Data Name |
Description |
bufnca5 |
Arc/Info polygon coverage of NC streams downloaded from 1:2,000,000 scale DLG from USGS. |
city |
Shape file of urban land use polygons in study area. Created by selecting Land use polygons with LULC code equal to "urban". |
component |
Info table associated with STATSGO soils coverage. Provides information about the components that make up each STATSGO mapunit. |
flood |
Shape file of flood prone areas in the study region. Created by converting nc2 polygons with components prone to flooding into a shape file coverage. |
flor.e00.gz |
Zipped data file of Florence map sheet from LULC. |
flor |
Arc/Info polygon coverage created by converting flor.e00.gz into Arc/Info format. |
flor2 |
Arc/Info polygon coverage of flor converted into an albers projection. |
flor3 |
Arc/Info polygon coverage of LULC for study region. Created by clipping the flor2 coverage with the nc coverage. |
florinfo |
Data file describing attributes of LULC polygons. |
layer |
Info table associated with STATSGO soils coverage. Provides information about the layers that make up each STATSGO component. |
map unit |
Info table associated with STATSGO soils coverage. Provides information about each STATSGO polygon known as a mapunit. |
medclay |
Shape file of STATSGO polygons with between 10 and 30 % clay content. |
nc |
Arc/Info North Carolina STATSGO soil polygon coverage created by the USDA. |
nc2 |
Arc/Info polygon coverage created by clipping the nc coverage with the flor3 coverage to create the study region. |
nc.hydro.sdts.tar |
USGS 1:2,000,000 DLG data for North Carolina streams. |
ncstalb3 |
Arc/Info line coverage in Albers projection of NC streams. Created by converting ncstreams into Albers projection. |
ncstream |
Arc/Info line coverage of NC streams downloaded from 1:2,000,000 scale DLG from the USGS. |
noclay |
Shape file of STATSGO polygons with less than a 10 % clay content |
robuf |
Shape file of NC roads with buffer created by selecting roads from bufnca5 and converting to a shape file in ArcView. |
strbuf2 |
Arc/Info polygon coverage of NC streams with 90 meter buffer on each side. Created by Arc/Info command buffer applied to ncstalb3. |
uncalb1 |
Arc/Info line coverage in Albers projection of NC roads. Created by converting uncroad into Albers projection. |
uncalb2 |
Arc/Info line coverage of NC roads in the study area. Created by clipping uncalb1 with the flor3 coverage. |
uncroad |
Arc/Info line coverage of major NC roads created by untarring and converting unctrans.sdts.tar into Arc/Info format. |
unc.trans.sdts.tar |
USGS 1:2,000,000 scale DLG data for major NC roads. |
wetland |
Shape file of wetland and water polygons in the study area. Created by selecting land use polygons with LULC code equal to "water" or "wetland". |