The Use of GIS in Wetlands Health Assessment
Consequences of Losing or Degrading Wetlands.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). January 16, 1995.
- Cowardin, Lewis M., Virginia Carter, Francis C. Golet,
and Edward T. La Roe.
Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the
United States. December 1979.
Economic Benefits of Losing Wetlands.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). January 16, 1995.
The Impact of Federal Programs on Wetlands, Volume II:
Introduction. United States Fish and Wildlife Service/
Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance (OEPC).
July 9, 1996.
- Klima, Karen.
Facts About Wetlands.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). January 16, 1996.
National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Metadata.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service/National Wetlands Inventory.
Recognizing Wetlands: An Informational Pamphlet.
United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Values and Functions of Wetlands.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). January 16, 1995.
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