GIS Class - Mike McAdams
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Work and Work Plan
Current Plan:
The overall scope of this project is to construct a map of potentially usable forest lands. Currentlly,
I am planning on choosing northern Idaho as my project site. Northern Idaho is a good choice because it
is heavily forested and a good portion of the land there is owned by the
National Forest Service (NFS). In addition a NFS office id located in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho which
might come in handy for the procurement of data (found through
Idaho Panhandle National Forests site).
The map generated will encorporate some law and conventional pratices, which involves excluding
certain areas. Harvesting is not normally praticed on steep slopes and areas near water bodies
and paved roads are normally left "un-cut". In additon the
National Park Service land and Indian Reservation lands
(see Bureau of Indian Affiars) are in essence off limits to commercial harvesting.
GIS Term Project Steps
I. Conceptual Design
II. Data Aqusition
III. Data Manipulation
IV. Map Generation
V. Report Write Up
Tasks Cronological Order
I started with a net search for the National Forest Service. There I found a link to
The FIA Database Retrieval System.
Being a graduate of the University of Maine I decided to check out their resources related to my
term project. While I was searching their site I found that three professors in the
Forestry Department who's research is
specifically related to my project. While at the Maine site I found this cool article on
Identifying Ethics in GIS.
Later I hit the jack pot, I found downloadable files in Arc/Info grids format at a National Forest Service
map site named Forest Land Distribution Data
for the United States These maps have a cell size of 1,000m. The preceeding page on Forest
Service Maps and Publications also contains very useful data. I have since downloaded these
Now I plan to work on getting all the other maps needed to crop the forest maps that I have gotten.
The data needed is listed with its source below:
1. Stream, River and Lake Data from a
USGS Hydrology Site or at this site
2. Elevation data from The Digital Elevation Map
will be used to generate slopes.
3. Road Data on the 1:100,000 scale will be obtained from the
USGS Digital Line Graphs
4. State Boundries can be obtained from
Dr. David Maidment's Home Page and Anomous ftp.
5. Indian Reservation Boundries can be found through the
Bureau of Indian Affiars
6. Park Service Boundries can be found through the
National Park Service and
this NPS site might help me out.
7. I think that both of the Park Service and Indian Reservation Data could be found on
Land Use and Land Cover (LULC)
I have now obtained numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 above! Numbers 5+6/7 will come later. My next task is to
start using my data.
A. Take all data and clip out just the state of Idaho
B. DEM to data generate slope data
1. Delineate steep slopes - make boundries of too steep slopes
C. Hydrology and Road Data
1. Delineate buffer zones - make into boundries
D. Get boundaries for National Parks and Indian Reservations
E. Cut all boundaries above out of the forest maps.
1. I found the State of Idaho homepage where
I hope to get the "Best Forest Management Pratices" for Idaho (or mabye from The Department of Fish and Wildlife.) This
document or documents describes how and where forest management can occur.
For example buffer zones left un-cut next to rivers lakes and roads. These "beauty strips" as they
are sometimes called, can have specific dimensions, which are state specific.
2. I found a link to the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management where I hope to get information on national lands owned within Idaho. They also have
this GIS Projects Page which looks useful.
From there I found theIdaho's BLM Homepage.
03/30/97 - 04/11/97
Well I haven't really updated this thing for a while so I will tell you what I've been up to for the past
month or so. Basically for 02/15/97 thru 03/15/97 I was working on other things like research. I have
basically put a lot of my project together in the last two weeks. Tasks and accomplishments.
1. Retrieved all data. Most of the data was obtained for the entire 48 Contigiuous States
2. Uncompression and importation of data - I found a new data standard (see SDTS crash course)
3. All data was clipped with Idaho's State boundry. This saved a bunch of file space.
4. Buffered rivers roads and streams.
5. Discovered that the state DEM, Forest Grids and DLG data was too coarse for clipping a buffer zones out - basically they wouldn't show up because the other cells were too large.
6. Redefined my study site to a smaller more manageable area. Coeur D' Alene Idaho (30'X30' - map of Coeur D' Alene,ID)
7. Inherent in making my site smaller I had to "re-sample" my Forest Data.
8. After re-sampling and buffering I removed the protected land, and was left with a manageable forest map.
9. Went about making many many (10-15) layouts in Arcview
10. Exported the good ones
11. Designed the framework for web page
12. Constructed Web Page
13. Started filling in the text.
Yet to be finished:
1. Get forest values
2. Construct Money Maps
3. Make layouts of money maps
4. Transfer money maps to web page
5. Fill in all text in web page - NO SMALL TASK
6. Correct text and pages
7. Scan in pictures of Idaho - link to web page
8. Get more NT account space
9. Spell check web page text
10. Write E-mail to DM saying I'm done
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(c) Copyright Mike McAdams, 1997
if you want something e-mail me at: