To run the installation program, insert the Disk marked SFlowSim into drive a: and from C:\ prompt, type in:
Where C:\ is the target drive on which the program will be installed. If the program is to be installed onto D:, then you should first move yourself to D: drive and from D:\ prompt, type in:
Under default situation, NGSETUP program will copy the files onto C:\ drive and put all the project related files/coverages into C:\NGFLOW directory. If the directory does not exist, the setup program will create the directory. Upon the successful installation, the setup program will clean up all the unnecessary files it creates.
If the programs are installed into C:\NGFLOW, a user can immediately start ArcView to load the project NGFLOW.APR that contains the map-based surface flow simulation model. If the model programs are installed into a directory other than C:\NGFLOW, e.g. C:\USERS\DEFAULT\NGFLOW, the user will need to load START.APR project. START.APR will prompt for the user to enter the path to the directory where NGFLOW.APR project is located. START.APR will then correct the path for NGFLOW.APR and load the project. The START.APR is acquired from ESRI with some minor modification to fit the project needs.
This map-based surface flow simulation model is contained in the NGFLOW.APR project. Figure 1 shows the view containing the themes upon which the simulation model is constructed. The themes contained in the Niger-View and their functions are discussed below.
Figure 1. The view containing the base maps of the simulation model
Listed below are the coverages representing the base maps upon which the surface flow simulation model is constructed.
The graphical user interface of the simulation model (SFlowSim) is designed to provide an easy access to the simulation model and model related programs. A user can use these graphical interfaces to activate the simulation model, modify the model conditions, add flow check points, flow diversion points, or add dam/reservoir objects. This section describes the functions associated with each user interface.
Two menu sections, SFwModel and GFwModel are added to the standard ViewMenuBar GUI provided by the ArcView. SFwModel menu is created to run the surface flow simulation model and its related programs while GFwModel menu is created to run the groundwater flow simulation model and its related programs. Figure 2 shows the menu items contained in SFwModel and GFwModel menu.
Figure 2. Menu items of SFwModel and GFwModel
SFwModel contains ten menu items and these items are divided into the simulation model, utility and preprocessor sections. The utility section is shared by the groundwater simulation model and post-processors of surface flow simulation model. The functions of the menu items contained in each section are described below, with the title of the program it activates put in [ ].
1. SFlowSim - [SFlowSim.prc] activates the map-based surface flow simulation model.
2. SetTables - [Rinifld.utl] initializes the fields of a table. When this item is selected, a pop-up menu with four options will be presented and based on the user selection, Rinifld.utl will call one of the four programs. These four programs are:
(1) Iniflds.utl which sets selected records of a user selected field to a single or multiple values.
(2) Iniflda.utl which sets all records of a user selected field to a single or multiple values.
(3) Initbl.utl which sets all records of whole table or multiple user selected fields to a single value.
(4) Inifdfd.utl which initializes a field of a table with the values of a field of another table based on the user selected key fields on both tables. These two key fields can have different field name, but their values need to have one-to-one relation.
3. ChkTable - [Rchktbl.utl] displays the data structure of a value attribute table or a feature attribute table. When this item is selected, a pop-up menu with two options will be presented and based on the user selection, the program [Rchktbl.utl] will call one of the two programs. These for programs are:
(1) [Chktbl.utl] which checks and displays the data structure of a value attribute table.
(2) [Chkftab.utl] which checks and displays the data structure and the shape type of a feature attribute table.
4. AddingRec - [tbaddrec.utl] appends a user specified number of records to a time series table.
5. Iflow2pnt - [Iflw2pnt.utl] interpolates flow rates to the locations given by a point coverage.
6. MdfyFtabs (pre-1) - [SFmdfld.pre] appends fields to line/polygon attribute tables to create river and river basin objects.
7. LineSortR (pre-2) - [SFsortR.pre] sorts nodes and vertexes of river line coverage to create the river stream network. After sorting, the direction of From-Node to To-Node of a river section is always pointing to the downstream direction and the vertex with index 0 is at the From-Node of the arc.
8. RmvSplits (pre-3) - [SFsplit.pre] cleans the splits of a river stream network so that “Y” shaped streams do not occur within a subwatershed.
9. Mg1line (pre-4) - [SFmg1ln.pre] merges multiple segments contained by a single subwatershed (polygon) into one single river section so that the relation between river section and subwatershed polygon is One-to-One.
10. ChkInOut (pre-5) - [SFchkout.pre] identifies head sections and outlet section of the river stream network. The head sections are defined as the river sections with no other river sections flow into them and the outlet section is defined as the river section that discharges to no other river sections but out of the river basin.
These five pre-processor programs (pre-1 to pre-5) need to be run in the same sequence as they are presented in the SFwModel ViewMenu.
GFwModel contains 4 menu items and these items are divided into simulation mode and preprocessor sections. The functions of the menu items are described below, with the title of the program it activates put in [ ].
1. GFlowSim - [GFlowSim.prc] activates the map-based groundwater simulation model.
2. GFmdfld (pre-1) - [GFmdfld.pre] appends fields to polygon and polygon-boundary-line attribute tables to make cell and cell boundary objects for the map-based groundwater simulation model.
3. Setplyfld (pre-2) - [GFplyfld.pre] computes and fills in the states of the existing cell objects for the groundwater simulation model.
4. Setlnefld (pre-3) - [GFlnefld.pre] computes and fills in the states of the cell-boundary-line objects for the groundwater simulation model.
All the pre-processor programs should only be run once to set up the map-based models unless the base maps of the model is modified.
Four buttons are added to the standard ViewButtonBar GUI provided by the ArcView. The functions and programs associated with these buttons are explained below (immediately following each icon is the icon name given by ArcView's icon manager).
- PennantGreen, interpolates flow rates to the points given by FlowChk.shp
coverage [SFsegmt.pst].
- Pen, writes selected or all the scripts contained in the project’s SEd to a
designated location of a disk [wrtfiles.utl].
- Cut, cuts selected portion of the active coverages and sends them to a new
view to create a clipped model for either detailed study of the region or for model
parameter fitting [clipmdl.utl].
- Dog, runs interactive-optimization programs to search for the parameters
that give the best fit between observed-flow-time-series and simulation model generated
flow-time-series[Optimize.ave]. The best fit is defined either by least sum of square errors
or least sum of mass differences. When running the model, at least one coverage theme
must be active and at least one feature of the coverage has to be selected, because the
parameters to be fitted are those of the active coverages and selected features.
Four buttons are added to the standard view button bar GUI provided by the ArcView. The functions and programs associated with these buttons are explained below.
- Execute, runs all the programs available to SEd of the project [Main.utl -
associated with apply event]. When the tool is selected, the program, Main.utl is loaded
and activated when mouse is clicked at the cursor sensitive area of the active view. The
last program run by the Main.utl is the default program to be run. If the user wants to run
other programs, select NO option, and a pop-up menu will appear with a list of programs
for the user to choice. The selected program will then run with the cursor position taken
into consideration.
- PennantRed, creates dam, reservoir, flow diversion, or flow-check point
objects on a location selected by the program user. Programs associated with click and
apply events are listed below.
CLICK - [SFclsset.pst] provides options for a user to select what kind object (dam, flowchk, or flow-diversion points) to create, and if the user would like to start with new sets or append more objects to the existing set. The program passes the user selection through the tool’s object-tag to [SFRaddpt.pst].
APPLY - [SFRaddpt.pst] runs one of the three programs, [SFaddpt.pst], [SFDFlow.pst], or [SFaddDam.pst], depending on the value of the object-tag (representing the user selection) passed on to it from [SFclsset.pst].
[SFaddpt.pst] - creates a flow check point at a user specified location and adds them to the FLOWCHK.SHP coverage. The flow rates at the flow check points will later be computed using the program [SFsegmt.pst] activated by the button on the View-Button-Bar.
[SFDFlow.pst] - creates a flow diversion object at a user specified location on a river stream. For now, only one diversion flow rate is allowed at one location, later on, a diversion flow rate time series can be associated with the diversion object.
[SFaddDam.pst] - creates a dam/reservoir object at a user specified location on a river stream, and the time-series data table associated with the dam object so that each time step, the simulation results of the dam operation can be recorded.
- Icon12, plots either the longitudinal flow profile along a user selected river
stream or flow time-series (PFlow(t), FFlow(t), TFlow(t), or SurpFlow(t)), at a user
selected location. Programs associated with click and apply events are listed below.
CLICK - [SFsetplt.pst] provides options for a user to select which type of flow curves to plot and passed on the selection through the tool’s object-tag to [SFRplt.pst].
APPLY - [SFRplt.pst] runs one of the two programs, [SFtrplt.pst] or [SFtmplt.pst], based on the value of the object-tag passed on to it from [SFsetplt.pst].
[SFtrplt.pst] - plots the longitudinal flow profile along a selected river stream.
[SFtmplt.pst] - plots the flow time series at a user selected location.
- AlingBottom, plots flow vectors on groundwater simulation cell’s boundaries or plot
time series of head(t), dh(t), spr(t), pmp(t), etc., of a cell at a user selected location.
Programs associated with click and apply events are described below.
CLICK - [GFsetplt.pst] provides options for a user to select which type of flow curves to plot and passed on the selection through the tool’s object-tag to [GFRplot.pst]
APPLY - [GFRplot.pst] runs one of the two programs, [GFptflx.pst] or [GFpthead.pst], based on the value of the object-tag passed on to it from [GFsetplt.pst].
[GFptflx.pst] - plots flux, water level distributions, or both for the groundwater flow simulation model. Under steady state, it plots flux, water level distributions based on the final results of simulation run and under steady state, it plots the above values at a user designated time step.
[GFpthead.pst] - plots water level (head(t)), spring flow (spr(t)), water level variations (dh(t)) on a user selected location.
This map-based surface flow simulation model contains a total of 46 programs. Some of these programs are the essential programs for model construction and model simulation, and some of these programs are merely written to speed up routine spatial data processing. This section describes these programs and their functions. The number in the bracket following the program indicates the number of lines of the program code
(1) chkftab.utl[34] - checks the data structures and shape type of a feature attribute table.
(2) chktbl.utl[35] - checks the data structures of a value attribute table.
(3) clipmdl.utl[184] - clips off a selected portion of the active coverage and sends them to a new view to create a clipped model for either detailed study of the region or for model parameter fitting.
(4) Damrt.ave[208] - simulates dam/reservoir operation. This program is called by SFlowSim.prc when HASDAM attribute of a river line object is non-zero.
(5) GFcntpnt.utl[132] - computes the center location of each arc on a selected line coverage and creates a point coverage showing all the central points based on the computation results. The program also computes and create line coverage showing the arcs normal to the original line coverage with each normal vector originates at the center of each line on the original line coverage.
(6) GFlnfld.pre[291] - computes and fills in the states of each boundary lines of the existing cells for the groundwater simulation model.
(7) GFlowSim.prc[916] - simulates groundwater flow. This is the main program of the map- based groundwater flow simulation model.
(8) GFmdfld.pre[79] - appending fields to the standard polygon/arc coverage to create cells and cell boundary line objects for the map-based groundwater simulation model.
(9) GFplyfld.pre[51] - computes and fills in the states of the existing cell objects for the groundwater simulation model.
(10) GFptflx.pst[266] - plots flux on the cell boundaries, water levels on the cells or both for a user selected simulation time step or of final results of the groundwater simulation model. This is a post processor program of GFlowSim.
(11) GFpthead.pst[141] - plots time series of water levels (head(t), dh(t), pmp(t)) of a user selected location. This is a post processor program of GFlowSim.
(12) GFRplot.pst[36] - runs either [GFpthead.pst] or [GFptflx.pst] based on the user’s selection.
(13) GFsetplt.pst[17] - provides user with options of plotting groundwater flow time series of a location or groundwater flux/water level of a designated time step and passed user’s selection to [GFRplot.pst]
(14) IDextply.pst[88] - identifies the external boundaries of the groundwater simulation model. This program is used mainly on the clipped portion of the river basin to form a clipped-groundwater simulation model.
(15) Iflw2pnt.utl[341] - interpolates flow rates to the points given by a point coverage.
(16) Inifdfd.utl[58] - initializes a field of a table with the values of a field of another table based on the user selected key fields on both tables. These two key fields can have different field name, but their values need to have one-to-one relation.
(17) Iniflda.utl[159] - sets all records of a user selected field to a single or multiple values.
(18) Iniflds.utl[82] - sets selected records of a user selected field to a single or multiple values.
(19) Initbl.utl[134] - sets all records of whole table or mutiple user selected fields to a single value.
(20) Main.utl[46] - runs a user selected program.
(21) MKarrow.utl[61] - makes an arrow head on a line coverage. This program is downloaded from ESRI user network with some minor modification.
(22) Optimize.ave[855] - this is an interactive-optimization program used to search for the parameters that give the best fit between observed-flow-time-series and simulation model generated flow-time-series. The best fit is defined either by least sum of squre errors or least sum of mass differences. When running the model, at least one coverage theme must be active and at least one feature of the coverage has to be selected, because the parameters to be fitted are those of the active coverages and selected features. This program needs to call SFlowSim.prc repeatively to simulate the surface flow for each parameter change.
(23) Rchktbl.utl[25] - Runs either [chkftab.utl] or [chktab.utl] based on the user’s selection.
(24) Rinifld.utl[31] - Runs one of the four programs, [Iniflda.utl], [Iniflds.utl], [Initbl.utl], or [Inifdfd.utl] based on the user’s choice.
(25) SFAdddam.pst[270] - creates a dam/reservoir object and puts it to the location designated by the user. The program also creates a time-series table associated with the dam object to record the simulation results of dam operation.
(26) SFaddpt.pst[54] - creates a flow check point and puts it to a location designated by the user.
(27) SFchklin.utl[85] - retrieves all the vertex points used to form a line and put the points shape into flowchk.shp file.
(28) SFchkout.pre[156] - searches and identifies the head sections and outlet sections of a river basin.
(29) SFclsset.pst[131] - gets user’s choice regarding the type point objects, dam, flow-check, or flow-diversion, to create and passes on the user’s selection to [SFRaddpt.pst].
(30) SFDflow.pst[52] - creates a flow diversion points and put a mark on the map to indicate its location.
(31) SFlowSim.prc[1244] - simulates surface flows on a river stream network based on the local flow time series defined on the subwatershed polygons. This is the major program of this map-based surface flow simulation model. This model can be activated by [Main.utl] from a tool-bar, SFlowSim on the SFwModel view menu, or called by [Optimize.ave], the interactive-optimization program. SFlowSim.prc can detect from which source it is activated and act accordingly. For example, when it is activated by from the ViewToolBar, the program will takes the cursors location into consideration, and as a result, it provides the user with choices of either simulates the whole river basin or the portion of the river basin that is above the user selected point (cursor location). When it is activated by from the view-menu, it can only simulate the river basin. When it is called by the optimization program, it will skip over all the codes that requires user interaction so that the simulation program can run uninterruptedly.
(32) SFmdfld.pre[160] - appends fields to attribute tables of the arc/polygon coverage created by the river delineation procedure to create river and watershed objects.
(33) SFmg1ln.pre[361] - merges multiple segments contained by a single subwatershed (polygon) into one single river section so that the relation between river section and subwatershed polygon is one-to-one [SFmg1ln.pre].
(34) SFRaddpt.pst[39] runs one of the three programs, [SFaddpt.pst], [SFDFlow.pst], or [SFaddDam.pst], based on the user’s selection.
(35) SFRplot.pst[36] - runs one of the two programs, [GFptflx.pst] or [GFpthead.pst], based on the value of the object-tag passed on to it from [GFsetplt.pst].
(36) SFSegmt.pst[333] - linearly interpolates the flow rates to the user selected location.
(37) SFsetplt.pst[17] - gets the choice from a user on which type of curve to plot and pass on the selection to [SFRplot.pst] through the form of object-tag.
(38) SFsortr.pre[531] - sorts nodes and vertexes of river line coverage to create the river stream network [SFsortR.pre]. After sorting, the direction of From-Node to To-Node of a river section is always pointing to the downstream direction and the vertex with index 0 is at the From-Node of the arc.
(39) SFsp2pf.121[84] - computes local generated flow based on the moisture surplus defined on the subwatershed polygons.
(40) SFsplit.pre[532] - cleans the splits of the river sections so that "Y" shaped streams do not occur within a subwatershed [SFsplit.pre].
(41) SFthmplt.pst[97] - plots spatial variation of a selected attribute based on its values at a selected time step.
(42) SFtmplt.pst[134] - plots time series of a selected attribute at a selected location.
(43) SFtrplt.pst[402] - plots flow rate changes along a user selected river stream.
(44) tbaddrec.utl[69] - appending records to a time-series data table. The number of records is given by the user.
(45) Wrtfiles.utl[85] - writes either selected or all the scripts contained in the project’s SEd to a designated location of a disk
(46) Wrtprogs.utl[71] - writes an Avenue codes that can be later run to create the template of a time-series database.
{46 FilesWrittenTo c:\ngflow\dosave at 1996:03:05-02:43:25 WithATotalOf 9259 lines}
This section gives a brief description of the procedures to perform tasks using SFlowSim, the map-based surface flow simulation model.
The map-based surface flow simulation model is designed to simulate surface flow runoff based on the precipitation or soil moisture contents defined on the subwatersheds of a river basin. The running the simulation model will generates three flow time series, PFlow(t) associated with a subwatershed polygon representing the flow contribution of the polygon, FFlow(t), and TFlow(t) associated with From-Node and To-Node of a river arc representing the flow rates on the river arc at these two locations. Two procedures can be used to run the simulation model.
Procedure (1): while model-map view is an active document, do the following: from ViewMenuBar, SFlwModel -> SFlowSim
Procedure (2): while model-map view is an active document, click
from the ViewToolBar, followed by clicking at a river-arc, and select SFlowSim.prc, from the
program list presented, and follows the instruction. Using procedure (2), you can simulate either
the portion of the river basin above the river arc selected or the whole river basin, while using
procedure (1) you can only simulate the whole river basin.
Regardless which procedures are used to run the simulation model, a user will be presented with a multiple input table containing the model control parameters. Under most cases, the default value can be used to run the model unless it is desired otherwise. The meanings of the parameters are described below:
(1) Optimization, indicates if the run is for optimization (value 1) or for simulation only (value 0)
(2) CalPflow, indicates if PFlow will be recomputed [value 1], or not [value 0]
(3) Nresp=Number of steps in polygon response function (PSurp(t) -> PFlow(t))
(4) Nmonth=Number of simulation steps
(5) ToSub=The fraction of surplus that goes to groundwater, 0<=ToSub<=1
(6) Muskingum=1, indicates Muskingum river routing will be considered, =0, indicates Muskingum method will not be considered.
The simulation model can simulate the effect of dams and flow diversions on the river flow. The simulation model can also interpolate the flow rate to any user selected point (flowchk) on a river arc. The procedure used to create a Dam/FlowChk/Diversion object and add it to the map is:
Click (RedFlag) from the ViewToolBar, select the type of the object to
be added, and then click at a location on the stream network where you would like to have the
object inserted. After the selection, a user is prompted to select whether to start a new set of the
object or appending to the existing set. If starting a new set is selected, then all the objects of the
selected class will be cleaned from the system. This is also the correct method if one wants to
erase the existing object sets.
This program interpolates the flow rates at all user selected points contained in
FLOWCHK.SHP theme. To activate the program, a user can click on the
(GreenFlag) on the ViewButtonBar.
To plot the flow distribution, click on the ViewToolBar. Options for
either plotting flow distribution along a selected stream or flow time series at a location will be
prompted. If longitudinal flow profile is selected, a user can then click any location on the river
stream network to plot the longitudinal flow profile along the river selected stream between the
selected point and the outlet. If flow time series plot is selected, when user clicks at a location, the
user is prompted to select if FFlow(t), TFlow(t), PFlow(t), or SurpFlow(t) will be plotted.
To make a plot, click on the ViewToolBar. Options for either plotting
flux/head level distributions on groundwater cells at a given time or time distributions of water
levels, water levels variations, etc., at a location will be prompted. After making selection, the user
will then need to click on the basin map to activate the program and follow the instructions on the
screen. For the Niger river model, groundwater model exist on under a portion of river basin.
From time to time, it is necessary to perform a more detailed studies of a specific portion of a river basin. This map-based surface flow model allows part of a river basin to be clipped to form a separate model for more detailed studies. Niger river basin will be used as an example to describe how to create a workable clipped model.
1. Make Ngriver.shp, Ngbasin.ply themes active. If it is desired to have other themes included in the clipped-model, then make them active as well. But the river stream arc theme (Ngriver.shp) and subwatershed polygon theme (Ngbasin.shp) are the essential themes and they have to be included to create a clipped-model.
2. Select the river stream arcs from Ngriver.shp theme and Ngbasin.ply theme by using the selecting tool in ViewToolBar. Hold down the shift key to perform multiple selections.
3. Click on the ViewButtonBar. The program will prompt for the
location to put the shape files holding the selected features of the selected themes
(Ngriver.shp, Ngbasin.ply). In most cases, a user can take the default prompted by the
program. When prompted with the destination view to which the clipped themes will
be added, user should select NewView. The program will detect all the sources arcs on
the clipped-model. The sources are defined as those river lines that requires FFlow(t)
supplied by the user or provided from the “mother model” simulations.
4. Up to this point, a clipped-model that contains the selected portion of the selected themes is created. All the surface model simulation programs can be run following exactly the same procedures as those for the “mother model”. One of the purpose of creating clipped-model is to run the interactive optimization program that will be discussed below.
The interactive optimization model is created to search for the model parameters that produce flow time series that best fit the historically observed time series in terms of sum of root mean square errors (SRMSE) and mass conservation (MASS). The results of the optimization are shown in two tables, optplot.dbf, and target.dbf, and four charts, optrmse.cht, optmass.cht, errfit.cht, and massfit.cht. Optplot.dbf contains sum of mean square errors, mass errors, and parameters of each simulation run activated by the optimization program. target.dbf contains the target time series (historic flow time series), two time series produced by the simulation that give the minimum (SRMSE) and (MASS). Four chart are the plots based on the data contained in these two tables. The procedures of running the interactive-optimization model are given below:
1. Create clipped-model following the procedures described in section 3.6.
2. Initialize the Target field of Target.dbf table using :
SFlwModel -> SetTables ->FillOneFieldWithAnother (option3)
The program, FillOneFieldWithAnother requires a user to identify a target table whose field is to be set, a source table where the source data are stored, a target field and a key field of the target and source tables. The key fields for target and source tables do not need to have the same name, but need to have the same data structure and unique one- to-one relation.
3. Make the themes whose parameters are to be optimized active. For example, if the parameters of Ngriver.shp are to be optimized, then Ngriver.shp theme has to be active.
4. Select the features (river arcs or subwatershed) whose parameters are to be optimized using ViewFeatureSelectTool, because the optimization only applied to the selected features (records) of the active themes.
5. Click on the ViewButtonBar to start the interactive optimization
program, and follows the instructions prompted by the program. For each parameter to
be optimized, the program requires a user to provide the upper and lower bounds, and
the number of divides between the upper and lower bounds. When prompted, the
lower, upper and number of steps are to be given in sequence and delimited with “,”.
For example, if LowerBound=10, UpperBound=20, and NumberOfSteps=5, the should
be given as: 10,20,5 .
6. After the first optimization attempt, user can use optrmse.cht, optmass.cht charts together with target.dbf and optplot.dbf tables to narrow the parameter variation intervals for next optimization run.
The map-based groundwater model (GFlowSim) is created to account for groundwater flows incorperation with the map-based surface flow simulation model (SFlowSim). The groundwater model usually uses the same subwatershed as its cells and cell boundaries. The groundwater model can cover the same area of the whole rvier basin or several seperate groundwater models can coexist under one single large river basin to simulate seperate groundwater systems. For the Niger River Basin Model presented, only one groundwater model is created to simulate the Iullmed aquifer system. The region that the groundwater model covers can be seen by making Ngbasin.lin active and quering with the condition of [ Hasgrd=1 and Isbnd=1]. The procedure to run the groundwater model is: (from ViewMenuBar)
GFlwModel->GFlowSim and the follows the instructions provided by the program.
This program [Wrtprogs.utl] is written to create the template (class) of a time-series
database. To run the program, click on the ViewToolBar followed by clicking at
the View window. Select [Wrtprogs.utl] as the running program from the program list provided.
Then select the theme that time series data is associated with and the key field that contains unique
feature ID of the theme e.g. Cover_, or Cover_ID. The program will then write another program
name [Atmp.ave] and running program [Atmp.ave] will create the time series database template
This map-based simulation model also provide utility programs to perform various simulation model related tasks. These tasks includes checking data structure, field types of a value attribute table or feature attribute table, disintegrating a line into points, appending records to an existing database table, and flux line integration. More information about the utility programs can be found on section two of this document.