The overall goal of this project is to initiate a fundamental study of the hybrid materials by understanding the role of each component of the hybrid on its behavior in the environment. This project will first study systematically the aggregation behavior of higher order fullerenes, i.e., nC70, nC80, and nC84 in aquatic systems. The eventual goal is to come up with a predictive capability for the peapod hybrid aggregation from their elemental aggregation behavior in typical aquatic systems.
Fundamental Aggregation and Deposition Behavior of Higher Order Fullerenes and Peapods
Additional Info
Funding Agency:
USC Nanocenter
- Award Amount: $20,000
PI-Navid Saleh, Civil and Env Eng, USC
Co-PI-Harry C. Dorn, Chemistry, Virginia Tech - Project Period: July 01, 2010- June 30, 2011
- Not Available
Conference Proceedings
- Aich, N., Saleh, N. B. "Aggregation kinetics of higher order fullerenes in aquatic environment", ACS National Meeting, Mar 27-31, 2011, Anaheim, CA..
- Aich, N., Saleh, N. B. "Aggregation kinetics of endohedral metallofullerene-single-walled carbon nanohorn and nanotube peapods", ACS National Meeting, Mar 27-31, 2011, Anaheim, CA..
- Aich, N., Saleh, N. B. "Aggregation Kinetics of Fullerene-Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Hybrids", ACS National Meeting, Aug 22-26, 2010, Boston, MA..