Arc Hydro River Scoping Workshop

December 1-3, 2010

West Pickle Research Building
3925 West Braker Lane
Austin Tx

The Center for Research in Water Resources (CRWR) of the University of Texas at Austin has collaborated with the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) of Redlands, CA, and other partners, on two initiatives for the customization of ArcGIS for Water Resources: Arc Hydro, and Arc Hydro Groundwater.   These initiatives have each led to the establishment of a data model for representation of water resources information in ArcGIS, a book published through ESRI Press, and a toolset for implementing the data models in practical projects.   More information about these initiatives can be found on the Arc Hydro Resource Center

This “Scoping Workshop” planned for December 1-3, 2010, on the UT Austin campus, is to establish the framework for a third initiative in this series, this one dealing with the application of ArcGIS to river environments.    A more extensive description of the purposes of Arc Hydro River can be found at: Arc Hydro River Overview Document prepared by David Maidment (UT Austin) and Clint Brown (ESRI).   This document is being revised progressively as understanding of this initiative increases.  The latest version is dated November 24, and contains an outline of the main thrusts of Arc Hydro River, and an assessment of the use of web GIS in carrying it out.   The purpose of this workshop is to further define the scope and extent of the new initiative.

The program for the workshop has been constructed so that on the first day there is an outline and assessment of the goals for which Arc Hydro River is being planned, on the second day there is a review of current geospatial activities of the US federal water agencies whose information and data can be expected to contribute to Arc Hydro River in the United States, and on the third, half day, there is a plan presented for future activities to advance Arc Hydro River.

The workshop program can be accessed at: Arc Hydro River Workshop Program

The work plan for Arc Hydro River can be found at:

There is no charge for attendance at this workshop but if you wish to attend, please register with Erika Boghici at 

This link has information about the West Pickle Research location.


Parking information for that building is at the link below. There is also a downloadable map.