The purpose of this proposal is to fundamentally understand the effect of structural properties of SWNTs on their fate and biological behavior in the natural aquatic environment. The study design involves systematic evaluation of aggregation, deposition, organic compound sorption, and uptake/toxicity in fish (Japanese medaka) for semiconductive SWNTs for a range of electronic structures (with consequent variation in diameter and chirality). These studies will be fully novel, as there are no fundamental studies reported in the literature examining the effect of basic structural properties on environmental fate and implications of SWNTs. The research proposed will address the following aims. (1) Fractionation of semiconductive SWNTs by diameter/chirality using density gradient ultracentrifugation; (2) examination of aggregation and deposition kinetics of diameter/chirality-sorted SWNT fractions as a function of organic matter concentration and ionic strength using state-of-the-art dynamic light scattering, quartz crystal microbalance, and conventional column-flow transport experiments; (3) determination of the effect of SWNT diameter/chirality on organic contaminant adsorption using common headspace-partitioning methods; and (4) assessment of the uptake, biodistribution, and toxic effects of diameter/chirality-sorted SWNTs in Japanese medaka fish after waterborne- or dietary exposure using near-IR fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy.
Influence of diameter and chirality of single-walled carbon nanotubes on their fate and effects in the aquatic environment
Additional Info
Funding Agency:
National Science Foundation (CBET); Award # CBET-0933484
- Award Amount: $399,319
PI-Navid Saleh, Civil and Env Eng, USC
Co-PI-P. Lee Ferguson, Civil and Env Eng, Duke
Co-PI-Tara Sabo-Attwood, Arnold School of Public Health, USC - Project Period: October 1, 2009- September 30, 2011
Yang, S., A.N. Parks, S.A. Saba, P.L. Ferguson, and J. Liu. 2011. "Photoluminescence from inner walls in double-walled carbon nanotubes: Some do, some do not." Nano Lett. , 2011, 10, 4405-4410.
Full Paper
Conference Proceedings
- Ferguson, P.L., Schierz, P.A., and Parks, A.N. "Addressing challenges of single-walled carbon nanotube detection in environmental samples", 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference, June 5-9, 2011, Montreal, Quebec. (Invited platform)
- Saleh, N. B., Khan, I. A., Ferguson, P. L., Sabo-Attwood, T. "Aggregation Kinetics and Fractal Structures of Chirally Separated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Environmental and Biologically Relevant Systems", Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Nanotechnology, May 29-June 3, 2011, at Waterville Valley, NH.
- Schierz, P.A., Parks, A.N., and Ferguson, P.L. "Addressing challenges of single-walled carbon nanotube detection in environmental samples", International Conference on the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology, May 9-11, 2011, Durham, NC. (Invited platform)
- Khan, I. A., Ferguson, P. L., Sabo-Attwood, T., Saleh, N. B. "Chirality affects aggregation kinetics of single-walled carbon nanotubes", ACS National Meeting, Mar 27-31, 2011, Anaheim, CA.
- Khan, I. A., Ferguson, P. L., Sabo-Attwood, T., Saleh, N. B. " Fractal structures of single-walled carbon nanotubes in environmental and biologically relevant aqueous conditions: Role of chirality", ACS National Meeting, Mar 27-31, 2011, Anaheim, CA.
- Ferguson, P.L., Schierz, P.A., and Parks, A.N. "Analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes in estuarine sediments by near infrared fluorescence spectroscopy." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Interagency Nanotechnology Implications Grantees Workshop, November 9-10, 2010, Portland, OR. (invited platform)
- Khan, I. A., Ferguson, P. L., Sabo-Attwood, T., Saleh, N. B. "Systematic Change in Chirality Affects Aggregation Kinetics of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes", ACS National Meeting, Aug 22-26, 2010, Boston, MA..
- Brusch-Richardson, L., Ariza, M. E., Saleh, N. B., Sabo-Attwood, T. "Development of a High Throughput Assay to Assess the Immunomodulatory Potential of Engineered Nanoparticles" Society of Toxicology 49th Annual Meeting, March 07-11, 2010, Salt lake City, UT..
- Sabo-Attwood, T., Brusch-Richardson, L., Ariza, M. E., Khan, I. A., Saleh, N. B., "Assessment of Immunomodulatory Potential of Engineered Nanoparticles" Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, SETAC-Clemson University, Aug 22-26, 2010, Clemson, SC..
- Schierz, P.A., Parks, A.N., and Ferguson, P.L. "Characterization and analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes in complex matrices by asymmetric flow field flow fractionation coupled with near infrared fluorescence spectroscopy." NANO 2010 meeting, Clemson, SC, August 8-10, 2010. (submitted platform)
- Brusch-Richardson, L., Ariza, M. E., Saleh, N. B., Sabo-Attwood, T. "Development of a High Throughput Assay to Assess the Immunomodulatory Potential of Engineered Nanoparticles" Society of Toxicology 49th Annual Meeting, March 07-11, 2010, Salt lake City, UT.