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last  update: 7.01.05  

Central Asia and Aral Sea Water Management Decision Support Tools and Data

This site is devoted to water and environmental research works of Central Asia. There are many projects and results to report. Here can be found the most complete database kindly provided by scientists from different countries. 

This site is based on results of the work of a big group of scientists from different countries: Germany, USA, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Kyrgystan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Tajikistan. The main computation tool -EPIC was elaborated by Prof. Daene McKinney, Dr. Andre Savitsky, Dr. Maja Schlueter. Approaches to modelling were elaborated together with: M.M.Hamidov, A.I.Lishansky, E.M.Jeleznova, A.Zyryanov, A.Hisariev, S.Zaiceva, O.Tihonova and N.Reizvih.

We appreciate the help and support of Dr. Dietmar Keyser, Prof. V.A. Dukhovny,
Dr. Gary Kutcher, Alex Meeraus, Barbara Britton, Prof. Helmut Lieth, and Dr. D.S. McCauley
(Without these people nothing would have happened!).

We appreciate the support of UNESCO,WORLD BANK, USAID,IREX,INTAS, NATA, Fulbright Foundation, IATP, IRG.


 2005  © Savitsky Ivan. All  rights reserved.