CE 394K.3 GIS in Water Resources

Fall Semester 2001

University of Texas at Austin

Instructor: David R. Maidment


Course Videos, course syllabus, course outline and student assignments are viewable on the secure course website at http://pro.engr.utexas.edu


Course Syllabus: syllabus.doc


List of Term Project Proposals: temproj2001list.htm


Final Exam: gisfinal2001.htm


Term Paper Library: http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/maidment/giswr2001/docs/termpaper.htm


Utah State University course web site: http://moose.cee.usu.edu/giswr


Session 1 (Thurs, 30 August): Introduction to GIS in Water Resources.  Review the course curriculum, course outline.  Lecture from slides.

Lecture slides: lecture1.ppt


Session 2: (Tues, 4 September) Introduction to ArcGIS.  The basic elements of ArcGIS: Arc Map and ArcCatalog. Functions of ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo.   Extensions of ArcGIS: Spatial analyst, 3-D analyst, Geostatistical analyst.   Object classes and feature classes as means to store data in a geodatabase.

Reading – Pages 1-25 of the ESRI book “What is ArcGIS?”   File: What_is_ArcGIS.pdf  Lecture slides: lecture 2.ppt


Session 3: (Thurs 6 September) Exercise 1: Introduction to ArcGIS.   Introduces ArcMap and ArcCatalog using pan evaporation data from Texas.  Includes creation of a new personal geodatabase from shapefile and coverage data, and integration of maps from ArcGIS with graphs from Excel and presentation in Word.   File: Introduction to ArcGIS


Session 4: (Tues 11 September) Data sources for GIS in Water Resources.    Listing of Data Sources: DataSource.htm  Powerpoint file Datasources.ppt.


Session 5: (Thurs 13 September).   Exercise 2: Building a Watershed Base Map.   Exercise text: Basemap.htm   Exercise data: Guadalupe.zip


Session 6:  (Tues 18 September)   Geodesy, Map Projections and Coordinate Systems.   Powerpoint files Mapproj.ppt  


Session 7: (Thurs 20 September)  Exercise 3: Map projections and coordinate systems.   Exercise text: Mapproj.htm  Exercise data: Mapproj.zip


Session 8:  (Tues 25 September)   Network modeling in GIS.  Powerpoint file: network.ppt  Reading material network.doc


Session 9:  (Thurs 27 September)  National Hydrography Dataset and Networks in ArcGIS   Exercise text: NHDNetwork.htm  Exercise data: Networks.zip


Session 10: (Tues 2 October) Grid-based modeling with Digital Elevation Models by Dr David Tarboton. Powerpoint file: grid_dgt.ppt   Reading material grid.doc Lecture materials from Utah State University: http://moose.cee.usu.edu/giswr/session10.html   Reading: Chap. 9 in Modeling our World: “Cell-based Modeling with Rasters”.


Session 11: (Thurs 4 October) Exercise 5: Watershed and stream network delineation  by Dr David Tarboton.  The exercise file and zip files for data are available at: http://moose.cee.usu.edu/giswr/session11/ex5.html  The files are available locally at the LRC: ex5.doc

Session 12: (Tues 9 October)  Surface representation using Triangulated Irregular Networks  Powerpoint file: TIN.ppt  Reading: “Modeling our World” Chap. 10 Surface modeling with TINs.  Reference: Nelson et al. "Adaptive Tessellation Method for Creating TINs from GIS Data", Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 2-9, 1999.

Session 13:  (Thurs 11 October)  Floodplain mapping with TIN’s Powerpoint file: Floodplain.ppt   Reading material Channel.doc

Session 14: (Tues 16 October) Review for Midterm Exam.   Review sheet: Review1.htm   Review slides: Review.ppt

Session 15:  (Thurs 18 October) Midterm exam

Session 16: (Tues 23 October) Slides: demhydro.ppt Lecture by Dr Tarboton on Digital Elevation Based Hydrologic Modeling – see http://moose.cee.usu.edu/giswr/session16/

Session 17: (Thurs 25 October)   Slides: sinmap.ppt Lecture by Dr Tarboton Terrain stability mapping using the ArcView Sinmap extension – see http://moose.cee.usu.edu/giswr/session17/ for video and readings

Session 18: (Tues 30 October) ArcGIS Hydro data model.  Powerpoint file archydro.ppt  Analysis diagram archydroanalysis.ppt  

Session 19: (Thurs 1 November)  Exercise 6, part 1: Application of the ArcGIS Hydro data model -- Preparation of the data.  Exercise file: ArcHydroPart1.htm Data file ArcHydro.zip

Session 20: (Tues 6 November)  GIS and Flood Hydrology Modeling.  Powerpoint files: HydroModel1.ppt  Hydromodel2.ppt

Session 20: (Thurs 8 November)  Exercise 6, Part 2: Application of the ArcGIS Hydro data model – Schema and Tools.  Exercise file ArcHydroPart2.htm Data file ArcHydroPart2.zip  

Session 21: (Tues 13 November)  Review of Midterm Quiz, and Pollutant loads to Corpus Christi Bay system Powerpoint file: Corpus.ppt

Session 22: (Thurs 15 November)  LIDAR mapping of terrain surfaces Powerpoint Slides: LIDAR.ppt