Original Data Discription |
Source of Data (linked) |
1. Hydro data |
2. 1:250,000 DEM |
3. 1:2,000,000 DEM |
4. 1:100,000 Road and Hydro |
5. 1:2,000,000 Road and Hydro |
6. State Boundries |
7. Tree Density Data |
8. Tree Species Data |
Idaho State Stuff (entire state)
Data Name |
Description |
idaho_den/ |
Idaho Tree Density Grid (1000m cells) |
idaho_slope/ |
Idaho slope grid |
idtran_alb/ |
Idaho roads (1:2,000,000) projected to albers |
idaho_typ/ |
Idaho Tree Type grid in albers (1000m cells) |
aextra/ |
folder that held all arcview calculations |
idalb/ |
Idaho Boundary Polygon |
idbgrid/ |
Idaho Boundary Grid |
zdensity/ |
contains more information on the forest density maps |
Forest Data
zfor/ |
Folder holding files below |
forgrid.tar |
forest density grid lower 48 states |
forgrid.txt |
text file describing lower 48 forest denstiy grid |
lo48grid.tar |
lower 48 states forest type grid |
lo48par.txt |
text file describing lower 48 forest type grid |
rf1id/ |
Idaho hydrology data (1:2,000,000 - Geographic Cord) |
demid/ |
Idaho dem (1:2,000,000 - Geographic Cord) |
Projection Files:
lamalb.prj |
AML to go from Lambers to albers |
alb.prj |
AML to go from Geographic to albers |
utmalb.prj |
AML to go from UTM zone 11 to albers |
wgsalb.prj |
AML to go from WGS to albers (didn't work) |
All grids and coverages in Albers projection
CDA - 30 min X 30 min Quad site:
sdem/ |
folder containing grids related to CDA DEM |
coudem/ |
Clipped CDA DEM |
couslope/ |
CDA Slope Grid |
remove_slope/ |
CDA Grid of Slopes > 30 % grade |
spokane-e.gz |
SDTS transfer of CDA DEM |
espokdem_alb/ |
Full CDA DEM |
Rest of Stuff
swest/ |
Folder Containg Balance of CDA related Files |
ad_removal/ |
Total removal grid (used to construct removalden) |
buffcoe_grid/ |
Grid of CDA buffered 1000m (allowed for the removal of a portion of the larger 1000m cell grids - so as to not loose data within the other CDA boundary area. - used to make small_density and smtype) |
buffcoebound/ |
Buffered Polygon of CDA boundary used to make buffcoe_grid. |
buffriv/ |
buffered hydrology within CDA |
buffroad/ |
Buffered roads within CDA |
coebound_grid/ |
grid of CDA boundary - used to clip various grids. |
courbound/ |
CDA boundary polygon |
good_den/ |
Resampled forest density (cell size =100m) |
good_type/ |
resampled forest type grid (cell size =100m) |
nriv_remov/ |
CDA river removal grid (used to construct removal2) |
nroad_remov/ |
CDA road removal grid (used to construct removal2) |
removalden/ |
Final density map for CDA area (everything removed) |
resmden/ |
resampled density - buffered by 1000 m (used to make good_den 100m cell size) |
resmtype/ |
resampled type grid - buffered by 1000 m (used to make good_type 100m cell size) |
rivcoeur/ |
CDA 1:100,000 River data |
roacoeur/ |
CDA 1:100,000 Road data |
small_density/ |
clipped with buffcoe_grid from Idaho Tree Density Grid (1000m cell size) |
smtype/ |
clipped with buffcoe_grid from Idaho Tree Type Grid (1000m cell size) |
(c) Copyright Mike McAdams, 1997
if you want something e-mail me at: