Three water balance methods - an atmospheric water
balance, a soil-water balance, and a surface water balance - have
been used in an attempt to gain an improved understanding of the
stocks of water in different components of the hydrologic cycle
and the fluxes between these components. Long term average values
indicate that the air flowing over Texas carries 7800 mm year-1
of moisture, of which 720 mm year-1 becomes precipitation,
from which 78 mm year-1 becomes surface runoff, all
of these quantities being spatially averaged over the State.
The runoff estimate of 78 mm year-1 comes from the
surface water balance which has the least uncertainty and highest
spatial resolution of the three methods. Comparing mean annual
runoff estimates from the other two methods to this figure is
one way to assess the accuracy of these methods.
Given adequate data, the atmospheric water balance
is a promising method for estimating regional evaporation, runoff,
and changes in basin storage; however, data used in this study
were not at a high enough resolution to make accurate calculations
for Texas. Estimates of mean annual divergence over the State
were made using both observed rawinsonde data and the output data
from a general circulation model. Both methods show that there
is significant uncertainty associated with atmospheric water balance
calculations at the scale of Texas, yielding runoff estimates
of 1206 mm year-1 and 379 mm year-1 which
are about 15 times and 5 times greater than the observed runoff,
respectively. A review of literature indicates that the magnitude
of the errors found in these calculations are not unheard of,
although results for some regions have proven much more accurate,
particularly when the water balance is assessed over larger areas.
Assuming that monthly changes in atmospheric storage are negligible,
estimates of monthly evaporation were made for 1992 using the
relation (). The 1992 evaporation estimates
based on the observed data are not physically realistic while
the estimates generated using the general circulation model output
show reasonable monthly trends except in January, February, and
March. Several sources of error were identified including the
sparseness of observations, errors associated with taking the
difference between two large numbers, and using monthly average
flux values when a significant amount of mass transport can occur
at smaller time scales. The contributions of the first and third
sources of error mentioned here may be reduced as better data
sets become available and if more detailed calculations are made.
The soil-water balance is a climatological approach
which is instructive, but also contains substantial uncertainties.
The main reasons for the uncertainties in the soil-water balance
are a simplified representation of land surface hydrology, the
use of monthly average rainfall data, and the fact that there
is no calibration with observed data of either soil moisture or
runoff. Because of these assumptions, the soil-water balance
model predicts zero runoff over large areas of the State where
surface runoff actually does occur. The soil-water balance does
provide qualitative information about the space and time variability
of soil moisture and evapotranspiration that are not revealed
by the annual surface water balance, but a way to confirm these
results has not been worked out.
Use of the soil-water balance requires an estimate
of potential evapotranspiration. One approach taken to estimating
potential evapotranspiration was to use the Priestley-Taylor method
because a net radiation data set described by Darnell et al.,
1995, was available. The other approach was to use gross reservoir
evaporation estimates (TWDB, 1995) derived using pan coefficients.
As expected, the Priestley-Taylor method was not appropriate
for arid areas in West Texas and it is seen that net radiation
may be a better surrogate for actual evapotranspiration rather
than potential evapotranspiration.
To facilitate the surface water balance, 166 USGS
gaging stations were selected for analysis, and a 500 m digital
elevation model was used to delineate the drainage areas for each
gage. A 5 km grid of mean annual precipitation and mean annual
runoff values compiled for each gage (both time averaged from
1961-1990) were used to derive a relationship between mean annual
precipitation (mm) and the mean annual surface runoff (mm). This
relationship is given in Equation 5.2 and applies in areas without
unusually large groundwater recharge, springflow, urbanization,
or reservoir impoundment. Applying this relationship to the precipitation
grid, a grid of expected runoff was derived. While the precipitation
in Texas ranges from about 200 mm year-1 in West Texas
to 1483 mm year-1 in East Texas, the expected runoff
varies from near 0 in West Texas to 417 mm year-1 in
the wettest parts of East Texas.
In locations where information about observed flows
was used, the differences between expected runoff and observed
runoff could be determined, and Figure 5.14 is a map showing where
deviations from expected runoff occur. On this map, areas where
observed runoff is much higher than the expected runoff correspond
to watersheds where inter-watershed transfers are received or
urbanization has caused high runoff coefficients, while the areas
where observed runoff is much lower than expected correspond to
watersheds from which recharge is transferred to other watersheds
or the impacts of agriculture are significant. Adding the grid
of deviations from expected runoff to the grid of expected runoff
yielded a grid of actual runoff for the State (Figure 5.15).
Accumulated flow maps were also created, using these runoff maps
and a 500 m digital elevation model to define the drainage network.
Using various line colors and line thicknesses to represent accumulated
flow, these maps reveal statewide spatial trends such as the increased
density of stream networks in East Texas, while also capturing
localized phenomena such as large springflows. The runoff grids
developed in this study have several potential uses. The grid
of observed runoff may be useful in estimating non-point source
pollution loads in a manner similar to that described by Saunders
and Maidment, 1996. Use of the expected runoff grid or a similar
grid may be helpful in assessing the amount of water available
for human use. Accumulated flow maps may be useful in attributing
digitized stream networks with flow data.
A grid of mean annual expected evaporation was estimated
by subtracting the grid of expected runoff from the precipitation
grid. The values of expected evaporation range from 200 mm year-1
in West Texas to 1066 mm year-1 in East Texas. Using
the evaporation grid, the net radiation grid, and a temperature
grid, a map of mean annual Bowen ratios for the State was created.
These Bowen ratio values vary from 4.6 in West Texas (sensible
heating of air dominates evaporation in a dry area) to 0.24 in
East Texas (latent heat absorbed by evaporation dominates over
sensible heating of air in a wet area).
As spatial data sets from remote sensing continue
to improve along with tools like a GIS for manipulating spatial
data, hydrologists can think in terms of water maps both in the
atmosphere and on the land surface rather than thinking just in
terms of point measurements. Working with a GIS allows for the
computation of water balances on arbitrary control volumes and
simplifies the use of complex spatial data. A large amount of
data for the state of Texas has been compiled during this study,
and his data will be useful to others in the future. A CD-ROM
is available from the Center for Research in Water Resources (CRWR),
University of Texas at Austin, that contains the data and programs
used to make the computations described in this report. A description
of the contents of this CD-ROM is provided in the Appendix to
this report. Data used to plot the figures presented in this
report are included on this CD-ROM and these data files are indexed
in Part C of the Appendix.