A. General Information

projection albers
units meters
datum nad83
27 25 00
34 55 00
-100 00 00
31 10 00

A few coverages used in the atmospheric water balance are in an Albers projection with parameters typically used for national maps of the United States. This is sometimes referred to as the "national" Albers projection in file descriptions below. The projection description for these coverages is as follows:

projection albers
units meters
datum nad83
29 30 00
45 30 00
-96 00 00
23 00 00

B. Key Sub-directories

Here is a brief description of key subdirectories. The complete contents of these directories are listed in Appendix D.

ATMOBAL: files used to make atmospheric water balance calculations.

AVEFILES: Avenue scripts.

BASINS: data and programs involved in the process of watershed and stream delineation; delineated watersheds (txmshdc3) with attributes used to derive expected runoff function (Section 5.3.1).

EVAP: raw data of gross and net pan evaporation for Texas 1 degree quadrangles obtained from TWDB; a coverage of 1 degree quads attributed with annual average gross evaporation (see Figures 4.2, 4.3); a reservoirs coverage with several attribues including impoundment data, flood capacity, conservation area, etc.; estimated mean annual evaporation from each reservoir and each watershed.

LANDUSE: directory in which a coverage of areas described as "urban or built up" by the Anderson Level 1 landuse codes was created.

PRECIP: grids of the mean annual and mean monthly precipitation grid from Oregon St. PRISM study; grids which combine the data from Oregon St. with Willmott data to provide coverage of the Mexico portion of the Rio Grande; expected, difference, and actual runoff grids and files used to created accumulated flow maps (data shown in Figures 5.13 through 5.20); evaporation grid (Figure 5.21).

RECHARGE: grid of recharge estimates converted from ERDAS file obtained from the University of North Texas and associated files.

REFERENC: coverages of major basins, USGS HUCS, Texas boundary, county boundaries, and cities used for spatial reference.

REPORT: contains a copy of this report in both Microsoft Word and HTML format.

SBUDGET: programs and data files used in computing the soil-water balance (Chapter 4).

SPRINGS: a coverage of major springs in Texas was created based on information taken from TWDB Report 189 by Gunnar Brune. A set of attributes including name, maximum observed flow, and the year that this maximum flow was observed has been compiled for each spring.

STFLOW: streamflow data extracted from a Hydrosphere CD-ROM; point coverages of stream gage locations with relevant information such as mean monthly and mean annual flows; a number of Avenue scripts including scripts to manage data extracted from the Hydrosphere CD-ROM, to make unit conversions, and to assist in computing net potential inflow and net measured inflow to each basin.

C. Listing of data used to create figures presented in this report

The following table gives the data files that were used to create figures in this report. The ~ symbol indicates the path to the "texas" directory which varies with system and is dependent on the identity of the CD-ROM drive. Figures that were not created using GIS data may not be listed. The name of the project file used to create the figures is also given. Note that the pathnames in the project file must be changed in order to successfully open these projects on a system different than that on which they were developed. As saved on the CD-ROM, all of these projects reference pathnames that begin with "/home/seann/texas."
Figure #Project File Data Source Files
1.1~/rung2.apr ~/precip/prectxs, ~/referenc/txbndp
3.1~/atmobal/diverge.apr ~/atmobal/bradley/bradptt, ~/atmobal/txbndpp
3.3~/atmobal/diverge.apr ~/atmobal/bradley/gpoints, ~/basins/txmskgeo
3.4~/atmobal/diverge.apr ~/atmobal/bradley/atmtexb
3.6 plysurp.dbf
3.7 plysurp.dbf
3.8 plysurp.abf, Patoux, 1994
3.9 plysurp.abf, Patoux, 1994
3.10 plysurp.abf, Patoux, 1994
3.11~/atmobal/atmobal.apr ~/atmobal/bradley/qufile.txt, ~/atmobal/bradley/qvfile.txt
3.12~/atmobal/atmobal.apr ~/atmobal/bradley/qufile.txt, ~/atmobal/bradley/qvfile.txt
3.13~/atmobal/atmobal.apr ~/atmobal/bradley/qufile.txt, ~/atmobal/bradley/qvfile.txt
4.1~/sbudget/sbudget.apr ~/sbudget/wholditx, ~/basins/txmsk3c
4.2~/evap/txevap.apr ~/evap/quadsp, ~/referenc/txbndp
4.3~/evap/txevap.apr ~/evap/quadsp, ~/referenc/txbndp
4.4 ~/sbudget/txclimt, ~/basins/txmsk3c
4.5~/sbudget/bowen.apr ~/sbudget/txradpg, ~/basins/txmsh3c
4.6~/sbudget/sbudget.apr ~/sbudget/txpevtr.dbf, ~/sbudget/shpfiles/txrun.shp, ~/basins/txmsh3c
4.7~/sbudget/sbudget.apr ~/sbudget/surprtr.dbf, ~/sbudget/shpfiles/txrun2.shp, ~/sbudget/surp0tr.dbf, ~/basins/txmsh3c
4.8~/sbudget/sbudget.apr ~/sbudget/prec_tr.txt, ~/sbudget/evapre.dbf, ~/sbudget/stre.dbf, ~/sbudget/surpre.dbf
4.9~/sbudget/sbudget.apr ~/sbudget/stretr.dbf
4.10~/sbudget/sbudget.apr ~/sbudget/shpfiles/txrun2.shp - field "satur"
5.2~/dem.apr ~/basins/demres, ~/basins/txmsk3c
5.3 ~/rf1/txrf1p
5.4~/results4.apr ~/basins/txst1c, ~/stflow/30plus, ~/stflow/30year, ~/referenc/txbndp
5.5~/results4.apr ~/basins/txmshdc3, ~/referenc/majbtxc2, ~/stflow/out2n
5.6 ~/areachk.txt
5.7~/precip.apr ~/precip/allann, ~/basins/txmshdc3, ~/basins/txmsk3c
5.8~/figures.apr ~/recharge/rechpc
5.9 ~/all.txt
5.10~/results4.apr ~/basins/txmshdc3, ~/stflow/out2n, ~/referenc/txbndp
5.11 ~/90f.txt
5.13~/rung2.apr ~/precip/runtxs, ~/referenc/txbndp2, ~/referenc/majbtxc2
5.14~/rung2.apr ~/precip/drunxp, ~/referenc/txbndp2, ~/referenc/majbtxc2
5.15~/rung2.apr ~/precip/aruntxs, ~/referenc/txbndp2, ~/referenc/majbtxc2
5.16~/stflow1.apr ~/precip/run_txc, ~/basins/txmsk2c, ~/referenc/majbtxc2
5.17~/stflow1.apr ~/precip/drun_txc, ~/basins/txmsk2c, ~/referenc/majbtxc2
5.18~/stflow1.apr ~/precip/stf_tx2, ~/basins/txmsk2c, ~/referenc/majbtxc2
5.19~/interp.apr ~/precip/run_txc, ~/precip/drun_txc, ~/precip/stf_txc
5.20~/interp.apr ~/precip/drun_txc, ~/springs/springsp, ~/referenc/majbtxc2
5.21rung2.apr ~/precip/aevaptxs, ~/referenc/majbtxc2, ~/referenc/txbndp2
5.22bowen.apr ~/precip/evaptxs, ~/basins/txmsk3c
5.23bowen.apr ~/sbudget/bowen, ~/basins/txmsk3c

D. Description of files by directory



NOTE: almost all project files assume that the pathname for files starts with "/home/seann/texas/." Most of these project files could be opened using data from the CD-ROM if the project paths are re-written to reflect the path on which the CD-ROM is mounted.

dem.apr : contains layout for Figure 5.3 (RF1 Streams) of final report.

figures.apr : contains recharge figure for report and other figures used in presentations but not in report.

interp.apr : contain layouts of accumulated expected and actual runoff in the San Antonio and Guadalupe basins.

precip.apr: contains layout for Figure 1.1.

results*3.apr, results4.apr : several versions of a project which loads much of the spatial data associated with Texas. These projects also load several useful scripts. Results4.apr is the most recent version. Using this project, queries on watersheds were made to evaluate criteria for the expected runoff function. See section 5.3.1.

rung.apr : project file used to map grids of results; displays the results of the runoff and evaporation grids that have been resampled and converted to polygon coverages for display; Used to create figures 5.13, 5.14, 5.15, and 5.21 in final report.

stflow1.apr : project file used to display maps of accumulated

runoff. This project file contain layouts used to create Figures 5.15, 5.16,

and 5.17 in the final report.

tab51.apr: project used to create Table 5.1 in the final report.


90f.txt : list of watershed grid-codes, mean rainfall, and mean runoff selected to created expected runoff function.

all.txt : list of all 166 watershed grid-codes, mean rainfall, and mean runoff values.

areachk.txt : file used to check the consistency between areas reported by the USGS and areas delineated from the 500 m DEM.

areaf.txt : contains grid-code, DEM area, fraction error between DEM and USGS areas.

checkfl.txt : created by checkfl.ave to compare flow at outlet points in actual runoff grid with observed flow at USGS gaging stations to make sure that runoff mapping method worked.

readme : general description of the data on this ROM.

texas.prj : projection used to transform coordinates from geographic space to coordinates in the Albers projection with the parameters of the Texas State Mapping System.



arrow.ave : draw arrow graphics proportional in length to the moisture flux across a boundary segment; program called by plotflux.ave.

atmobal.ave : computes the atmospheric water balance for a region; required inputs are qufile.txt and qvfile.txt which are created using refq.f and header.ave.

./bradley/refq.f : reformat raw data files of moisture flux at the boundary points into a format that can be read into ArcView as Text files.

./bradley/refqg.f : reformat raw data files of moisture flux at 2 degree grid points into a format that can be read into ArcView as Text files.

./bradley/thiess.aml : used to generate map of 2 degree polygon boundaries in projected space.

calclen.ave : estimates the actual lengths of the x and y components of the Texas boundary segments given the latitude and longitude of segment endpoints (based on the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid).

convert.utl : convert time series table of divergence values for cells into a time series of divergence values for the state; input table is divbrad.txt and output table is plysurp.dbf.

diverge.ave : calculate divergence based on coordinates in point coverage gpoints and data in files qvgrid.txt and qugrid.txt; evaluates Equation 3.7; output file is divbrad.txt.

header.ave : creates a header for qufile.txt and qvfile.txt used by the atmobal.ave program.

plotflux.ave : plot flux vectors along the boundary of Texas; calls arrow.ave; an exercise using earlier versions of atmobal.ave, plotflux.ave, and arrow.ave is described at http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/maidment/ce394k/atmobal/atmobal.htm.


atmobal.apr : project used to make flux integration calculations; accesses files in and below the directory /home/seann/texas/atmobal.

diverge.apr : project used to make divergence calculations; accesses files in and below the directory /home/seann/texas/atmobal.


./bradley/mqu00.bnd : monthly qu flux for Texas boundary points at 0 UTC

./bradley/mqv00.bnd : monthly qv flux for Texas boundary points at 0 UTC

./bradley/mqu12.bnd : monthly qu flux for Texas boundary points at 12 UTC

./bradley/mqv12.bnd : monthly qv flux for Texas boundary points at 12 UTC

./bradley/mqu00.grd : monthly qu flux for 2x2 degree grid at 0 UTC

./bradley/mqv00.grd : monthly qv flux for 2x2 degree grid at 0 UTC

./bradley/mqu12.grd : monthly qu flux for 2x2 degree grid at 12 UTC

./bradley/mqv12.grd : monthly qv flux for 2x2 degree grid at 12 UTC

./bradley/inters.ctl : control file for the script convert.utl; specifies input and output file names, key fields, etc.

./bradley/qufile.txt, ./bradley/qvfile.txt : files created by the program refq.f; contain mean monthly flux estimates for each boundary segment in kg/m/s.

./bradley/qugrid.txt, ./bradley/qvgrid.txt : files created by the program refqg.f; contain mean monthly flux estimates at each 2 degree grid point in kg/m/s.

./bradley/read.me : file describing data provided by Allen Bradley at the University of Iowa.

./bradley/texflux3.dbf : results of flux integration calculation across the border of Texas; Fields: year, month, influx (mm/month), outflux (mm/month), netflux (mm/month), and throughflux (mm/month), C1, C2, . . .etc (mm/month)

divbrad.txt : output file from diverge.ave; fields are cell ID #'s and records are months; units are kq/m2/s; this file input to the program convert.utl.

plysurp.dbf : contains mean monthly divergence results for Texas; the field in plysurp.dbf, labeled "tx0" contains average divergence estimates in units of kg/m2/s. If the values in this field are multiplied by the number of seconds in the month, the divergence in mm/month is obtained.


./boundary/txcntgeo : point coverage of the midpoints of the boundary segments in txlgeo.lin.

./boundary/txlgeo : coverage containing line and node topology of Texas boundary segments in geographic coordinates -- used for flux integration calculations. Attributes include "lx","ly", and "l" which are the corresponding length of these segments on the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid in meters; the point coverage of segment endpoints is attributed with lat/lon coordinates which are used by the program calclen.ave.

./boundary/txrgline : generalized border of Texas in an Albers projection with parameters used for national maps.

./bradley/atmtexb : polygon coverage -- intersection of generalized Texas border (txrgline) and 2 degree cells (bradptt).

./bradley/bradptt : polygon coverage of 2 degree cells as shown in Figure 3.1 of the report; projection is Albers with parameters used for national maps.

./bradley/gpoints : point coverage of 2 degree by 2 degree grid points used for divergence calculations (Equation 3.7).

./bradley/gpointsp : projected version of gpoints.

txbndpp : polygon coverage of Texas boundary; projection is Albers with parameters used for national maps.



dr_area.ave : script used to determine the incremental drainage area of each basin delineated according to the USGS.

addfields.ave : add fields to the attribute table of the delineated watershed coverage ~/texas/basins/txmshdc3 and compute values for these fields.

checkfl.ave : compare flow at outlet points in actual runoff grid with flow at gaging stations to make sure that the runoff mapping method worked. Output file is checkfl.txt.

checkneg.ave : script used to check problems with negative reported flow values in the point coverage 30plus.

convuni2.ave : create new fields in txmshdc3 with different units for flow, average rain, or drainage area, etc.

plotxy.ave : plot x,y charts on selected columns in an INFO table. User is prompted to enter fileds for plotting.

query.ave : make a query on delineated basins in results*.apr. Simplifies making slight changes in a complicated query.

wrttext.ave : write a text file for specified fields in an attribute table.



demproc.aml : describes DEM processing, including 30 second data from Mexico DEM cells.

burndes.aml : description of stream burn_in procedure for Texas only -- prior to including the Mexico data -- many of the output grids are obsolete and these have been deleted.

calcflux.aml : adds up all of the values in the fluxgrid created by netflux3.aml.

getcoord.ave : script used to write a file containing the points of coordinates clicked by the user; used to help identify the outlets of major basins.

inflow.ave : script used to get information about net inflow for selected points and write the results to an INFO file; linked to a button and used interactively.

majbas.aml : AML used to delineate major basins.

makeout.aml : AML used to generate outlet grid from text file for 166 basins.

netflux3.aml : program used to calculate the net flux of runoff across the border of Texas given a flowaccumulation grid, a flowdirection grid, and a grid of the Texas border.

out2n.txt : file with coordinates of outlets used to delineate 166 watersheds; created with selout.aml

outflow.ave : script used to write the outflow from selected points to a table; linked to a button and used interactively.

plotcoef.ave : script used to plot measured flow vs. potential flow.

selout.aml, seloutm.aml : AMLs that allow the user to interactively select watershed outlets given a point coverage and a link grid.


keyatt.txt : text file describing the key attributes of the final coverage of 166 delineated watersheds.


arcbasn2 : major watersheds in Texas; taken from a CD-ROM created by Smith, 1995, and possibly re-projected.

majbasc : coverages of major basins derived from 15" data (not clipped with the State boundary).

majout3 : point coverage of outlets to the major basins

outpotc2 : coverage of 166 outlets with potential flow as attributes

rf1clip : EPA's River Reach File 1 (RF1) coverage with coastal polygons elimated; TSMS projection; line topology not built (6/9/96).

rf1clipn : EPA's River Reach File 1 (RF1) coverage with coastal polygons eliminated; national projection.

rf1gulfc, rf1gulf2 : polygon coverages used to eliminate coastal polygons from the RF1 coverage prior to stream burn-in.

txmsk2c, txmsk3c : polygon coverages of mask of texas border for which all elevation values are greater than 0; txmsk3c has many islands clipped out.

txmskgeo : mask of Texas border in geographic coordinates; from the same data source as txmsk2c.

txsh2geo : delineated watershed boundaries in geographic coordinates.

txst1c : delineated streams at a 1000 cell threshold.

txst3c2 : delineated streams at a 3000 cell threshold.

txst3cut : delineated streams at a 3000 cell threshold clipped by the border of Texas.

txmshdc3 : basins delineated from txfdmod and out2ng, the attributes of this coverage are used to select basins for the "expected" runoff curve; attributes of this coverage are described in the text file keyatt.txt.

txsh2geo : txmshdc3 in geographic coordinates


demnat : portion of the U.S. 500 m DEM that covers Texas and areas draining to Texas, in national Albers projection; obtained from usdem2; starting point for delineation (see burndes.aml).

demf2 : filled and projected 500 m DEM for Texas (see burndes.aml for creation details).

demf2mf0 : filled version of the combined Mexico and Texas DEM.

demres : demf2mf0 resampled to a larger cell size to make it faster to display in ArcView3.

ditchgmf : zeros in the streams and raised grid on the landscape including the Mexico terrain (filled twice see demproc.aml for reasoning). A few cells in ditchgmf were edited with Gridtools to make sure that two problematic areas drained in the correct direction (see Section 5.2.3 for problem description and the whatidid file in this directory for solution details).

majoutg : 13 major basins delineated based on user selected outlet points.

majout2 : grid of outlet points for major basins.

mexnd0 : selected portion of the North American 30 second dem in geographic coordinates, water is assigned the value NODATA.

out2n.txt, out2n, out2ng : text file, coverage, and grid of 166 outlet points.

streamg : gridded version of rf1clip with a cell size and mapextent consistent with the DEM (see burndesc.aml for creation details).

txst1m : gridded streams for Texas and Mexico with a 1000 cell threshold.

txst3m : gridded streams for Texas and Mexico with 3000 cell threshold.

txst9m : gridded streams at 900 cell threshold.

txlnkm : stream links from txst1m and txmfd.

txmfdmod : flowdirection from modified version of ditchgmf.

txfamod : flowaccumulation grid from txmfdmod.

txmshd2 : basins delineated from out2ng using txmfdmod.



alfredo2.ave : script used to reformat gross reservoir evaporation data; creates INFO file 1deggevp.

basevap.ave : determine the approximate evaporation from each major basin in Texas.

evapavg.ave : adds fields of "ann_mean" and "ann71" to the INFO file "evyears". "Ann_mean" is the average PE over 1961-1990 and "ann71" is the average annual PE from 1971 - 1990. ** THE UNITS ARE ACTUALLY MM/MONTH SO FOR ANNUAL TOTAL, multiply by 12.** These two values are the same for those quads that only have the 71-90 period of record.

evrate2.ave : estimate annual gross evaporation from each reservoir in reserb90 and add a field ("ev_rate") containing this information to the reservoirs coverage.

fixquad.aml : repair problems with polygon ID's in first column of 1 degree quads.

getalfr.f : reformats gross evap estimates so that they can be loaded into ArcView. Input: grs-4090. Output: evapalf.txt

monavg.ave : create an INFO table (monavg.dat) that contains monthly average gross evaporation from each quadrangle.

plotres.ave : script that can be used to plot time series data.

quadr.f : FORTRAN program used to write generate file (quads.gen) for 1 degree quads.

shdevap.ave : determine the approximate reservoir evaporation from each delineated watershed.

shiftid.f : FORTRAN program used to create a file with the correct quadrangle index IDs to match Alfredo's data; input: joinid.txt; output: joinidn.txt. ** Arc/Info won't assign correct user IDs so I manually changed them (I've seen this error before when generating square cells) and added a column called tquad-id; needed very short FORTRAN program shiftid.f--this program reads joinid.txt and creates joinidn.txt).

year.ave : add the field called year to the reservoir coverage; this is the year the reservoir was impounded -- simplifies the "imp_date" field in daminf2.dat.

yevapavg.ave : computes the weighted average evaporation in each year and adds a new field called "annual" to the INFO table evapalf.


1deggevp.dbf : dBase file containing gross reservoir evaporation estimates on a 1 degree grid.

all_4090.dnl : raw data file with net reservoir evaporation from Alfredo.

damin2.dbf : table containing reservoir attributes corresponding to the reservoirs in the coverage reserp; these attributes have been joined to reserp and reserb90.

evapalf.txt : text file containing quad ID, year, and 12 monthly gross evaporation estimates (mm).

evcb60.txt, evcb90.txt, evpb60.txt, evpb90.txt : text files containing estimates of average reservoir evaporation by watershed based on either conservation or polygon area for reservoirs impounded before 1960 or before 1990. For example, evcb60.txt contains evaporation estimates for reservoirs impounded before 1960 based on conservation area.

grs-4090 : gross evaporation estimates for quadrangles covering Texas obtained from Alfredo Rodriquez (TWDB) (units are inches/month). Some quads contain monthly estimates from 1940 to 1990 while others contain data from 1971 to 1990.

joinid.txt, joinidn.txt : text files with used to match quadrangle index numbers in the coverage of 1 degree quadrangles.

quadpt.gen : generate file for a point coverage at the center of each 1 degree quadrangle.

quadsn.gen : generate file for 1 degree quad polygons.


evyears : contains quad-id, styear and endyear, annual mean evaporation / 12 (1961-1990) --"ann_mean," and annual mean evaporation / 12 (1971-1990); this information is joined to quads and quadsp.

evapalf : INFO table that contains reformatted gross reservoir evaporation data.

daminf2.dat : INFO file containing dam attributes.

monevap.dat : 30 year monthly averages of gross evaporation: 12 values for each quad.


quads : 1 degree quads in geographic space attributed with quadrangle index number and x,y coordinates of center point.

quadsp : 1 degree quads in TSMS Albers with these attributes:

styear = start year when estimates are available

endyear = end year when estimates are available

ann_mean = 30 year mean (mm/month)

ann71 = 20 year mean (mm/month)

anntot = annual 30 year (or 20 year when 30 year not available) mean

evaporation (mm/year)

quadptp : projected point coverage of the centers of 1 degree quads.

reserp : polygon coverage of reservoirs in Albers projection with TSMS parameters.

reserb90 : coverage of reservoirs built before 1990; field "poly_evap" contains evaporation estimate (m3/year) based on polygon area; field "cons_evp" contains evaporation estimate (m3/year) based on conservation area.


txlus : landuse coverage from Smith, 1995, CD-ROM.

lu_urb : polygons in txlus with 'Li' = 1 (urban landuse types).

urb_disp : lu_urb was dissolved to make a smaller coverage (see whatidid file) and projected.

urbshds : intersect urb_disp ~/texas/basins/txmshdc3 urbshds poly.

perclu.aml : determine the fraction of area in each delineated watershed that is classified as urban landuse.



arun2.aml : determine the actual runoff and accumulated runoff using the expected runoff grid computed with runoff2.aml.

combpot.ave : create a dBase table called "pflow.dbf" that contains the potential flow for each month and each watershed.

getwill.f : FORTRAN program to extract Willmott precipitation data for texas; this data is used to fill in precipitation over the Mexico portion of the Rio Grande; reads a control file called control.txt with the mapextent of data to be extracted and a variable which indicates whether goedetic or geocentric coordinates are being used. Outputs: point.txt and prec.txt.

mkgrid.aml and mkgrid2.aml : used to create/process precipitation grids. The main products are merged grids of Oregon St. and Willmott monthly values.

montomm.ave : script written to convert attributes in the table txmshdc3.pat from cfs to mm.

plotdrun.aml, plotflow.aml, plotrun.aml : AMLs used to create files for making

maps of accumulated runoff (difference, actual, and expected runoff respectively).

preplot.aml, preplo2.aml : prepare runoff and evaporation grids for mapping with ArcView 2.1.

runoff2.aml : convert the annual rainfall grid to an annual runoff using the expected runoff function.

wrttext2.ave : export selected fields to a text file for graphing.


bastotsn.txt : text file with basin totals of precip, evap, runoff, recharge.

control.txt : control file for getwill.f

pflow.dbf : potential flow in each watershed.

prec.txt : mean annual precipitation corresponding to each point where Willmott data is available.

precm.txt : monthly and annual precipitation from Willmott.

precip.avl : legend file for displaying precipitation.

whatidid, whatidi2, whatidi3 : descriptions of what I did with data in this directory. whatidi3 is simplified and most easily understood.


wprec.dat : file containing a point-id and the Willmott mean annual precipitation, to be joined to the coverage wprecpts


aoutflc : point coverage of all 166 outlets attributed with mean annual flows.

drunoutc : point coverage of major basin outlets attributed with values of druncfs.

drunxp : polygon version of druntxs used for display only.

runoutc : point coverage of major basin outlets attributed with expected runoff estimates.

stoutc : point coverage of outlets from major basins attributed with streamflow (estimates represent accumulated runoff values).

wprecpts : point coverage attributed with mean annual Willmott rainfall (geographic coordinates).

wprecp2 : point coverage of Willmott points attributed with mean monthly and annual data (projected).

wthiess : Thiessen polygons made from wprecp2; attributed with Willmott data.


allann, alljan, allfeb, etc. : grids of monthly and annual precipitation for the entire study area. These grids include data from Willmott for areas not covered by the Oregon State grid.

arunoff : grid of actual runoff at a 500 m cell resolution.

aruntxs : actual runoff within Texas aggregated to 5 km cells for display.

bowen : grid of Bowen rations, 5 km cell size

density: grid of water density at mean annual temperature, 5 km cell size

drun0i : grid of differences between mean observed runoff and mean expected runoff (converted to integer to save space).

druntxs : difference between actual and expected runoff within Texas aggregated to 5 km cells for display

evap : grid of expected evaporation at a 500 m cell resolution.

evaptxs : expected evaporation within Texas aggregated to 5 km cells for display.

flowsac3 : grid of accumulated runoff ; see arun2.aml for creation details.

latheat : grid of latent heat of vaporization as a function of mean annual temperature, 5 km cell size.

prectxs : precipitation within Texas, 5 km cell size.

rallann : allann resampled to a 500 m cell size so that the weighted flow accumulation can be determined.

rnmm : approximate water equivalent of mean annual net radiation in mm.

runoff : expected runoff grid at 500 m resolution.

runoffs : expected runoff grid at 5 km resolution.

runtxs : expected runoff within Texas aggregated to 5 km cells.

txbprec : mean annual precipitation grid cut to the boundary of Texas.

txpann2 : grid of mean annual precipitation for Texas; portion of the U.S. grid obtained from Oregon St. U. (geographic coordinates).

txpann2p : projected version of txpann2 (5 km resolution)

txprec_r : resample precipitation for display.

wresamp : resampled wtprecg to the same size cells (5 km) as the Oregon St. grid (txpann2p)

wtprecg : Thiessen polygons (wthiess) attributed with mean annual precipitation converted to grid cells (50 km on a side).



calcrech.ave : convert DRASTIC ratings in rechpc into mm/year.

weight_r.aml : estimate mm/basin area/year of recharge for each basin; results are contained in the INFO file recharge.sta.

INFO Files:

recharge.sta : the field "sum-fr_recharge" contains mm/year of recharge averaged over each watershed; the field


rechpc : polygon version of rechp; fields min, max, and mean contain the minimum, maximum, and mean estimated mean annual recharge for each polygon.

rech_shd : recharge polygons intersected with delineated watersheds.


rechp : grid of DRASTIC ratings for recharge; original data from University of North Texas; data has been converted to Arc/Info Grid format and projected.



arcbasns : major basins in Texas from Smith, 1995, CD-ROM; national Albers projection.

arcbasnsp : major basins, Albers projection with TSMS parameters.

coastbc : coverage of coastal basins.

counties : coverage of Texas counties from ArcUsa.

huctxp : Texas HUCS, Albers projection with TSMS parameters.

majbtxc : major basins in Texas clipped by the polygon border of the State along the coast.

majbtxc2 : major basins in Texas clipped by the DEM along the coast.

txbnd : arc coverage of Texas boundary.

txbndp : polygon coverage of Texas boundary.

txbndp2 : polygon coverage of Texas boundary with islands eliminated.

txbound : generalized boundary of Texas in the national Albers projection.

txboundg : generalized boundary of Texas in geographic coordinates.

txcit2 : Texas cities in the national Albers projection.

txcit2p, txcities : Texas cities in an Albers projection with TSMS parameters.


coastg1 : grid of coastal basins.

majbgrid : grid of major basins in Texas.

txbmsk : gridded mask of the Texas boundary defined by ArcUsa.


wbtexas.doc : Microsoft Word version of final report.

gifs : directory containing all GIF files used in report.

html : directory containing HTML version of the final report; main document is named wbtexas.htm.



c_whold.ave : compute the average water-holding capacity at center points of climate cells; adds a field to the point coverage txclimt called wholdavg.

getwillm.f : get the Willmott temperature and precipitation data for a geographic extent specified in the file "control.txt" and create the file point.txt suitable for creating a point coverage and prec.txt and temp.txt which can be joined to this point coverage in ArcView as needed.

getwhold.f, getwhol2.f : program to get water-holding capacity values for Texas from the global data set of Dunne and Willmott; writes text files used to create the coverage whold.

swbaltx.ave : run soil water balance algorithm described in Section 4.1; program prompts the user for a control file specifying input and output files; the control file for calculations made with Priestley-Taylor potential evaporation estimates is txbal2.ctl and the control file for calculations made with reservoir evaporation estimates is resev.ctl.

pevap.ave : computes potential evaporation using the Priestley-Taylor method; the control file texpev.ctl was used to specify inputs and outputs to this program for this study; output file is txpev.txt.

pevapre.ave : reformats reservoir evaporation data so that it can be used read by swbaltx.ave; output file is resevtx.txt.

selrad.aml : reselect polygons in the global net radiation coverage "tot" that are in and arount the study area.

thiess.aml : used to generate map of 0.5 degree boundaries in projected space; program is general but was applied to txclim in this case.

tr_prec.ave : transpose the text file prec.txt so that it can be used by the soil-water balance program; result is prec_tr.txt.

transpose.ave : program used to transpose dBase tables.

wrtaml.ave : script used to write an AML to reselect specific cells in the global net radiation coverage (tot).


sbudget.apr : project used to make soil-water balance calculations and potential evaporation calculations; assumes all files are located in or below a directory names /export/home/seann/texas/sbudget.


control.txt : control file for getwillm.f and getwhol2.f; specifies input parameters.

instruct.txt : summary of steps to create a temperature, precipitation, and water-holding capacity data set for any location in the world.

mresev.dbf : file containing mean monthly gross reservoir evaporation estimates for each quadrangle defined in /texas/evap/quadsp. Quadrangle ID's are field names and 12 records contain monthly values.

mresevtr.dbf : same data as mresev.dbf but with time as fields and quadrangle ID as records; in this form the data can be easily joined with /texas/evap/quadsp for display.

point.txt : text file for generating the coverage txclim.

prec.txt : Willmott precipitation data corresponding to points in txclim; 12 monthly values; records correspond to points and fields correspond to time.

prec_tr.txt : transposed version of prec.txt with 12 months as records and spatial units as fields; this text file can be used by swbaltx.ave.

resev.ctl : control file for soil water balance calculations made with swbaltx.ave using reservoir evaporation estimates.

resevtx.txt, resevtx.dbf : resevtx.txt is the output file from pevapre.ave and contains reservoir evaporation estimates for each climate cell; resevtx.dbf contains the same data.

resevtr.txt : contains monthly reservoir evaporation estimates for each 1 degree quadrangle defined by /texas/evap/quadsp; quad-ids are records and months are fields.

surpre.dbf, stre.dbf, dstre.dbf, evapre.dbf : output files of swbaltx.ave using resev.ctl. These are surplus, soil moisture storage, and actual evaporation respectively. 12 monthly values (records) for each climate cell (fields).

surpretr.dbf, stretr.dbf : same data as surpre.dbf and stre.dbf but with data transposed; months are fields and spatial units are records.

surptx0.dbf, sttx0.dbf, dsttx0.dbf, evaptx0.dbf : output files of swbaltx.ave using txbal2.ctl. These are surplus, soil moisture storage, and actual evaporation respectively. 12 monthly values (records) for each climate cell (fields).

temp.txt : Willmott temperature data corresponding to points in txclim; 12 monthly values.

txbal2.ctl : control file for soil water balance calculations made with swbaltx.ave using Priestley-Taylor potential evaporation estimates.

texpev.ctl : control file used with the script pevap.ave that computes potential evaporation using the Priestley-Taylor method.

txpev.txt : monthly potential evaporation estimates made using the Priestley-Taylor method; fields correspond to cells in txclimt.

txpevtr.dbf : transposed version of txpev.txt.

whold.avl : ArcView legend file used for displaying water holding capacity.

whold.txt : text file used to create the grid of water-holding capacity for the world.


./shpfiles/txevap.shp : shapefile with cells where computations were made; computed evaporation attributes : "jan," "feb," "mar," . . . etc. have been joined to this table; units are mm.

./shpfiles/txrun2.shp, ./shpfiles/txrun.shp : cells on which soil-water balance was computed; important attributes are "wholdavg" (average water-holding capacity) and "satur" which indicates the mean annual saturation of the soil; created from txclimt.

txclim : point coverage where Willmott temperature and precipitation data are available; one point at the center of each 0.5 degree cell in geographic coordinates.

txclimp : txclim projected into an Albers projection with Texas State Mapping System (TSMS) parameters.

txclimt : polygons of climate cells in projected space; these polygons were created using thiess.aml; an attribute "wholdavg" was added by c_whold.ave which is the average water holding capacity.

txradc : polygon coverage of ~2.5 degree cells covering Texas with attributed with 96 months of net radiation data (W/m2) and mean monthly radiation for this 8 year period; polygons were reselected from a global coverage.

txradp : projected version of txradc.

whold : point coverage of locations where water holding capacity estimates are available.

wholdp : whold coverage projected into an Albers projection with Texas State Mapping System (TSMS) parameters.

wholdt : polygons of cells where water-holding capacity estimates are available in projected space; water-holding capacity (mm) is stored in the field "whold"; these polygons were created using thiess.aml.

wholditx : coverage wholdt intersected with the border of Texas; the field "whold" is water-holding capacity and "areawh" is "area" * "whold."


wholdg : grid of water-holding capacity for the world.


springsc : coverage of 127 major springs in geographic coordinates.

springsp : coverage of 127 major springs in TSMS Albers.

springs3.txt : selected spring characteristics.

spr_tots.ave : calculates the sum of the maximum observed springflows in each watershed and adds the fields max_spf,max_spfmm to the coverage txmshdc3 which have units of cfs and mm/year respectively.



adjflows.ave : make adjustments to streamflows for stations with incomplete

periods of record.

anntoafy.ave, convunit.ave : Avenue scripts for unit conversion on selected fields.

calcavg.ave : script used to extract a list of stations and certain bits of station information from a dBase file exported from the Hydrosphere ROM ; also calculates annual flows averaged over the 30 year period 1961-1990.

calcyavg.ave : calculates annual average flows and stores the value for each year, not just the 30 year period 1961 - 1990.

inflow.ave : write net measured and potential inflow for currently selected set

of points to a file.

majout.aml : reselect only points that are outlets to major basins.

make_win.aml : display graphics in the vicinity of a selected point.

outflow.ave : write net measured and potential outflow for currently selected

set of points to a file.

pot_flow.ave : unit conversion script.

restrapd.aml : reselects outlet points that are not "trapped."

select.aml : AML used to create the coverage 30plus.

selout.aml : AML that allows the user to interactively select watershed outlets given a point coverage and a link grid.


flows1c.apr : project used to compute net inflows to delineated watersheds ; project used to create shdflows.dat -- INFO file containing net inflow and outflow.


id.txt, id2.txt, id3.txt : files containing station IDs used to ensure the correct attributes get linked to the correct stations.

plus_st.txt : list of stations for which flow adjustments were made.


30plus : point coverage of 185 stations considered for delineation; attributed with mean flow, drainage area, etc.; here are the definitions of important fields:

staname = station name

start_yr, last_yr = start year and end year


jan_mean, feb_mean, etc. = mean monthly flow (cfs)

ann_meanwr = mean flow in water year (cfs)

ann_mean = mean flow in calendar year (cfs)

drainarea = drainage are reported by USGS (km2)

contrb_area = contributing area (km2)

nn30 = 30 year mean flow (cfs)

mf_afy = 30 year mean flow (acre-ft / year)

missmonth = # of months in 30 year period with missing records

30year : point coverage of 164 stations with a complete record for 1961-1990; important fields:

staname = station name

staryr, last_yr = start year and end year


jan_mean, feb_mean, etc. = mean monthly flow (cfs)

ann_meanwr = mean flow in water year (cfs)

ann_mean = mean flow in calendar year (cfs)

drainarea = drainage are reported by USGS (km2)

contrb_area = contributing area (km2)

out1maj : major outlets.

out2n : point coverage of watershed outlets.

plus : point coverage of 21 stations without complete records for 1961-1990; same attributes as 30year.

reserb60 : reservoirs built before 1960.

reserp : all reservoirs with attributes.

stations, stationp : stations coverages before reselecting those with the appropriate 30 year records in geographic and projected space respectively.

txstat : same as w2statp less one point that was way out of Texas

w2stat : coverage of streamflow stations in Texas.

w2statp : projected coverage of streamflow stations.