This script creates the input file to be read by the naUTilus model. To do this, OSBLINP utilizes the attribute tables of both the branch and node theme, as well as tables created by other scripts. User prompts will also be used to create the input file. OSBLINP was adapted from the script WRITEINP, created for the ISBL portion of the naUTilus code. Like WRITEINP, OSBLINP allows the user to specify temperature, wind speed, and the method of calculating Henry's law constants.
The file created by this script, presently called "", is a text file. It is readable by naUTilus. Future possibilities of this script are to use it to double check that the inputs are feasible. Through this, problems with naUTilus can be avoided.
Like in WRITEINP, and for the same reasons, some calculation and manipulation is done in OSBLINP. For more detail on this subject, see the discussion of WRITEINP.
Key Avenue commands used: