Using LView
Sandra Akmansoy

Fall 1997


Getting Started

Lview is a great software to use for capturing images. It's the software that has been used to capture screen images for your exercises.
Dr McKinney has placed LView in his Class folder. To access it :

Using LView

Let's say you would like to capture the image of your screen, or you have created a graph in Excel which you would like to capture.  LView will capture any image on your screen.  Prepare the image you would like to caprute and open Lview.
Under Edit select Capture and Desktop.
This will capture everything that is presently on your screen. Once you have done this LView will disappear for a few seconds. Once it reappears you will see that all your screen has been captured.
You may not want to keep the entire screen.  If you place your mouse on the screen and click on the right mouse, you can draw a box around the area you want.
Once you have drawn the box, select Crop under Edit.

Now that you have your image you may want to flip it horizontally, vertically, add text, or resize  it by selecting those options under Edit.
Now don't forget to save your work! Select Save As under File.  You should save your file either as a jpg or gif.

OK, you're done!!