commuter Travel Behavior and Response to Demand Reduction Actions", Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 383-393.
Ordered Response Models
Popuri, Y.D., and C.R. Bhat (2003), "On Modeling Choice and Frequency of Home-Based Telecommuting," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1858, pp. 55-60. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., J.P. Carini, and R. Misra (1999), "Modeling the Generation and Organization of Household Activity Stops", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1676, pp. 153-161.
Bhat, C.R. (1999), "An Analysis of Evening Commute Stop-Making Behavior Using Repeated Choice Observations from a Multi-Day Survey", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 495-510 (Keywords: Ordered-response logit, unobserved heterogeneity, random-coefficients, heteroscedasticity, maximum simulated likelihood method, transportation control measures). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and V. Pulugurta (1998), "A Comparison of Two Alternative Behavioral Mechanisms for Car Ownership Decisions", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 61-75.
hat, C.R., and F.S. Koppelman (1994), "A Structural and Empirical Model of Subsistence Activity Behavior and Income", Transportation, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 71-89. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and F.S. Koppelman (1993), "An Endogenous Switching Simultaneous Equation System of Employment, Income, and Car Ownership", Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 447-459. PDF version, MS Word version
Fractional Split Models
Sivakumar, A. and C.R. Bhat (2002), " A Fractional Split Distribution Model for Statewide Commodity Flow Analysis", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1790, pp. 80-88.
Bhat, C.R., and R. Misra (2002), "Comprehensive Activity-Travel Pattern Modeling System for Non-Workers with Empirical Focus on the Organization of Activity Episodes", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1777, pp. 16-24.
Bhat, C.R., and H. Nair (2000), "VMT Mix Modeling for Mobile Source Emissions Forecasting: Formulation and Empirical Application", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1738, pp. 39-48(Keywords: VMT mix, mobile-source emissions modeling, air quality analysis, fractional split model, emissions factors).
Bhat, C.R. (2015), "A New Generalized Heterogeneous Data Model (GHDM) to Jointly Model Mixed Types of Dependent Variables," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 79, pp. 50-77 (Keywords: latent factors, MACML estimation approach, mixed dependent variables, structural equations models, integrated land use-transportation modeling, factor analysis).
Bhat, C.R. (2015), "A Comprehensive Dwelling Unit Choice Model Accommodating Psychological Constructs Within A Search Strategy for Consideration Set Formation," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 79, pp. 161-188 (Keywords: latent psychological constructs, MACML estimation approach, mixed dependent variables, structural equations models, integrated land use-transportation modeling, housing choices).
Srinivasan, S., S. Bricka, and C.R. Bhat, "Methodology for Converting GPS Navigational Streams to the Travel-Diary Data Format," Technical paper, Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, August 2009. PDF version, MS Word version
Lin, D-Y., N. Eluru, S.T. Waller, and C.R. Bhat (2009), "Evacuation Planning Using the Integrated System of Activity-Based Modeling and Dynamic Traffic Assignment," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2132, pp. 69-77. PDF version, MS Word version
Lin, D-Y., N. Eluru, S.T. Waller, and C.R. Bhat (2008), "Integration of Activity-Based Modeling and Dynamic Traffic Assignment," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2076, pp. 52-61. PDF version, MS Word version
Bricka, S. and C.R. Bhat (2006), "A Comparative Analysis of GPS-Based and Travel Survey-based Data," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1972, pp. 9-20. PDF version, MS Word version
Lockwood, A., S. Srinivasan, and C.R. Bhat (2005), "An Exploratory Analysis of Weekend Activity Patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1926, pp. 70-78. PDF version, MS Word version
Waddell, P., M. Outwater, C.R. Bhat, and L. Blaine (2002), "Design of an Integrated Land Use and Activity-Based Travel Model System for the Puget Sound Region", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1805, pp. 108-118.
Bhat, C.R., and T.K. Lawton (2000), "Passenger Travel Demand Forecasting", Transportation in the New Millennium: State of the Art and Future Directions, Perspectives from Transportation Research Board Standing Committees, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
Bhat, C.R. (1994), "Imputing a Continuous Income Variable from Grouped and Missing Income Observations", Economics Letters, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 311-319.
Bhat, C.R., J.L. Schofer, F.S. Koppelman, and R.C. Bautch (1993), "Driver Recruitability for Advanced Traveler Information System Experiments", Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 265-274.
Bhat, C.R., and F.S. Koppelman (1993), "A Conceptual Framework of Individual Activity Program Generation", Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 433-446.
Book Review in Refereed Journal
Bhat, C.R. (1999), "Activity-Based Approaches to Travel Analysis", Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 33, pp. 467-473, May.
Bhat, C.R. (1997), "Urban Mass Transportation Planning", by Alan Black, McGraw Hill Inc., 1995, 411 pages, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering.
Abstract in Refereed Journal
Bhat, C.R. (1993), "Toward a Model of Individual Activity Program Generation", Extended Dissertation Abstract, Transportation Science, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 204-205.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Copperman, R., and C.R. Bhat (2010), "Children's Activity-Travel Patterns and Implications for Activity-Based Travel Demand Modeling," Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January. PDF version, MS Word version
Xu, N., J. Holguin-Veras, and C.R. Bhat (2009), "An Assessment of the Impacts of Inspection Time on the Airline Industry's Market Share after 9/11," Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January (Keywords: Airport security screening, behavioral impacts, discrete choice modeling, extreme events, mixed logit). PDF version, MS Word version
Pinjari, A.R., N. Eluru, S. Srinivasan, J.Y. Guo, R.B. Copperman, I.N. Sener, and C.R. Bhat (2008), "CEMDAP: Modeling and Microsimulation Frameworks, Software Development, and Verification," Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January. PDF version, MS Word version
Vana, P., C.R. Bhat, and P.L. Mokhtarian (2008), "On Modeling the Choices of Work Hour Arrangement, Location and Frequency of Telecommuting," Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January (Keywords: Telecommuting, work-hour arrangement, location and frequency of telecommuting, nested logit model, multinomial logit model). PDF version, MS Word version
LaMondia, J., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "Modeling Side Stop Purpose During Long Distance Travel Using the 1995 American Travel Survey (ATS)," Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January (Keywords: long-distance travel, leisure travel, side stops, side trips, mixed multinomial logit). PDF version, MS Word version
Guo, J.Y., and C.R. Bhat (2006), "Neighborhood Representation in Residential Location Choice Analysis," Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January (Keywords: Neighborhood, residential location choice, modifiable areal unit problem). PDF version, MS Word version
Stinson, M., and C.R. Bhat (2005), "A Comparison of the Route Preferences of Experienced and Inexperienced Bicycle Commuters," Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., R.M. Pendyala, and N. Srinivasan (2005), "Emerging Issues Workshop Summary," Transportation Research Circular E-C071: Data for Understanding Our Nation's Travel, National Household Travel Survey Conference, Washington, D.C., November 1-2, 2004, 44-48, January. PDF version, MS Word version
Pendyala, R.M., and C.R. Bhat (2004), "Emerging Issues in Travel Behavior Analysis," Resource paper for workshop on Emerging Issues, National Household Travel Survey Conference, Washington, D.C., November. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and R. Misra (2003), "A Comprehensive and Operational Econometric Modeling Framework for Analysis of the Activity-Travel Patterns of Non-Workers," Selected Proceedings from the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, 22-27 July 2001, Seoul, Korea, editors: C-H. Park, J.R. Cho, J. Oh, Y. Hayashi, and J. Viegas, Pergamon Press, October.
Nobile, A., C.R. Bhat, and E.I. Pas (1997), "A Random Effects Multinomial Probit Model of Car Ownership Choice", Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, Volume III, pp. 419-434, Editors: C. Gatsonis, J.S. Hodges, R.E. Ross, R. McCullogh, P. Rossi, and N.D. Singpurwalla, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Bhat, C.R., F.S. Koppelman, and J.L. Schofer (1993), "Suburban Commuter Response to Ride Sharing Incentives and Auto-Use Disincentives", Selected Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on Transport Research, Vol. 2, pp. 781-792.
Ivan, J.M., J.L. Schofer, C.R. Bhat, P-C. Liu, F.S. Koppelman, and A. Rodriguez (1993), "Arterial Street Incident Detection Using Multiple Data Sources: Plans for Advance," Pacific Rim TransTech Conference Proceedings, Volume I, pp., 429-435, Editors: C.T. Hendrickson and K. Sinha, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York.
Koppelman, F.S., T.J. Adler, B. Williams, and C.R. Bhat (1993), "Estimation and Testing of Alternative Approaches to Model Intercity Rail Ridership", Proceedings of the First International Conference Proceedings on High Speed Ground Transportation Systems, pp. 289-298.
Smith, B.C., P. Pollock, F.S. Koppelman, C.R. Bhat, P. Nelson, and D. Rorem (1992), "A Conceptual Overview of ADVANCE", Proceedings of the IVHS America 1992 Annual Meeting, pp. 579-588.
Bhat, C.R. (1990), "An Aircraft Routing Model with Departure Time Windows for a Hub and Spoke System", Proceedings of the Transportation Research Forum, pp. 91-100.
Bhat, C.R., and D.R. Drew (1988), "Entropy Minimizing Approach to Transportation Systems Planning", Proceedings of the 19th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, pp. 57-62.
Socio-Demographics and Land-Use Modeling
Copula-Based Frameworks
Eluru, N., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and K.C. Konduri (2010), "A Joint Flexible Econometric Model System of Household Residential Location and Vehicle Fleet Composition/Usage Choices," Transportation, 2010 TRB Special Issue, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 603-626 (Keywords: land use and travel behavior, residential location choice, vehicle type choice, vehicle usage, vehicle miles of travel, joint model, copula-based approach, simultaneous equations model). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and I.N. Sener (2009), "A Copula-Based Closed-Form Binary Logit Choice Model for Accommodating Spatial Correlation Across Observational Units," Journal of Geographical Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 243-272 (Keywords: Spatial analysis, copula, maximum likelihood estimation, teenager physical activity, public health). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and N. Eluru (2009), "A Copula-Based Approach to Accommodate Residential Self-Selection Effects in Travel Behavior Modeling," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 749-765 (Keywords: copula; multivariate dependency; self-selection; treatment effects; vehicle miles of travel; maximum likelihood; Archimedean copulas).
Spatial Analysis and Spatial Econometrics
Bhat, C.R., R. Paleti, and P. Singh (2014), "A Spatial Multivariate Count Model for Firm Location Decisions," Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 462-502 (Keywords: multivariate analysis, spatial econometrics, business counts, composite marginal likelihood).
Sidharthan, R., and C.R. Bhat (2012), "Incorporating Spatial Dynamics and Temporal Dependency in Land Use Change Models," Geographical Analysis, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 321-349 (Keywords: spatial econometrics, spatial multipliers, discrete spatial panel, random-coefficients, land use analysis).
Sener, I.N., R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat (2011), "Accommodating Spatial Correlation Across Choice Alternatives in Discrete Choice Models: An Application to Modeling Residential Location Choice Behavior," Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 19, No. 2, 294-303. (Keywords: spatial correlation, spatially correlated logit model, residential location choice, distance-decay function, activity-travel behavior modeling, discrete choice modeling). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and J.Y. Guo (2004), "A Mixed Spatially Correlated Logit Model: Formulation and Application to Residential Choice Modeling," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 147-168. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and H. Zhao (2002), "The Spatial Analysis of Activity Stop Generation", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 557-575 (Keywords: Spatial analysis, multi-level modeling, activity-based analysis, simulated maximum likelihood, Halton sequences, accessibility measure). PDF version, MS Word version
Discrete-Continuous and Other Limited Dependent Variable Models
Paleti, R., C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2013), "Integrated Model of Residential Location, Work Location, Vehicle Ownership, and Commute Tour Characteristics," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2382, pp. 162-172 (Keywords: residential location choice, simultaneous equations model, self-selection effects, auto ownership, commute characteristics, multi-dimensional choice model estimation). PDF version, MS Word version
Garikapati, V.M., R. Sidharthan, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat (2014), "Characterizing Household Vehicle Fleet Composition and Count by Type in Integrated Modeling Framework," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2429, pp. 129-137 (Keywords: vehicle fleet composition modeling, multiple discrete continuous probit (MDCP) model, multivariate count model, joint model estimation, vehicle type choice, activity-travel modeling). PDF version MS Word version
Paleti, R., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, K.G. Goulias, T.J. Adler, and A. Bahreinian (2014), "Assessing the Impact of Transportation Policies on Fuel Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using a Household Vehicle Fleet Simulator," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2430, pp. 182-190 (Keywords: vehicle fleet composition modeling, vehicle miles prediction, microsimulation modeling, vehicle and population evolution model application, estimation of energy and greenhouse gas emissions). PDF version, MS Word version
Paleti, R., C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2013), "Integrated Model of Residential Location, Work Location, Vehicle Ownership, and Commute Tour Characteristics," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2382, pp. 162-172 (Keywords: residential location choice, simultaneous equations model, self-selection effects, auto ownership, commute characteristics, multi-dimensional choice model estimation).Paleti, R., C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2013), "Integrated Model of Residential Location, Work Location, Vehicle Ownership, and Commute Tour Characteristics," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2382, pp. 162-172 (Keywords: residential location choice, simultaneous equations model, self-selection effects, auto ownership, commute characteristics, multi-dimensional choice model estimation).
Kortum, K., R. Paleti, C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2012), "Joint Model of Residential Relocation Choice and Underlying Causal Factors," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2303, pp. 28-37 (Keywords: residential location choice, residential move, causal factors, joint model, choice modeling).
Eluru, N., I.N. Sener, C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and K.W. Axhausen (2009), "Understanding Residential Mobility: Joint Model of the Reason for Residential Relocation and Stay Duration," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2133, pp. 64-74 (Keywords: residential relocation, residential mobility, land use dynamics, joint choice modeling, endogeneity, sample selection). PDF version, MS Word version
Pinjari, A.R., C.R. Bhat, and D.A. Hensher (2009), "Residential Self-Selection Effects in an Activity Time-use Behavior Model," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 729-748 (Keywords: Residential location choice, residential self-selection, time-use, multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, integrated land use-transportation modeling). PDF version, MS Word version
Pinjari, A.R., N. Eluru, C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and E. Spissu (2008), "Joint Model of Choice of Residential Neighborhood and Bicycle Ownership: Accounting for Self-Selection and Unobserved Heterogeneity," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2082, pp. 17-26 (Keywords: built environment, bicycle ownership, simultaneous equations model, residential self-selection, unobserved heterogeneity, modeling cause-and-effect, neighborhood type). PDF version, MS Word version
Pinjari, A.R., R.M. Pendyala, C.R. Bhat, and P.A. Waddell (2007), "Modeling Residential Sorting Effects to Understand the Impact of the Built Environment on Commute Mode Choice," Transportation, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 557-573 (Keywords: causality, heterogeneity, joint model, built environment, residential self-selection, travel behavior). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and J.Y. Guo (2007), "A Comprehensive Analysis of Built Environment Characteristics on Household Residential Choice and Auto Ownership Levels," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 506-526 (Keywords: Built environment, residential sorting, self-selection, auto ownership, integrated land use-transportation modeling). PDF version, MS Word version
Multiple Discrete-Continuous Frameworks
Bhat, C.R., S.K. Dubey, M. Jobair Bin Alam, and W.H. Khushefati (2015), "A New Spatial Multiple Discrete-Continuous Modeling Approach to Land Use Change Analysis," Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 801-841 (Keywords: spatial econometrics, multiple discrete-continuous model, random-coefficients, land use analysis, MACML approach).
Bhat, C.R., S. Sen, and N. Eluru (2009), "The Impact of Demographics, Built Environment Attributes, Vehicle Characteristics, and Gasoline Prices on Household Vehicle Holdings and Use," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-18 (Keywords: MDCEV model, gasoline prices, built environment, household vehicle holdings and use, vehicle make/model choice). PDF version, MS Word version
Random Utility Models
Pendyala, R.M., C.R. Bhat, K.G. Goulias, R. Paleti, K.C. Konduri, R. Sidharthan, H.-H. Hu, G. Huang, and K.P. Christian (2012), "Application of Socioeconomic Model System for Activity-Based Modeling" Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2303, pp. 71-80 (Keywords: planning applications, model applications, socio-economic model system, synthetic population generation, activity model development, model validation and demonstration). PDF version, MS Word version
Vyas, G., R. Paleti, C.R. Bhat, K.G. Goulias, R.M. Pendyala, H.-H. Hu, T.J. Adler, and A. Bahreinian (2012), "Joint Vehicle Holdings by Type and Vintage, and Primary Driver Assignment Model with Application for California," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2302, pp. 74-83 (Keywords: car ownership, car utilization, multiple-discreteness, driver allocation, SimAGENT). PDF version, MS Word version
LaMondia, J., and C.R. Bhat (2010), "Development of a Microsimulation Analysis Tool for Paratransit Patron Accessibility in Small and Medium Communities," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2174, pp. 29-38. PDF version, MS Word version
Eluru, N., A.R. Pinjari, J.Y. Guo, I.N. Sener, S. Srinivasan, R.B. Copperman, and C.R. Bhat (2008), "Population Updating System Structures and Models Embedded in the Comprehensive Econometric Microsimulator for Urban Systems," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2076, pp. 171-182. PDF version, MS Word version
Guo, J.Y., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "Population Synthesis for Microsimulating Travel Behavior," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2014, pp. 92-101 (Keywords: Synthetic population, iterative proportional fitting, microsimulation, activity-based travel analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Sivakumar, A., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "A Comprehensive, Unified, Framework for Analyzing Spatial Location Choice," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2003, pp. 103-111 (Keywords: Location choice, variety-seeking, spatial cognition, state dependence, activity-based analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Waddell, P., C.R. Bhat, N. Eluru, L. Wang, R.M. Pendyala (2007), "Modeling the Interdependence in Household Residence and Workplace Choices," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2003, pp. 84-92 (Keywords: Residential location, workplace location, latent segmentation, discrete choice, behavioral decision-making, multi-dimensional choices). PDF version
Guo, J.Y., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "Operationalizing the Concept of Neighborhood: Application to Residential Location Choice Analysis," Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 31-45 (Keywords: Neighborhood, spatial definition, residential location choice, modifiable areal unit problem). PDF version, MS Word version
Guo, J.Y., and C.R. Bhat (2004), "Modifiable Areal Units: Problem or Perception in Modeling of Residential Location Choice?," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1898, pp. 138-147. PDF version, MS Word version
Nerella, S., and C.R. Bhat (2004), "Numerical Analysis of Effect of Sampling of Alternatives in Discrete Choice Models," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1894, pp. 11-19. PDF version, MS Word version
Rajamani, J., C.R. Bhat, S. Handy, G. Knaap, and Y. Song (2003), "Assessing the Impact of Urban Form Measures in Nonwork Trip Mode Choice After Controlling for Demographic and Level-of-Service Effects," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1831, pp. 158-165. PDF version, MS Word version
Pozsgay, M.A., and C.R. Bhat (2002), "Destination Choice Modeling for Home-Based Recreational Trips: Analysis and Implications for Land-Use, Transportation, and Air Quality Planning", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1777, pp. 47-54.
Ordered Response Models
Ferdous, N., and C.R. Bhat (2013), "A Spatial Panel Ordered-Response Model with Application to the Analysis of Urban Land-Use Development Intensity Patterns," Journal of Geographical Systems, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-29 (Keywords: spatial econometrics, panel data, random coefficients, urban land development intensity, composite marginal likelihood (CML) approach). PDF version, MS Word version
Khan, M., R. Paleti, C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2012), "Joint Household-Level Analysis of Individuals' Work Arrangement Choices," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2323, pp. 56-66 (Keywords: work arrangements, labor force participation, household interactions, individual choices, multivariate modeling, activity-travel behavior). PDF version, MS Word version
Vyas, G., R. Paleti, C.R. Bhat, K.G. Goulias, R.M. Pendyala, H.-H. Hu, T.J. Adler, and A. Bahreinian (2012), "Joint Vehicle Holdings by Type and Vintage, and Primary Driver Assignment Model with Application for California," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2302, pp. 74-83 (Keywords: car ownership, car utilization, multiple-discreteness, driver allocation, SimAGENT). PDF version, MS Word version
Guo, J.Y., C.R. Bhat, and R.B. Copperman (2007), "Effect of the Built Environment on Motorized and Non-Motorized Trip Making: Substitutive, Complementary, or Synergistic?," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2010, pp. 1-11 (Keywords: Non-motorized travel, built environment design, trip frequency, mode use). PDF version MS Word version
Sustainable Urban Design and Physical Activity
Copula-Based Frameworks
Sener, I.N., N. Eluru, and C.R. Bhat (2010), "On Jointly Analyzing the Physical Activity Participation Levels of Individuals in a Family Unit Using a Multivariate Copula Framework," Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 1-38 (Keywords: Copulas, physical activity, family and public health, social dependency, data clustering, activity-based travel analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Eluru, N., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and K.C. Konduri (2010), "A Joint Flexible Econometric Model System of Household Residential Location and Vehicle Fleet Composition/Usage Choices," Transportation, 2010 TRB Special Issue, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 603-626 (Keywords: land use and travel behavior, residential location choice, vehicle type choice, vehicle usage, vehicle miles of travel, joint model, copula-based approach, simultaneous equations model). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and N. Eluru (2009), "A Copula-Based Approach to Accommodate Residential Self-Selection Effects in Travel Behavior Modeling," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 749-765 (Keywords: copula; multivariate dependency; self-selection; treatment effects; vehicle miles of travel; maximum likelihood; Archimedean copulas).
Discrete-Continuous and Other Limited Dependent Variable Models
Pinjari, A.R., N. Eluru, C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and E. Spissu (2008), "Joint Model of Choice of Residential Neighborhood and Bicycle Ownership: Accounting for Self-Selection and Unobserved Heterogeneity," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2082, pp. 17-26 (Keywords: built environment, bicycle ownership, simultaneous equations model, residential self-selection, unobserved heterogeneity, modeling cause-and-effect, neighborhood type). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and J.Y. Guo (2007), "A Comprehensive Analysis of Built Environment Characteristics on Household Residential Choice and Auto Ownership Levels," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 506-526 (Keywords: Built environment, residential sorting, self-selection, auto ownership, integrated land use-transportation modeling). PDF version, MS Word version
Stated Preference Studies
Sener, I.N., N. Eluru, and C.R. Bhat (2009), "Who are Bicyclists? Why and How Much are they Bicycling?," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2134, pp. 63-72. PDF version, MS Word version
Sener, I.N., N. Eluru, and C.R. Bhat (2009), "An Analysis of Bicycle Route Choice Preferences in Texas, U.S.," Transportation, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 511-539 (Keywords: Bicycle route choice analysis, stated preference modeling, web-based survey, panel mixed multinomial logit, on-street parking). PDF version, MS Word version
Stinson, M.A., and C.R. Bhat (2004), "Frequency of Bicycle Commuting: Internet-Based Survey Analysis," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1878, pp. 122-130. PDF version, MS Word version
Stinson, M.A., and C.R. Bhat (2003), " Commuter Bicyclist Route Choice: Analysis Using a Stated Preference Survey", Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1828, pp. 107-115.
Random Utility Models
Rajamani, J., C.R. Bhat, S. Handy, G. Knaap, and Y. Song (2003), "Assessing the Impact of Urban Form Measures in Nonwork Trip Mode Choice After Controlling for Demographic and Level-of-Service Effects," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1831, pp. 158-165. PDF version, MS Word version
Ordered Response Models
Guo, J.Y., C.R. Bhat, and R.B. Copperman (2007), "Effect of the Built Environment on Motorized and Non-Motorized Trip Making: Substitutive, Complementary, or Synergistic?," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2010, pp. 1-11 (Keywords: Non-motorized travel, built environment design, trip frequency, mode use). PDF version MS Word version
Spatial Analysis and Spatial Econometrics
Bhat, C.R., I.N. Sener, and N. Eluru (2010), "A Flexible Spatially Dependent Discrete Choice Model: Formulation and Application to Teenagers' Weekday Recreational Activity Participation," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 44, No. 8-9, pp. 903-921 (Keywords: Spatial econometrics, copula, composite marginal likelihood (CML) inference approach, children's activity, public health, physical activity). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. (2015), "A Comprehensive Dwelling Unit Choice Model Accommodating Psychological Constructs Within A Search Strategy for Consideration Set Formation," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 79, pp. 161-188 (Keywords: latent psychological constructs, MACML estimation approach, mixed dependent variables, structural equations models, integrated land use-transportation modeling, housing choices).
Bhat, C.R. (2015), "A New Generalized Heterogeneous Data Model (GHDM) to Jointly Model Mixed Types of Dependent Variables," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 79, pp. 50-77 (Keywords: latent factors, MACML estimation approach, mixed dependent variables, structural equations models, integrated land use-transportation modeling, factor analysis).
Activity Participation and Time-Use
Composite Likelihood Approaches
Ferdous, N., N. Eluru, C.R. Bhat, and I. Meloni (2010), "A Multivariate Ordered Response Model System for Adults' Weekday Activity Episode Generation by Activity Purpose and Social Context," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 44, No. 8-9, pp. 922-943 (Keywords: Composite Marginal Likelihood (CML) approach, social interactions, activity-based modeling, multivariate ordered probit model, American Time Use Survey (ATUS)). PDF version, MS Word version
Discrete-Continuous and Other Limited Dependent Variable Models
You, D., V.M. Garikapati, R.M. Pendyala, C.R. Bhat, S. Dubey, K. Jeon, and V. Livshits (2014), "Development of Vehicle Fleet Composition Model System for Implementation in Activity-Based Travel Model," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2430, pp. 145-154 (Keywords: vehicle fleet composition, vehicle utilization, multiple discrete continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model, vehicle count modeling, travel demand forecasting). PDF version, MS Word version
Born, K., S. Yasmin, D. You, N. Eluru, C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2014), "Joint Model of Weekend Discretionary Activity Participation and Episode Duration," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2413, pp. 34-44 (Keywords: weekend activity participation, sample selection, copula, duration modeling, hazard profiles). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., S. Astroza, R. Sidharthan, M. Jobair Bin Alam, and W.H. Khushefati (2014), "A Joint Count-Continuous Model of Travel Behavior with Selection Based on a Multinomial Probit Residential Density Choice Model," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 68, pp. 31-51 (Keywords: multivariate dependency; self-selection; treatment effects; maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood; land-use and built environment; travel behavior). PDF version, MS Word version
Singh, P., R. Paleti, S. Jenkins, and C.R. Bhat (2013), "On Modeling Telecommuting Behavior: Option, Choice, and Frequency," Transportation, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 373-396 (Keywords: telecommuting, work-life balance, count data, generalized ordered response model, multivariate modeling).
Pinjari, A.R., C.R. Bhat, and D.A. Hensher (2009), "Residential Self-Selection Effects in an Activity Time-use Behavior Model," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 729-748 (Keywords: Residential location choice, residential self-selection, time-use, multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, integrated land use-transportation modeling). PDF version, MS Word version
Multiple Discrete-Continuous Frameworks
Bhat, C.R., M. Castro, and A.R. Pinjari (2015), "Allowing for Complementarity and Rich Substitution Patterns in Multiple Discrete-Continuous Models," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 59-77 (Keywords: discrete-continuous system, multiple discreteness, Kuhn-Tucker demand systems, random utility maximization, non-additively separable utility form, transportation expenditure). PDF version, MS Word version
Castro, M., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, S.R. Jara-Diaz (2012), "Accommodating Multiple Constraints in the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) Choice Model," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 729-743 (Keywords: travel demand, multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, multiple constraints, time use, consumer theory). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., K.G. Goulias, R.M. Pendyala, R. Paleti, R. Sidharthan, L. Schmitt, and H-H. Hu (2013), "A Household-Level Activity Pattern Generation Model with an Application for Southern California," Transportation, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 1063-1086 (Keywords: intra-household interactions, joint activity participation, multiple-discreteness, activity-based travel demand modeling). PDF version, MS Word version
Seraj, S., R. Sidharthan, C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and K.G. Goulias (2012), "Parental Attitudes Towards Children Walking and Bicycling to School" Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2323, pp. 46-55 (Keywords: attitudes and values, children's mode choice, travel behavior, intra-household interactions, multivariate ordered response, composite marginal likelihood). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., S. Astroza, R. Sidharthan, and P.C. Bhat (2014), "A Multivariate Hurdle Count Data Model with an Endogenous Multiple Discrete-Continuous Selection System," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 63, pp. 77-97 (Keywords: multivariate count data, generalized ordered-response, multiple discrete-continuous models, hurdle model system, endogeneity). PDF version, MS Word version
Sener, I.N., and C.R. Bhat, "Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Recreational Activity Participation with a Focus on Physical Activities," forthcoming, Transportation (Keywords: Adult's recreational activity, physical activity, activity time use, urban form, activity location, activity timing, multiple discrete continuous models). PDF version, MS Word version
Sener, I.N., C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala (2011), "When, Where, How Long, and With Whom are Individuals Participating in Physically Active Recreational Episodes?," Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, 201-217 (Keywords: Physical activity, social interaction, time use, multiple discreteness, maximum simulated likelihood). PDF version, MS Word version
Eluru, N., A.R. Pinjari, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat (2010), "An Econometric Multi-Dimensional Choice Model of Activity-Travel Behavior," Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 217-230 (Keywords: activity type choice, time of day choice, activity duration, mode and destination choice, joint model, simultaneous equations model, integrated model, MDCEV-MNL model). PDF version, MS Word version
Pinjari, A.R., and C.R. Bhat (2010), "A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Nested Extreme Value (MDCNEV) Model: Formulation and Application to Non-Worker Activity Time-Use and Timing Behavior on Weekdays," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 562-583 (Keywords: multiple discrete-continuous choices, random utility maximization, Kuhn-Tucker demand model systems, Flexible substitution patters, activity time-use, activity timing). PDF version, MS Word version
Rajagopalan, B.S., A.R. Pinjari, and C.R. Bhat (2009), "Comprehensive Model of Worker Nonwork-Activity Time Use and Timing Behavior," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2134, pp. 51-62. PDF version, MS Word version
Spissu, E., A.R. Pinjari, C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and K.W. Axhausen (2009), "An Analysis of Weekly Out-of-Home Discretionary Activity Participation and Time-Use Behavior," Transportation, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 483-510 (Keywords: activity-travel behavior, multiweek analysis, inter-personal variability, intra-personal variability, discrete-continuous model, panel data, unobserved factors). PDF version, MS Word version
LaMondia, J., C.R. Bhat, and D.A. Hensher (2008), "An Annual Time Use Model for Domestic Vacation Travel," Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 70-97 (Keywords: vacation, long distance, leisure activities, time use, choice modelling). PDF version, MS Word version
Kapur, A., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "On Modeling Adults' Daily Time Use by Activity Purpose and Accompaniment Arrangement," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2021, pp. 18-27 (Keywords: discretionary activities, adults' time use, weekend activity-travel behavior, activity based travel analysis, multiple discreteness). PDF version, MS Word version
Srinivasan, S., and C.R. Bhat (2006), "A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Model for Independent- and Joint- Discretionary-Activity Participation Decisions," Transportation, 2006 TRB Special Issue, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 497-515 (Keywords: Discretionary activities, intra-household interactions, multiple discrete-continuous models). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., S. Srinivasan, and S. Sen (2006), "A Joint Model for the Perfect and Imperfect Substitute Goods Case: Application to Activity Time-Use Decisions," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 40, No. 10, pp. 827-850 (Keywords: Multiple discrete-continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model, time-use, mixed models, weekend activity patterns, built environment). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. (2005), "A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model: Formulation and Application to Discretionary Time-Use Decisions," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 679-707. PDF version, MS Word version
Hazard Duration Models
Bhat, C.R., M. Castro, and A.R. Pinjari (2015), "Allowing for Complementarity and Rich Substitution Patterns in Multiple Discrete-Continuous Models," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 59-77 (Keywords: discrete-continuous system, multiple discreteness, Kuhn-Tucker demand systems, random utility maximization, non-additively separable utility form, transportation expenditure). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., S. Srinivasan, and K.W. Axhausen (2005), "An Analysis of Multiple Interepisode Durations Using a Unifying Multivariate Hazard Model," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 797-823. PDF version, MS Word version
Srinivasan, S., and C.R. Bhat (2005), "Modeling Household Interactions in Daily In-Home and Out-of-Home Maintenance Activity Participation," Transportation, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 523-544 (Keywords: Discrete-continuous model, intra-household interactions, maintenance activity allocation, time-use analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., T. Frusti, H. Zhao, S. Schonfelder, and K.W. Axhausen (2004), "Intershopping Duration: An Analysis Using Multiweek Data," Transportation Research Part B , Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 39-60 (Keywords: Multiday analysis, activity-travel behavior, intershopping duration, latent segmentation, hazard-based duration model, unobserved heterogeneity). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and F.S. Koppelman (1999), "A Retrospective and Prospective Survey of Time-Use Research", Transportation, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 119-139 (Keywords: Time use research, activity-based travel modeling, activity episode analysis, time allocation, hazard-based duration model, activity scheduling). PDF version, MS Word version
Random Utility Models
Bernardo, C., R. Paleti, M. Hoklas, and C.R. Bhat (2015), "An Empirical Investigation into the Time-Use and Activity Patterns of Dual-Earner Couples With and Without Young Children," Transportation Research Part A , Vol. 76, pp. 71-91 (Keywords: time-use, dual-earner households, social exclusion, time poverty, work-family balance, multiple-discrete choices). PDF version, MS Word version
Archer, M., R. Paleti, K.C. Konduri, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat (2013), "Modeling the Connection Between Activity-Travel Patterns and Subjective Well-Being," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2382, pp. 102-111 (Keywords: well-being, happiness, activity-travel patterns, time use, stress, multivariate model, ordered response). PDF version, MS Word version
Srinivasan, S., and C.R. Bhat (2008), "An Exploratory Analysis of Joint-Activity Participation Characteristics Using the American Time Use Survey," Transportation, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 301-328 (Keywords: Joint activities and travel, American Time Use Survey, non-household companions). PDF version, MS Word version
Pendyala, R.M. and C.R. Bhat (2004), "An Exploration of the Relationship Between Timing and Duration of Maintenance Activities," Transportation, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 429-456 (Keywords: activity duration, activity timing, activity-travel behavior, causal structure, simultaneous equations, time of day). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., and R. Misra (1999), "Discretionary Activity Time Allocation of Individuals Between In-Home and Out-of-Home and Between Weekdays and Weekends", Transportation, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 193-209 (Keywords: Discretionary time allocation, in-home and out-of-home activity substitution, resource allocation, time-use analysis, utility-maximization).
Ordered Response Models
Bhat, C.R., and S. Srinivasan (2005), "A Multidimensional Mixed Ordered-Response Model for Analyzing Weekend Activity Participation ," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 255-278 (Keywords: Multivariate mixed ordered response, weekend activity participation, activity-travel patterns, simulated maximum likelihood, day of week and season effects). PDF version, MS Word version
Spatial Analysis and Spatial Econometrics
Whalen, K.E., A. Paez, C. Bhat, M. Moniruzzaman, and R. Paleti (2012), "T-communities and Sense of Community in a University Town: Evidence from a Student Sample using a Spatial Ordered-Response Model," Urban Studies, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 1357-1376 (Keywords: sense of community, t-communities, tertiary street network, university students, ordered-response probit model, spatial lag model, composite marginal likelihood).
Bhat, C.R., R. Paleti, and M. Castro (2015), "A New Utility-Consistent Econometric Approach to Multivariate Count Data Modeling," Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 806-825 (Keywords: multivariate count data, generalized ordered-response, multinomial probit, multivariate normal distribution).
Bhat, C.R., S.K. Dubey, and K. Nagel (2015), "Introducing Non-Normality of Latent Psychological Constructs in Choice Modeling with an Application to Bicyclist Route Choice," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 78, pp. 341-363 (Keywords: multivariate skew-normal distribution, multinomial probit, ICLV models, MACML estimation approach, bicyclist route choice). PDF version, MS Word version
Spissu, E., N. Eluru, R.M. Pendyala, C.R. Bhat, and K. Konduri, "A Comparative Analysis of Weekday Time Use and Activity Patterns Between Italy and the United States," Technical paper, Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, August 2007 (Keywords: time use, activity analysis, travel behavior, international comparison, transferability). PDF version, MS Word version
Ordered Response Models
Yasmin, S., N. Eluru, C. R. Bhat, and R. Tay (2014), "A Latent Segmentation based Generalized Ordered Logit Model to Examine Factors Influencing Driver Injury Severity," Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Vol. 1, pp. 23-38 (Keywords: latent segmentation, generalized ordered logit, driver injury severity, crash characteristics, elasticities). PDF version, MS Word version
Paleti, R., N. Eluru, and C.R. Bhat (2010), "Examining the Influence of Aggressive Behavior on Driver Injury Severity in Traffic Crashes," Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1839-1854 (Keywords: Crash injury severity, graduated licensing programs (GDL), teenage drivers, driving aggressiveness, risk taking, parenting).
Eluru, N., C.R. Bhat, and D.A. Hensher (2008), "A Mixed Generalized Ordered Response Model for Examining Pedestrian and Bicyclist Injury Severity Level in Traffic Crashes ," Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 1033-1054 (Keywords: injury severity, ordered-response model, pedestrian safety, bicyclist safety, non-motorized travel). PDF version, MS Word version
Eluru, N., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "A Joint Econometric Analysis of Seat Belt Use and Crash-Related Injury Severity," Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 1037-1049 (Keywords: seat belt use, crash injury severity, random coefficients, selective recruitment, discrete choice models with endogeneity). PDF version, MS Word version
Spatial Analysis and Spatial Econometrics
Castro, M., R. Paleti, and C.R. Bhat (2013), " A Spatial Generalized Ordered Response Model to Examine Highway Crash Injury Severity," Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 52, pp. 188-203 (Keywords: crash injury severity, generalized ordered response model, unobserved heterogeneity, spatial dependence, highway crashes, composite marginal likelihood, spatial econometrics).
Discrete-Continuous and Other Limited Dependent Variable Models
Bhat, C.R., K. Born, R. Sidharthan, and P.C. Bhat (2014), "A Count Data Model with Endogenous Covariates: Formulation and Application to Roadway Crash Frequency at Intersections," Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Vol. 1, pp. 53-71 (Keywords: count data; treatment-outcome models; accident analysis; generalized ordered response; flashing light control). PDF version, MS Word version
Abay, K.A., R. Paleti, and C.R. Bhat (2013), "The Joint Analysis of Injury Severity of Drivers in Two-Vehicle Crashes Accommodating Seat Belt Use Endogeneity," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 50, pp. 74-89 (Keywords: multivariate ordered-response probit, crash analysis, injury severity modeling, seat belt use endogeneity, offsetting behavior, maximum simulated likelihood). PDF version, MS Word version
Mannering, F.L., and C.R. Bhat (2014), "Analytic Methods in Accident Research: Methodological Frontier and Future Directions," Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Vol. 1, pp. 1-22 (Keywords: highway safety, crash frequency, crash severity, econometric methods; statistical methods; accident analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Composite Likelihood Approaches
Spissu, E., N. Eluru, I.N. Sener, C.R. Bhat, and I. Meloni (2010), "Cross-Clustered Model of Frequency of Home-Based Work Participation in Traditionally Off-Work Hours," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2157, pp. 138-146. (Keywords: Social and spatial dependency, composite marginal likelihood estimation, non-traditional work hours, multi-level modeling, cross-cluster analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Hazard Duration Models
Bhat, C.R., A. Sivakumar, and K.W. Axhausen (2003), "An Analysis of the Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Non-Maintenance Shopping Activities," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 37, No. 10, pp. 857-881 (Keywords: Information and communication technologies, sample selection, random-coefficients, unobserved heterogeneity, hazard-based duration model, multiday analysis, activity-travel behavior, shopping behavior). PDF version, MS Word version
Discrete-Continous and Other Limited Dependent Variable Models
Bhat, C.R. (2015), "A New Spatial (Social) Interaction Discrete Choice Model Accommodating for Unobserved Effects due to Endogenous Network Formation," Transportation, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 879-914 (Keywords: spatial interactions, social interactions, spatial lag, spatial drift, endogenous group formation, maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood, panel data).
Sidharthan, R., C.R. Bhat, R.M. Pendyala, and K.G. Goulias (2011), "Model for Children's School Travel Mode Choice: Accounting for Effects of Spatial and Social Interaction," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2213, pp. 78-86 (Keywords: Composite marginal likelihood, analytical approximations, spatial and social interactions, spatial econometrics, school mode choice, children's travel behavior). PDF version, MS Word version
Paleti, R., R.B. Copperman, and C.R. Bhat (2011), "An Empirical Analysis of Children's After School Out-of-Home Activity-Location Engagement Patterns and Time Allocation," Transportation, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 273-304 (Keywords: children's activity patterns, children's time-use, discrete-continuous model systems, post-school travel, activity-based travel analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Copperman, R., and C.R. Bhat, "An Assessment of the State-of-the-Research of US Children's Time-Use and Activity-Travel Patterns," presented at the Second Workshop on Time Use Observatory (TUO 2), March 2010, and forthcoming in Time Use Observatory, LOM Ediciones (Keywords: Time use, activity-travel patterns, children, joint activities, physical activity). PDF version, MS Word version
Copperman, R., and C.R. Bhat (2010), "Children's Activity-Travel Patterns and Implications for Activity-Based Travel Demand Modeling," Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January. PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R., I.N. Sener, and N. Eluru (2010), "A Flexible Spatially Dependent Discrete Choice Model: Formulation and Application to Teenagers' Weekday Recreational Activity Participation," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 44, No. 8-9, pp. 903-921 (Keywords: Spatial econometrics, copula, composite marginal likelihood (CML) inference approach, children's activity, public health, physical activity). PDF version, MS Word version
Sener, I.N., R.B. Copperman, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat (2008), "An Analysis of Children's Leisure Activity Engagement: Examining the Day of Week, Location, Physical Activity Level, and Fixity Dimensions," Transportation, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 673-696 (Keywords: children's activity participation, leisure activities, discrete continuous models, physical activity, structured activities, unobserved factors). PDF version, MS Word version
Copperman, R., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "An Exploratory Analysis of Children's Daily Time-Use and Activity Patterns Using the Child Development Supplement (CDS) to the US Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2021, pp. 36-44. PDF version, MS Word version
Sener, I.N., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "An Analysis of the Social Context of Children's Weekend Discretionary Activity Participation," Transportation, Vol. 34, No. 6, 697-721 (Keywords: Children's discretionary activity, children's time use, multiple discrete continuous models, weekend travel, activity-based travel analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Copperman, R., and C.R. Bhat (2007), "An Analysis of the Determinants of Children's Weekend Physical Activity Participation," Transportation, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 67-87 (Keywords: Children's physical activity, children's time use, weekend activity-travel behavior, built environment, non-motorized travel). PDF version, MS Word version
Connected and Automated Vehicles
Multiple Discrete-Continuous Frameworks
Random Utility Models
Chu, A., M. Motro, J. Choi, A.R. Pinjari, C.R. Bhat, J. Ghosh and R.W. Heath Jr. , "Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) Simulations of Overtaking Maneuvers on Two-Lane Rural Highways," Technical paper, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, February 2016 (Keywords: two-lane rural highways, overtaking maneuvers, VANETs, connected vehicles, DSRC driver assistance systems). PDF version, MS Word version
Shin, J., C.R. Bhat, D. You, V.M. Garikapati, and R.M. Pendyala (2015), "Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Advanced Vehicle Technology Options and Fuel Types," Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 60, pp. 511-524 (Keywords: smart vehicle, advanced vehicular technology, consumer preference, willingness to pay, multiple discrete-continuous probit, mixed multinomial probit). PDF version, MS Word version
Copula Based Frameworks
Bhat, C.R., "A New Generalized Gumbel Copula for Multivariate Distributions," Technical paper, Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, August 2009. PDF version, MS Word version
Self-Selection and Endogeneity in Discrete Choice Models
Louviere, J., K. Train, M. Ben-Akiva, C. Bhat, D. Brownstone, T.A. Cameron, R.T. Carson, J.R. DeShazo, D. Fiebig, W. Greene, D. Hensher, and D. Waldman (2005), "Recent Progress on Endogeneity in Choice Modeling," Marketing Letters, Special Issue: Sixth Invitational Choice Symposium, 16, 3-4, 255-265. PDF version, MS Word version
Multiple Discrete-Continuous Frameworks
Bhat, C.R., M. Castro, and M. Khan (2013), "A New Estimation Approach for the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Probit (MDCP) Choice Model," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 55, pp. 1-22 (Keywords: multiple discrete-continuous model, maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood, recreation choice).
Pinjari, A.R., and C.R. Bhat, "An Efficient Forecasting Procedure for Kuhn-Tucker Consumer Demand Model Systems: Application to Residential Energy Consumption Analysis," Technical paper, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, July 2009, revised June 2010, (Keywords: Discrete-continuous models, Kuhn-Tucker consumer demand systems, MDCEV model, forecasting procedure, residential energy consumption, climate change impacts, welfare analysis). PDF version, MS Word version
Bhat, C.R. (2008), "The Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) Model: Role of Utility Function Parameters, Identification Considerations, and Model Extensions," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 274-303 (Keywords: Discrete-continuous system, multiple discreteness, Kuhn-Tucker demand systems, mixed discrete choice, random utility maximization).
Random Utility Models
Bhat, C.R., and S.K. Dubey (2014), "A New Estimation Approach to Integrate Latent Psychological Constructs in Choice Modeling," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 67, pp. 68-85 (Keywords: multinomial probit, ICLV models, MACML estimation approach).
Bhat, C.R., and R. Sidharthan (2012), "A New Approach to Specify and Estimate Non-Normally Mixed Multinomial Probit Models," Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 817-833 (Keywords: multinomial probit, mixed models, maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood, maximum simulated likelihood, multivariate skew-normal distribution).
Sivakumar, A., C.R. Bhat, and G. Okten (2f005), "Simulation Estimation of Mixed Discrete Choice Models with the Use of Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Sequences: A Comparative Study," Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1921, pp. 112-122.
Bhat, C.R. (2003), "Simulation Estimation of Mixed Discrete Choice Models Using Randomized and Scrambled Halton Sequences", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 37, No. 9, pp. 837-855. (Keywords: Maximum simulated likelihood estimation, pseudo-random sequences, quasi-random sequences, hybrid sequences, multinomial probit model, mixed logit model, mixed probit model)
Ben-Akiva, M., D. McFadden, K. Train, J. Walker, C.R. Bhat, M. Bierlaire, D. Bolduc, A. Boersch-Supan, D. Brownstone, D.S. Bunch, A. Daly, A. de Palma, D. Gopinath, A. Karlstrom, and M.A. Munizaga (2002), "Hybrid Choice Models: Progress and Challenges ", Marketing Letters, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 163-175 (Keywords: choice modeling, mixed logit kernel, simulation, estimation, latent variables).
Bhat, C.R. (2001), "Quasi-Random Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation of the Mixed Multinomial Logit Model", Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 677-693.
Ordered Response Models
Paleti, R., and C.R. Bhat (2013), "The Composite Marginal Likelihood (CML) Estimation of Panel Ordered-Response Models," Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol. 7, pp. 24-43 (Keywords: ordered-response model, simulated likelihood, composite marginal likelihood, cross-sectional model, panel model).