Post-Workshop Comments
Al Rea – Thanks so much for putting on
this workshop. I think we are on our way to making some very significant
progress. It was actually pretty amazing to see how much is available right
now, and it was interesting that almost everyone seemed to learn about resources
they didn't know existed yet. I count myself among those who learned about
several useful web services at the workshop. I expect that soon the list of
such services will be growing at a rate such that the hardest part will simply
be finding what you need out of all that is there.
As I've been thinking over the week's discussions, at least for the U.S., I see
a couple of clear directions I think we should be pursuing as a community:
First, we need to make the data and services that currently are available much
easier to use. This would include map services to provide graphical views, and
to a great extent this is already in place. I'm sure there is room for
improvement on these, and the templates and logical framework we began
outlining late last week should help a lot in that regard.
Also, a lot of geoprocessing or functional web
services already exist to make those map services even more useful. For
everyone's reference, here are a couple links to the most useful services I
know about. I'm sure there are others:
One near-term need I see is the development of GeoProcessing front-ends to those existing services.
Ideally, I would like to be able to load a toolbox into ArcMap
that would provide the ability to use many of the above services. As we
discussed, it is simply too hard to make use of those services right now. As a
member of operational programs like StreamStats, NHD,
and NHDPlus, I think one thing that would really help
us in the short term would be a GP programming example, preferably in Python,
that shows how such services can be integrated as tools on the desktop, using
services and data from the "cloud". Given our budget realities and
priorities, however, I don't mean to imply that such an example would
necessarily be enough to start the ball rolling. In fact, we (in USGS
specifically) probably don't have the resources to pursue building GP tools for
all these services. Without a code sample, though, it is almost a certainty
that we won't be able to provide an easier interface to these services. This is
where the community might really be able to help. We could then focus on
continuing to serve and enhance the data and services themselves.
The second major direction I think we need to work on is the longer-term
refinements to the ArcHydro Data Model. Tuesday night
a group of us from the NHD, NHDPlus, and StreamStats teams met and came up with a list of
enhancements to the current ArcHydro Data Model and
Tools that we think are needed. I'm including those here, so they don't get
lost in the shuffle.
are some more forward-looking ideas that go beyond incremental improvements:
this second category of more comprehensive changes to the data model, I've been
thinking more about it, and I'm wondering if we really need fully-functioning
networks at different scale levels. Perhaps it is sufficient to build a
complete network at the most detailed scale, which may vary across the
landscape (i.e. it is a "patchwork quilt"). If the more generalized
levels of the network can be tied to the features in that most detailed level,
perhaps that is enough. For example, in the network diagrams on the left side
of Slide 15, from the ArcHydroRiverPlan.pptx (Friday morning's tentative plan),
I count 15 flowlines in the 100K view, represented by
3 flowlines in the "National view". If each
of those 3 generalized flowlines were related to the flowlines in the most detailed view, perhaps we could
simply do the network functions on the detailed level, and relate the results
back to the generalized level? I don't know for sure. We probably need to look
at the use cases and see if they can all be accomplished with such a structure.
Also, in the case of the U.S., it seems to make more sense to try to build from
the most detailed level and generalize from that, rather than to start with
generalized data and drill down to more detail. The latter is in essence what
we've been doing the last couple of decades in the US. However, each step of
the way has required rather painful adjustments to the overall framework. (Just
ask the NHD folks how difficult it was to conflate from 100K NHD to 24K.) I'm
pretty sure it would be much easier to generalize from a more detailed level
than it is to go the other way. The NHD group has been working on
generalization techniques, and has had some pretty good success. This work
could form the basis of such a system. In essence, the Hi-Res NHD currently is
morphing into a patchwork quilt as more detailed networks are being added in
local areas.
In order to make this work, however, you need to be able to build the network
on the whole detailed database. I think this remains a challenge. NHD networks
currently are built only at the 4-digit HUC level when being extracted from the
national database. This suggests that at least a two-tiered network is needed,
unless the geometric network capability of ArcGIS can
be dramatically improved. On the raster side of the ArcHydro
Tools, we have found that such a structure works pretty well, and in fact have
found the need to expand it to at least 3 tiers. If we can design an N-tiered
structure that retains network integrity on each tier level, as well as allows
inter-tier connectivity, this would give us a lot of flexibility to accommodate
disparate data in a true multi-scale network. I'm thinking this is our best
hope for getting ahead of the game in that "arms race" I talked about
with ever-increasing data resolution.
I guess I've talked myself in a circle. I started thinking maybe one network at
the most detailed scale would work, but I think I'm back to the idea that a
multi-tier network is probably necessary. Hopefully this exercise is somewhat
useful in framing the questions we need to address. Please count me in for the
discussions, unless, of course, I've proven myself too clueless with this
rambling walk through the hydrographic garden.
Thanks again for hosting our meeting. I hope you got some sleep over the
weekend. Those emails from you were coming at all hours...
Alan Rea, P.E., Hydrologist
U.S. Geological Survey
230 Collins Road, Boise ID 83702