Journal Publications |
Yang and C-N Liu
"Finite Element Analysis of Earth Pressures for Narrow Retaining Walls",
Journal of
Taiwan Geotechnical Society, 2(2): 43-52.
Wu and K-H Yang
Probabilities of Mixed-size Sediment Incorporating
Near-bed Coherent Flow Structures”,
Journal of Hydraulic
ASCE, 130(12):1187-1197.
F-C Wu
and K-H Yang (2004),“A
Stochastic Partial Transport Model for Mixed-Size Sediment:
Application to Assessment of Fractional Mobility”
Water Resources Research,40(4):W0450.
F-C Wu
and K-H Yang (2003),“Impact
Assessment of Paddy-Field
Land Use on Regional
Microclimate”, Journal
of Chinese Agricultural Engr., 52(1):
Journal Publications
in Review |
C. Nogueira and J.G. Zornberg (2009), "Finite Element Analysis of
Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes under Large Soil Strain Condition",
prepare to International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods
in Geomechanics. (SCI)
M-H Lin,
C-H Lee, Y-C Lin and K-H Yang (2009), "Heavy Metal Contamination
Accumulating in Marine Sediments and Organism from A Desalination Plant
Effluent Outfall Area", in review by The Science of the Total
Environment, ELSEVIER, (SCI).
J-Y Ching and J.G. Zornberg (2008), "Reliability-Based Design for
External Stability of Narrow Mechanically Stabilized Wall: Calibration
from Centrifuge Tests", in review by Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engr, ASCE, (SCI).
Publications |
Yang, C. Nogueira and J.G. Zornberg (2010), " Finite Element
Analysis of Geosynthetics Reinforced Soil Slopes under Large Soil Strain
Condition", 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics,
Sau Paulo, Brazil, May 2010.
Yang and
C-N Liu
(2009), "Evolution of Failure Surface in Geosynthetics-Reinforced
Slope”, The 13th Conference on Current Researches in
Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan, Yi-Lan, Taiwan, August 2009.
K-H Yang, R. Gupta
and J.G. Zornberg (2009),“Location of
Failure Plane within Narrow GRS Wall Systems", Proceedings of the
Geosynthetics 2009 Conference, Salt Lake, Utah, February, 2009.
K-H Yang, C. Nogueira and J.G.
Zornberg (2008),“Isotropic
Work Softening Model for Frictional Geomaterials: Development Based on
Lade and Kim Soil Constitutive Model", Proceedings of the XXIX
Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engr.,
CILAMCE 2008, Maceio, Brazil, November, 2008,
K-H Yang, K.K. Kniss, J.G. Zornberg
and S.G. Wright (2008),“Finite
Element Analyses for Centrifuge Modeling of Narrow MSE Walls",
Proceedings of the First Pan American Geosynthetics
2008, Cancun, Mexico, March, 2008,
K.T. Kniss, K-H Yang, S.G. Wright and J.G. Zornberg
Pressures and Design Consideration of Narrow MSE Walls",
Proceedings of
ASCE Meeting-Texas
Taylor, Texas, April, 2007,
K-H Yang and J. G. Zornberg
Coefficient of Earth Pressure
on the MSE Walls
Placed in Front of a Stable Face
with Limited Spaces", Proceedings of Graduate and Industry Network
Conference, Graduate Engineering Council, The University of Texas at
Austin, February, 2006, (CD).
*Note: This paper was awarded the top 10 papers and selected for the
oral presentation.
Technical Books and Reports |
K-H Yang, J.G. Zornberg, S.G.
Wright (2008),“Numerical
Modeling of Narrow MSE Walls with Extensible Reinforcements",
Center for Transportation Research
(CTR), Report no.
0-5506-2,Austin, Texas, February 2008.
K.K. Kniss, S.G. Wright, J.G. Zornberg
and K-H Yang (2007),“Design
Considerations for MSE Retaining Walls
Constructed in Confined Spaces",
Center for Transportation Research
Report no.
0-5506-1, Austin, Texas, October 2007. [PDF]
Disclaimer: These papers should be used for educational purposes
only! |