Development and Calibration of a Hydrologic Model for the Wichita Falls District

Project Proposal

GIS in Water Resources (394K.3)

Tanya Hoogerwerf


Geographic information systems (GIS)  tools have been developed by the Center for Research in Water Resources (CRWR) at the University of Texas at Austin  to assist in the design of highway drainage facilities.  Design of these structures involves hydrologic analysis to determine parameters such as design discharge and conveyance capacity.  Currently,  data input to hydrologic software packages  is a very expensive and time consuming process.  GIS has proven to reduce analysis time and improve accuracy in design of these facilities.

In this project, I will use these GIS tools to  develop and calibrate a hydrologic model for a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) highway drainage site in the Wichita  Falls district of Texas.  


Data Requirements

The following information is necessary to develop and calibrate a hydrologic model for the Wichita Falls district:

            1.  30-Meter Digital Elevation Models (DEM's)

            2.  Stream Networks in National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Format

            3.  Curve Number Grids

            4.  Road Coverages

            5.  USGS Flow and Stage Data; and

            6.  Precipitation Data



            1.  Contacting TxDOT

            2.  Data Collection

            3.  DEM-based Hydrologic Model Development using CRWR-PrePro

            4.  Hydrologic Model Calibration


Related Work

This project will be based on results from Dr. Francisco Olivera's and David Anderson's research.  David Anderson's work focused on the Castleman Creek watershed in McLennan County, and Pecan Bayou watershed located in Brown County.  


Information Sources

Anderson, David and Olivera, Francisco.  System of GIS-Based Hydrologic and Hydraulic Applications  for Highway  EngineeringCenter for Research in Water Resources, The University of Texas at Austin. September 11th, 2000

Olivera, Francisco and Maidment, David.  GIS-Based System of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Applications for Highway Engineering:  Research Report 1738-6.  Center for Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research.  The University of Texas at Austin.  October 1999.

Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)   

Wichita Falls District