The MUSE students and faculty conduct research using various computational facilities within CAEE and the University of Texas. These include:
a) Two computational laboratories in the Ernest Cockrell Junior (ECJ) building -- the
MUSE lab (ECJ 4.602), and, the
MUSE too lab (ECJ 7th floor - under construction), occupying, approximately, 1200 square feet. The two laboratories are equipped with several high-end workstations, including multi-processor and multi-core computers, most running Linux and Windows-based operating systems.
b) A soft materials experimental laboratory also in the Ernest Cockrell Junior (ECJ) building (7th floor - under construction).
c) For research demanding supercomputing resources, students and their faculty advisors have access to the
Texas Advanced Computing Center’s (TACC) supercomputers, which include Frontera, currently the most powerful university-housed computing system in the world, and the 5th, overall, supercomputer in the world, featuring 8008 computing nodes, with 450,000 cores, and peak performance of about 35-40 PetaFlops.
The TACC also provides access to other massively parallel systems and visualization clusters.
For projects where the synergy of physical experiments and computational modeling is necessary, MUSE students and faculty have access to experimental facilities that include, for example, the
NHERI@UTexas facilities.