gotoapr opens a project that is specified in the first parameter
'gotoapr.ave gotoname = self.get(0) theProject = av.GetProject prname = theproject.getname if (nil <> theProject) then if (theProject.IsModified) then res = MsgBox.SaveChanges("Do you want to save changes to " + theProject.GetName + "?", "ArcView", true) if (nil = res) then exit end if (res) then av.Run("Project.Save", nil) if (theProject.IsModified) then exit end end end end xxx = theproject.getfilename.asstring.substitute(prname,gotoname) theFName = xxx.asfilename if (nil <> theProject) then theProject.Close end av.ClearGlobals av.PurgeObjects Project.Open(theFName)gtflwprc Opens the project "flwprc.apr", (maps of the flow rate and precipitation depth), property: Click
xxx ="gotoapr",{"flwprc.apr"})gtflwu Opens the project "flwprc.apr", property: Update
prname = av.GetProject.getname if(prname = "flwprc.apr") then self.setenabled(false) else self.setenabled(true) endgtmodel Opens the project "model.apr" (data preparation and model execution), property: Click
xxx ="gotoapr",{"model.apr"})gtmodu Opens the project "model.apr", property: Update
prname = av.GetProject.getname if(prname = "model.apr") then self.setenabled(false) else self.setenabled(true) endgtresult Opens the project "results.apr" (results of last model execution), property: Click
xxx ="gotoapr",{"results.apr"})gtresu Opens the project "results.apr", property: Update
prname = av.GetProject.getname if(prname = "results.apr") then self.setenabled(false) else self.setenabled(true) endgttools Opens the project "tools.apr" (selected tools for hydrologic maps preparation), property: Click
xxx ="gotoapr",{"tools.apr"})gttoou Opens the project "tools.apr", property: Update
prname = av.GetProject.getname if(prname = "tools.apr") then self.setenabled(false) else self.setenabled(true) end
'edflow3.ave '==================================================== 'data table name: Cumulative flow ' fields: "Unit_id", m199001 ... 'model table name: feature table of "units" ("Crwsd") ' fields: "Unit_id", "Qm01 .. Qm12" '==================================================== theView = av.getproject.finddoc("Modeling Units") FTmodl = theview.findtheme("Units").Getftab FTflow = av.getproject.finddoc("Cumulative flow").getVtab 'FTflow = fldoc.findtheme("unflow").getftab if ((FTmodl = nil) or (FTflow=nil)) then msgbox.error("Can't get ftab of units or cumulative flow", " Units or flow unaccessible") exit end 'check if all fields can be found: 'current version of edflow1 and v2 assumes that all fields exist sp = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ln1 = "Assume flow conditions of:" ln3 = "( to apply factor to current values enter: NO )" ln4 = "Multiply flow rate for all months by:" ln5 = " Apply multiplication factor to each month:" ln6 = "Multiply flow rate for January by......." ln7 = "Multiply flow rate for February by....." ln8 = "Multiply flow rate for March by.........." ln9 = "Multiply flow rate for April by............" ln10 = "Multiply flow rate for May by............." ln11 = "Multiply flow rate for June by..........." ln12 = "Multiply flow rate for July by............" ln13 = "Multiply flow rate for August by........" ln14 = "Multiply flow rate for September by." ln15 = "Multiply flow rate for October by......" ln16 = "Multiply flow rate for November by.." ln17 = "Multiply flow rate for December by.." labls = {ln1,ln3,ln4,sp,ln5,ln6,ln7,ln8,ln9,ln10,ln11,ln12, ln13,ln14,ln15,ln16,ln17} defts = {"1990"," ","1.00"," "," ","1.00","1.00","1.00","1.00","1.00", "1.00","1.00","1.00","1.00","1.00","1.00","1.00"} tytul = " Select flow rate" while (true) xlist = msgBox.Multiinput(tytul, "Monthly average flow rate m3/s", labls, defts ) if (xlist.count = 0) then exit end for each i in 0..16 if ((i=0) or (i=1) or (i=3) or (i=4))then continue end if (xlist.get(i).isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(i)++"is not a number", "Error in line "++i.asstring) continue end end if (xlist.get(0) = "no" )then break end yr = xlist.get(0).asnumber if ((yr < 1960) or (yr>1991)) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(0)++"out of range (1960-1991)", "Error in year field ") continue end break end if (xlist.get(0) = "no" ) then if(Ftmodl.iseditable.not) then Ftmodl.seteditable(true) end for each m in 1..12 av.setstatus (m * 100 /12) av.showmsg("Processing month "++m.asstring++" ... ") if (m <10) then nameto = "Flow"+"0"+m.asstring else nameto = "Flow"+m.asstring end im = m + 4 expr = "["+nameto+"] *"+xlist.get(2)+"*"+xlist.get(im) Ftmodl.calculate(expr,Ftmodl.findfield(nameto)) end if(Ftmodl.iseditable) then Ftmodl.seteditable(false) end exit end ' Find the table and join fields for the tables field1 = Ftmodl.FindField("Unit_id") field2 = Ftflow.FindField("Unit_id") ' Now perform the join.... Ftmodl.Join( field1, Ftflow, field2) if(Ftmodl.iseditable.not) then Ftmodl.seteditable(true) end for each m in 1..12 if (m <10) then namefrom = "Qm"+xlist.get(0)+"0"+m.asstring nameto = "Flow"+"0"+m.asstring else namefrom = "Qm"+xlist.get(0)+m.asstring nameto = "Flow"+m.asstring end im = m + 4 expr = "["+namefrom+"] *"+xlist.get(2)+"*"+xlist.get(im) Ftmodl.calculate(expr,Ftmodl.findfield(nameto)) end if(Ftmodl.iseditable) then Ftmodl.seteditable(false) end FTmodl.unjoinalledflow3u Assigned to the button EQc (flow rate selection and modification), property: Update.
' edflow3u.ave : update event for "edit/select flow rate" ' Is enabled when "Modeling Units" view is active. ' ======================= theView = av.GetActiveDoc if (theView.GetEditableTheme <> NIL) then SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE) exit end t = theView.GetName if ( t = "Modeling Units" ) then SELF.SetEnabled(TRUE) exit end SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE)eduse2 Runs scripts "eduse2a" and "eduse2a" that support edititing the agrichemical application rate. Assigned to button EAP. Property: Click.
'eduse2.ave '================ t = av.GetActiveDoc.GetName if ( t = "Modeling Units") then"eduse2m","") exit end if (t = "Application Rate") then"eduse2a","") exit end msgbox.Info("Modeling Units or Application Rate must be active", "Raquired View is not Active")eduse2a Displays the dialog box to edit agrichemical application rate. Changes will be made to selected (or all) county polygons displayed on an active view (executed from the script "eduse2")
'eduse2a.ave (updated eduse1b.ave) 'edtuse.update script checked the existence of themes. '==================================================== 'link table name: "County link unit file" extracted from ' feature table of "Useunit" ' fields: "Fips", "Unit_id", "area_km2" 'model table name: feature table of Units (alias of "Crwsd") ' fields: "Unit_id", "Chemuse" 'county table name: feature table of Use feature from ' "Application Rate" view, (alias of "cruse") ' fields: "Fips", "use" '==================================================== theView = av.getproject.finddoc("Modeling Units") FTmodl = theview.findtheme("Units").Getftab FTlink = av.getproject.finddoc("linkuse.dbf").getvtab FTcnty = av.getproject.finddoc("Application Rate").findtheme("use").GetFtab if ( Ftlink.haserror ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find link table", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end 'check if all fields can be found: FDumdl = FTmodl.findfield("Unit_id") if ( FDumdl = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Unit_id field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end FDfcty = FTcnty.findfield("Fips") if ( FDfcty = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Fips field", "theme "++FTcnty.asstring) exit end FDucty = FTcnty.findfield("use") if ( FDucty = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Use field", "theme "++FTcnty.asstring) exit end FDtcty = FTcnty.findfield("temp") if ( FDucty = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Temp field", "theme "++FTcnty.asstring) exit end FDclnk = FTlink.findfield("Fips") if ( FDclnk = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Fips field", "theme "++FTlink.asstring) exit end FDulnk = FTlink.findfield("Unit_id") if ( FDulnk = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Unit_id field", "theme "++FTlink.asstring) exit end FDalnk = FTlink.findfield("area_km2") if ( FDalnk = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Area_km2 field", "theme "++FTlink.asstring) exit end 'FDumdl = FTmodl.findfield("Unit_id") FDrmdl = FTmodl.findfield("ChemUse") if ( FDrmdl = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find ChemUse field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end '========================================================= 'This part is added for upstream weighetd average procedure theFTab = FTmodl FDunit = FDumdl FDnext = theFtab.FindField("unit_nx") if ( FDnext = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find unit_nx field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end FDorder = theFtab.FindField("order") if ( FDorder = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find order field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end FDitem = FDrmdl FDadd = theFtab.FindField("Cchemuse") if ( FDadd = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Cchemuse field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end FDarea = theFtab.FindField("areakm2") if ( FDarea = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find areakm2 field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end parlst = {theFTab, FDunit, FDnext, FDorder, FDadd, FDitem, FDarea} '"upwavg1",parlst) sp = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ln1 = "Take values from the database:" ln2 = "(n89kgkm2, n90kgkm2,n91kgkm2,a89kgkm2)" ln3 = "( to apply factor to current values enter: NO )" ln4 = "Multiply data by factor:" ln5 = "Apply specified value:" 'line6 = "(not active if value is less then zero)" ln6 = "( negative value deactivates this input field )" ln7 = "( units: nitrogen [kg/km2], atrazine [kg/km2])" labls = {sp, ln1, ln2, ln3,sp ,ln4,sp,ln5,ln6,ln7} multf = 1.000 userv = -1.0 defts = {" ","n89kgkm2"," "," "," ", multf.asstring," ", userv.asstring," "," "} tytul = " Specify Application Rate" while (true) xlist = msgBox.Multiinput(tytul, "Annual agrichemical application by county", labls, defts ) if (xlist.count = 0) then exit end if (xlist.get(7).isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(7)++"is not a number", "Error in field #3") continue end aaa = xlist.get(7).asnumber if (aaa >= 0) then 'edit "application by county" (table in LTpar list) and exit 'set cruse table editable if(FTcnty.iseditable.not) then FTcnty.seteditable(true) end FTcnty.calculate(xlist.get(7),FDucty) if(FTcnty.iseditable) then FTcnty.seteditable(false) end 'exit break end 'check multiplication factor if (xlist.get(5).isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(5)++"is not a number", "Error in field #2") continue end ' now check the historical record field (AV is not case sensitiwe ! ' NO = no: if(xlist.get(1)="no") then 'set cruse table editable if(FTcnty.iseditable.not) then FTcnty.seteditable(true) end expres = xlist.get(5)+"*[use]" FTcnty.calculate(expres,FDtcty) FTcnty.calculate("[temp]",FDucty) if(FTcnty.iseditable) then FTcnty.seteditable(false) end 'exit break end 'last possibility that user wants historical record ! hrecord = FTcnty.findfield(xlist.get(1)) if (hrecord = nil) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(1)++" is neither NO nor field name"++ln2, "Error in field #1") continue end 'set cruse table editable if(FTcnty.iseditable.not) then FTcnty.seteditable(true) end expres = xlist.get(5)+"*["+xlist.get(1)+"]" FTcnty.calculate(expres,FDucty) if(FTcnty.iseditable) then FTcnty.seteditable(false) end 'exit break end 'of while error = false 'make dictionaries: dlink = dictionary.make(FTlink.getnumrecords) 'dc (dict.) relates fips and edited use (field "use") dc = dictionary.make(FTcnty.getnumrecords) 'dm (dict.) relates unit_id and cumulative (use * area) dm = dictionary.make(FTmodl.getnumrecords) 'da (dict.) relates unit id and cumulative area da = dictionary.make(FTmodl.getnumrecords) 'assign initial values to cumulative (use * area) and (area) ' the average use over modelling unit = cum(use*area)/cum(area) for each rec in FTmodl dm.add(FTmodl.returnvalue(FDumdl,rec),0) da.add(FTmodl.returnvalue(FDumdl,rec),0) end 'fill up the dc dictionary: Fips ==> use (cruse counties coverage) for each rec in FTcnty dc.add(FTcnty.returnvalue(FDfcty,rec),FTcnty.returnvalue(FDucty,rec)) end 'calculate cumulative values for each rec in FTlink unitid = FTlink.returnvalue(FDulnk,rec) fips = FTlink.returnvalue(FDclnk,rec) area = FTlink.returnvalue(FDalnk,rec) applic = dc.get(fips) oldarea = da.get(unitid) oldappl = dm.get(unitid) da.set(unitid, oldarea + area ) dm.set(unitid, oldappl + (area * applic)) end 'Write results into table "crwsd", item "Chemuse" 'set crwsd (model parameters) table editable if(FTmodl.iseditable.not) then FTmodl.seteditable(true) end 'Write results to "crwsd" table for each rec in FTmodl unitid = FTmodl.returnvalue(FDumdl,rec) use = dm.get(unitid)/da.get(unitid) av.ShowMsg("Writing to chemuse: "++rec.asString++use.asstring) FTmodl.SetValue(FDrmdl, rec, use) end"upwavg1",parlst) 'stop edit session (and refresh) "crwsd" table if(FTmodl.iseditable) then FTmodl.seteditable(false) endeduse2m Displays the dialog box to edit agrichemical application rate. Changes will be made to selected (or all) modeling unit polygons displayed on active view (executed from the script "eduse2")
'eduse2m.ave (old eduse1c.ave) 'edtuse.update script checked the existence of themes. '==================================================== 'model table name: feature table of "Units" ' fields: "Unit_id", "Chemuse" '==================================================== theView = av.getproject.finddoc("Modeling Units") FTmodl = theview.findtheme("Units").Getftab if(theview.findtheme("Units").isactive.not) then msgbox.warning("Theme >Units< is not active", "") end 'check if all fields can be found: FDrmdl = FTmodl.findfield("ChemUse") if ( FDrmdl = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find ChemUse field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end '========================================================= 'This part is added for upstream weighetd average procedure theFTab = FTmodl FDunit = theFtab.FindField("unit_id") if ( FDunit = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find unit_id field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end FDnext = theFtab.FindField("unit_nx") if ( FDnext = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find unit_nx field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end FDorder = theFtab.FindField("order") if ( FDorder = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find order field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end FDitem = FDrmdl FDadd = theFtab.FindField("Cchemuse") if ( FDadd = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find Cchemuse field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end FDarea = theFtab.FindField("areakm2") if ( FDarea = nil ) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find areakm2 field", "theme "++FTmodl.asstring) exit end parlst = {theFTab, FDunit, FDnext, FDorder, FDadd, FDitem, FDarea} '"upwavg1",parlst) '======================================================= sp = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ln4 = "Multiply data by factor:" ln5 = "Apply specified value:" ln6 = "( negative value deactivates this input field )" ln7 = "( units: nitrogen [kg/km2], atrazine [kg/km2])" labls = {sp, ln4,sp,ln5,ln6,ln7} multf = 1.000 userv = -1.0 defts = {" ", multf.asstring," ", userv.asstring," "," "} tytul = " Specify Application Rate" while (true) xlist = msgBox.Multiinput(tytul, "Annual agrichemical application by modeling unit", labls, defts ) if (xlist.count = 0) then exit end if (xlist.get(3).isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(3)++"is not a number", "Error in field #1") continue end aaa = xlist.get(3).asnumber if (aaa >= 0) then 'put the user value into "ChemUse" field (selected or all recds) 'set crwsd table editable if(FTmodl.iseditable.not) then FTmodl.seteditable(true) end FTmodl.calculate(xlist.get(3),FDrmdl)"upwavg1",parlst) if(FTmodl.iseditable) then FTmodl.seteditable(false) end break end 'check multiplication factor if (xlist.get(1).isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(1)++"is not a number", "Error in field #1") continue end 'set crwsd table editable if(FTmodl.iseditable.not) then FTmodl.seteditable(true) end expres = xlist.get(1)+"*[ChemUse]" FTmodl.calculate(expres,FDrmdl)"upwavg1",parlst) if(FTmodl.iseditable) then FTmodl.seteditable(false) end break endeduse2u Assigned to button EAP (edit application rate). Property: update.
' eduse2u.ave : update event for "edit application" ' Is enabled when either "Application Rate" view or "Modeling Units" ' view is active. ' ======================= theView = av.GetActiveDoc if (theView.GetEditableTheme <> NIL) then SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE) exit end t = theView.GetName if ( ( t = "Modeling Units") or (t = "Application Rate") ) then SELF.SetEnabled(TRUE) exit end SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE)equat6 Calculates concentrations and loads for all or selected months of the year. Assigned to the button RUN, property: Click.
'equat6 modified equat5, time component changed ' into seasonal index, separate trend, ' equation includes land-length and land-slope ' model stored in model2.dbf 'equat4 calculates concentration and load in 'feature attibute table of "crwsd" 'model equations and parameters are stored in model1.dbf 'same as equat3 plus recalculation for selected months '================================================== theView = av.getproject.finddoc("Modeling Units") FTmodl = theview.findtheme("Units").Getftab if (FTmodl = nil) then msgbox.error("Can't find feature table", "Units unaccessible") exit end tab1 = av.getproject.finddoc("model2.dbf") vtab1 = tab1.getvtab if (vtab1 = nil) then msgbox.error("Can't find model2.dbf", "model2.dbf unaccessible") exit end i = -1 fsel = vtab1.findfield("sel") for each rec in vtab1 i = i + 1 if (vtab1.returnvalue(fsel,rec) = 1 ) then idmod = i break end end fmodel = vtab1.findfield("Model") xtxt = "Model: "+vtab1.returnvalue(vtab1.findfield("Model"),idmod)++"?" if(msgbox.miniYesNo(xtxt, True).not) then exit end '========= months selection ================================ yyy = "all OR selected months 0=NO, 1=YES" mylist = {"1","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0"} lbs = {"All months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "February . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "September . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .", "November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "} xloop = true while(xloop) newlist = msgbox.multiinput(yyy, "Recalculate",lbs, mylist) if(newlist.count = 0) then"Operation Canceled", "Process: RUN") exit end xloop = false ind = 0 for each x in newlist ind = ind + 1 if(x.isnumber.not) then msgbox.error("error in line"++ind.asstring+":"++x,"") ', "xxx") xloop = true mylist = newlist break end end end if(newlist.get(0).asnumber > 0) then for each ind in 1..12 newlist.set(ind, 1) end else for each ind in 1..12 newlist.set(ind, newlist.get(ind).asnumber) end end '========= end of months selection ========================= feq = vtab1.findfield("equation") exp101 = vtab1.returnvalue(feq,idmod) exp102 = exp101.substitute("U", "[Cchemuse]") exp103 = exp102.substitute("A", "[Careakm2]") exp104 = exp103.substitute("LS", "[Alndslp]") exp105 = exp104.substitute("LL", "[Alndlgkm]") ' calculate trend coefficient fyear = vtab1.findfield("year") yr = vtab1.returnvalue(fyear,idmod) xyr = yr.asstring trfunc = vtab1.findfield("Ftrend") trcoeff = vtab1.findfield("Trendcf") exp400 = vtab1.returnvalue(trfunc,idmod) exp401 = exp400.substitute("Year", xyr) if(Ftmodl.iseditable.not) then Ftmodl.seteditable(true) end if(vtab1.iseditable.not) then vtab1.seteditable(true) end xxx0 = vtab1.calculate(exp401,trcoeff) xtr = vtab1.returnvalue(trcoeff,idmod).asstring exp110 = exp105.substitute("TR", xtr) ' clear fields: ' xxx0 = vtab1.calculate("0",trcoeff) av.showstopbutton for each mt in 1..12 xstop = av.setstatus (mt * 100 /12) av.showmsg("Processing month "++mt.asstring++" ... ") if(newlist.get(mt) = 0) then continue end if(xstop.not) then xyes =msgbox.Miniyesno("Do you want to stop ?", False) if(xyes) then if(Ftmodl.iseditable) then Ftmodl.seteditable(false) end if(vtab1.iseditable) then vtab1.seteditable(false) end av.clearstatus exit else av.ClearStatus av.showstopbutton end end xmt = mt.asstring if (mt <10) then Qname = "[Flow"+"0"+xmt+"]" Cname = "Conc"+"0"+xmt Lname = "Load"+"0"+xmt Sname = "Si"+"0"+xmt else Qname = "[Flow"+xmt+"]" Cname = "Conc"+xmt Lname = "Load"+xmt Sname = "Si"+xmt end 'clear fields, ' xxx0 = Ftmodl.calculate("0",Ftmodl.findfield(Cname)) ' xxx0 = Ftmodl.calculate("0",Ftmodl.findfield(Lname)) xsi = vtab1.returnvalue(vtab1.findfield(Sname),idmod).asstring exp111 = exp110.substitute("SI", xsi) exp112 = exp111.substitute("Q", Qname) xxx3 = Ftmodl.calculate(exp112,Ftmodl.findfield(Cname)) exp200 = "["+Cname+"] *"+Qname xxx4 = Ftmodl.calculate(exp200,Ftmodl.findfield(Lname)) end if(Ftmodl.iseditable) then Ftmodl.seteditable(false) end if(vtab1.iseditable) then vtab1.seteditable(false) end av.clearstatus av.clearmsgSelmodel Displays the dialog box to select a model: equation: c = f(Flow, Area, Time, Use, X). Assigned to the button SMo, property: Click.
' selmodel (puts 1 into field "sel" of "model1.dbf" ' if selected, 0 otherwise. '=========================================================== tab1 = av.getproject.finddoc("model1.dbf") vtab1 = tab1.getvtab if (vtab1 = nil) then msgbox.error("Can't find model1.dbf", "model1.dbf unaccessible") exit end fsel = vtab1.findfield("sel") fmodel = vtab1.findfield("Model") modlist = list.make for each rec in vtab1 modlist.add(vtab1.returnvalue(fmodel,rec)) end xselect = msgbox.choiceasstring(modlist,"Select model:", "Model selection") if(xselect <> nil) then if(vtab1.iseditable.not) then vtab1.seteditable(true) end for each rec in vtab1 if(xselect = vtab1.returnvalue(fmodel,rec)) then vtab1.setvaluenumber(fsel,rec,1) else vtab1.setvaluenumber(fsel,rec,0) end end if(vtab1.iseditable) then vtab1.seteditable(false) end else"No selection made", "Nothing changed !") endStime1 Displays the dialog box to select a year ( time variable for a model). Assigned to the button SYr, property: Click.
'stime1 ' writes year into the field "year" of "model1.dbf" '==================================================== tab1 = av.getproject.finddoc("model1.dbf") vtab1 = tab1.getvtab if (vtab1 = nil) then msgbox.error("Can't find model1.dbf", "model1.dbf unaccessible") exit end fyear = vtab1.findfield("Year") if (fyear = nil) then msgbox.error("Can't find field: Year", "Field does not exist ?") exit end yrdef = vtab1.returnvalue(fyear,0).asstring 'prompt for year: while(true) tx = "Specify a value for model's time variable (enter a year)" year = msgbox.input(tx,"Setting Model's Time Variable", yrdef) if(year = nil) then exit end if (year.isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(year++"is not a number", "Wrong entry ") continue end yr = year.asnumber if ((yr < 1900) or (yr>2999)) then msgbox.error(year++"out of range (1900-2999)", "Error in year field ") continue end break end if(vtab1.iseditable.not) then vtab1.seteditable(true) end vtab1.calculate(year,fyear) if(vtab1.iseditable) then vtab1.seteditable(false) endupwavq1 Calculates weighted average for upstream units. Incorporated into scripts eduse.
' upwavg1.ave calculates weighted average for upstream units ' This is run from eduse scripts theFTab = self.get(0) FDunit = self.get(1) FDnext = self.get(2) FDorder = self.get(3) FDadd = self.get(4) FDitem = self.get(5) FDarea = self.get(6) 'create lists ltunit = list.make ltnext = list.make ltorder = list.make ltitem = list.make ltadd = list.make unnx = theFTab.GetNumRecords unnn = unnx - 1 dcarea = dictionary.make(unnx) dcmass = dictionary.make(unnx) for each rec in theFTab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) ltunit.Add(Nunit) ltnext.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDnext, rec)) ltorder.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDorder, rec)) ' Nitem = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDitem, rec) Narea = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDarea, rec) Nmass = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDitem, rec) * Narea dcarea.add(Nunit, Narea ) dcmass.add(Nunit, Nmass ) end ' find maximum order unmaxord = 1 for each i in 0..unnn av.ShowMsg("Finding maximum order ..."++i.asString) istatus = i * 100 / unnn av.SetStatus(istatus) if (ltorder.get(i) > unmaxord ) then unmaxord = ltorder.get(i) end end 'calculate cumulative values unmaxord1 = unmaxord - 1 for each k in 1..unmaxord1 av.ShowMsg("Calculating cumulative values ..."++k.asString) istatus = k * 100 / unmaxord av.SetStatus(istatus) for each i in 0..unnn if ( ltorder.get(i) <> k ) then continue end Nunit = ltunit.get(i) Nnext = ltnext.get(i) Nxmass = dcmass.get(Nunit) + dcmass.get(Nnext) Nxarea = dcarea.get(Nunit) + dcarea.get(Nnext) dcmass.set(Nnext, Nxmass) dcarea.set(Nnext, Nxarea) end end av.clearMsg 'write results to Ftab for each rec in theFtab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) Xavg = dcmass.get(Nunit) / dcarea.get(Nunit) TheFtab.SetValue( FDadd, rec, Xavg ) end theFtab.Refresh if(TheFtab.isEditable) then theFtab.SetEditable(false) endselup2 Selects upstream units (active theme must have the following fields: unit_id, unit_nx, and order). Assigned to a button in category: Tools, property: Apply.
'three fields are required: nm_id = "unit_id" nm_nx = "unit_nx" nm_or = "order" theView = av.GetActiveDoc theThemes = theView.GetActiveThemes p = theView.GetDisplay.ReturnUserPoint shiftk = System.IsShiftKeyDown if (ShiftK) then op = #VTAB_SELTYPE_XOR else op = #VTAB_SELTYPE_NEW end t = thethemes.get(0) if (t.CanSelect.not) then exit end t.SelectByPoint(p, op) recs = t.FindByPoint(p) if(recs.count = 0) then exit end rec = recs.get(0) v = t.getFTab fid = v.findfield(nm_id) fnx = v.findfield(nm_nx) ford = v.findfield(nm_or) if ((fid=nil)or(fnx=nil)or(ford=nil)) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find necessary fields", " Upstream selection ") exit end xid = v.returnvalue(fid, rec) xnx = v.returnvalue(fnx, rec) rno = rec rord = v.returnvalue(ford,rno) if(rord = 1) then exit end bmap = v.getselection stk = stack.make av.showmsg("Selecting upstream elements ...") while (true) for each rcd in v 'don't look for upstream if first order if(rord = 1 ) then break end xnx = v.returnvalue(fnx,rcd) if(xid = xnx) then stk.push(rcd.asstring) end end rno = stk.pop.asnumber if(shiftk) then if(bmap.get(rno)) then bmap.clear(rno) else bmap.set(rno) end else bmap.set(rno) end t.blinkrecord(rno) rord = v.returnvalue(ford,rno) xid = v.returnvalue(fid,rno) if((stk.depth = 0 )and (rord = 1)) then break end end av.ClearmsgSeldown2 Selects downstream units (active theme must have the following fields: unit_id, unit_nx, and order). Assigned to a button in category: Tools, property: Apply.
'seldown2 'three fields are required: nm_id = "unit_id" nm_nx = "unit_nx" nm_or = "order" theView = av.GetActiveDoc theThemes = theView.GetActiveThemes p = theView.GetDisplay.ReturnUserPoint shiftk = System.IsShiftKeyDown if (ShiftK) then op = #VTAB_SELTYPE_XOR else op = #VTAB_SELTYPE_NEW end t = thethemes.get(0) if (t.CanSelect.not) then exit end t.SelectByPoint(p, op) recs = t.FindByPoint(p) if(recs.count = 0) then exit end rec = recs.get(0) v = t.getFTab fid = v.findfield(nm_id) fnx = v.findfield(nm_nx) ford = v.findfield(nm_or) if ((fid=nil)or(fnx=nil)or(ford=nil)) then msgbox.error ( " Can't find necessary fields", " Downstream selection ") exit end xid = v.returnvalue(fid, rec) xnx = v.returnvalue(fnx, rec) rno = rec rord = v.returnvalue(ford,rno) if(xnx = 0) then exit end bmap = v.getselection 'stk = stack.make av.showmsg("Selecting downstream elements ...") while (true) ' i= -1 for each rcd in v ' i = i+1 xid = v.returnvalue(fid,rcd) if(xid = xnx) then bmap.set(rcd) if(shiftk) then if(bmap.get(rcd)) then bmap.clear(rcd) else bmap.set(rcd) end else bmap.set(rcd) end xnx = v.returnvalue(fnx,rcd) if (xnx = 0) then exit end end end end msgbox.error("I cann't find the most downstream reach", "Last reach not found")Selup2u Update event for buttons that select upstream and downstream units ("selup2", "seldown2"). Assigned to a button in category: Tools, property: Update.
'selup2.update ' Is enabled when prpoer fields are found in active 'three fields are required: nm_id = "unit_id" nm_nx = "unit_nx" nm_or = "order" theView = av.GetActiveDoc if (theView.GetEditableTheme <> NIL) then SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE) exit end for each t in theView.GetThemes if (t.IsVisible.not) then continue end if (t.IsActive.not) then continue end fid = t.getftab.findfield(nm_id) fnx = t.getftab.findfield(nm_nx) ford = t.getftab.findfield(nm_or) if ((fid<>nil)and(fnx<>nil)and(ford<>nil)) then SELF.SetEnabled(TRUE) exit end break end SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE)decay1 Calculates the concentrations and loads of a chemical that exponentially "decays" as it is carried by water. Assigned to the button FOR, property: Click.
' decay1.ave Calculates loads and concentrations ' in surface waters. Chemical losses ' are governed by the first order reaction. 'unit conversion factor ' Assumptions: ' application rate is in kg/km2/yr ' area is in km2 ' then, the mass runoff is in kg/year ' to make load units g/s ' the conversion factor equal to 0.00003170979 ' 1000 (g/kg) / ( 365 days * 86400 seconds ) ' must be applied: conversf = 0.00003170979 ' flow is in m3/s, thus concentration is in g/m3 ' or mg/L ' The usercoef represents seasonal index, confidence ' limits, extreme conditions, application timing etc. ' It is a multiplier of mass runoff from the field. usercoef = 1 ' This part is for an Attribute table !!!) ' note: dbf table contains a dummy (first) record ' that may influence calculations (unlikely) ' but will produce avenue errors (dividing by 0) ' TBunit = av.GetActiveDoc ' xxx = TBunit.getGUI ' if ( xxx <> "Table") then ' xxx2 = TBunit.asstring++"is active" ' msgbox.warning("A Table must be active", xxx2) ' exit ' end ' TheFtab = TBunit.getVtab theView = av.getproject.finddoc("Modeling Units") theFtab = theview.findtheme("Units").Getftab TBunit = theFtab ' Ask user for needed fields: TXunit = "unit_id" TXnext = "unit_nx" TXorder = "order" TXarea = "Areakm2" TXuse = "Chemuse" TXtrat = "Travtime" TXloss = "Losscoef" TXexpt = "Expofac" TXflow = "Flow" 'TXconc = "Conc" 'TXload = "Load" FDunit = theFtab.FindField(TXunit) FDnext = theFtab.FindField(TXnext) FDorder = theFtab.FindField(TXorder) FDarea = theFtab.FindField(TXarea) FDuse = theFtab.FindField(TXuse) FDtrat = theFtab.FindField(TXtrat) FDloss = theFtab.FindField(TXloss) FDexpt = theFtab.FindField(TXexpt) FDflow = theFtab.FindField(TXflow) 'FDconc = theFtab.FindField(TXconc) 'FDload = theFtab.FindField(TXload) ' Make a list of VTunit fields LSFDunit = theFtab.GetFields ' If the default fields can not be found, ask user for ' the required fields: if(FDunit=nil) then ' Select current_unit id field (from entity) FDunit = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"the watershed/stream ID", "Unit ID") end ' If not selected, quit IF (FDunit = nil) then exit end if(FDnext=nil) then ' Select downstream_unit id field FDnext = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++" the downstream unit ID", "Downstream unit ID") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDnext = nil) then exit end if(FDorder=nil) then ' Select order field FDorder = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select field that contains" ++NL++" the watershed/stream order","Order") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDorder = nil) then xxx ="Create a field of stream order", "Missing fields") exit end if(FDarea=nil) then ' Select field that contains area of the modeling unit FDarea = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"modeling unit area (km2)", "Area") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDarea = nil) then exit end if(FDuse=nil) then ' Select field that contains the application rate within unit FDuse = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"application rate (kg/km2/yr)", "Application Rate") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDuse = nil) then exit end if(FDexpt=nil) then ' Select field that contains the export factors FDexpt = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"the export factors", "Export factor") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDexpt = nil) then exit end if(FDtrat=nil) then ' Select field that contains travel time through modeling unit FDtrat = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"unit travel time (day)", "Travel Time") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDtrat = nil) then exit end if(FDloss=nil) then ' Select field that contains the loss coefficient FDloss = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"the loss coefficient (1/d)", "Loss coefficient") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDloss = nil) then exit end if(FDflow=nil) then ' Select field that contains the accumulated flow rate FDflow = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"the total flow rate", "Flow rate") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDflow = nil) then exit end '========================================================= ' Prompt for a name (name of the field, that will be created) TXconc = msgbox.input("Enter the name of concentration field ", "Concentration", "conc_gm3") FDconc = theFtab.FindField(TXconc) xx = false if (FDconc = nil) then xx = msgbox.YesNo( TXconc++"field is not in the table " ++TBunit.asString+nl+"Do you want to create this field ?", "Field not Found !", true) 'end if (xx.not) then exit end fenum = FDflow.gettype fprec = 6 fwidth = 12 xxx = msgbox.input("Please specify a width of the conc. field", "Width of the new field" , fwidth.asstring) fwidth = xxx.asnumber IF ( fwidth = nil) then exit end xxx2 = msgbox.input("Please specify number of decimal places:", "Precision of the new field" , fprec.asstring) fprec = xxx2.asnumber IF ( fprec = nil) then exit end 'check if the theFtab can be edited if not, set it editable if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end ' Create a new field if(theFtab.CanAddFields) then FDconc = field.Make(TXconc,fenum,fwidth,fprec) theFtab.AddFields({FDconc}) else msgBox.warning("Can not add a field to"++theFtab.asString, "Can not edit table") exit end else if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end end ' Prompt for a name (name of the field, that will be created) TXload = msgbox.input("Enter the name of load field ", "Load", "load_gm3") FDload = theFtab.FindField(TXload) xx = false if (FDload = nil) then xx = msgbox.YesNo( TXload++"field is not in the table " ++TBunit.asString+nl+"Do you want to create this field ?", "Field not Found !", true) 'end if (xx.not) then exit end fenum = FDflow.gettype fprec1 = 6 fwidth1 = 16 xxx3 = msgbox.input("Please specify a width of the load field", "Width of the new field" , fwidth1.asstring) fwidth1 = xxx3.asnumber IF ( fwidth1 = nil) then exit end xxx4 = msgbox.input("Please specify number of decimal places:", "Precision of the new field" , fprec1.asstring) fprec1 = xxx4.asnumber IF ( fprec1 = nil) then exit end 'check if the theFtab can be edited if not, set it editable if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end ' Create a new field if(theFtab.CanAddFields) then FDload = field.Make(TXload,fenum,fwidth1,fprec1) theFtab.AddFields({FDload}) else msgBox.warning("Can not add a field to"++theFtab.asString, "Can not edit table") exit end else if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end end 'the conversion factor and a multiplier while(true) TXcf = msgbox.input("Enter a conversion factor"++NL++ "(kg/yr -> g/s)", "Conversion Factor", conversf.asstring) if(TXcf = nil) then exit end if(TXcf.isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(TXcf++"is not a number","Wrong entry") continue end conversf = TXcf.asnumber break end while(true) TXum = msgbox.input("Enter a multiplier of the"++NL++ "chemical runoff from the field", "Runoff Multiplier", usercoef.asstring) if(TXum = nil) then exit end if(TXum.isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(TXum++"is not a number","Wrong entry") continue end usercoef = TXum.asnumber break end 'create lists ltunit = list.make ltnext = list.make ltorder = list.make 'ltadd = list.make 'ltexnkt = list.make 'ltroff = list.make unnx = theFTab.GetNumRecords unnn = unnx - 1 dcload = dictionary.make(unnx) dcexnkt = dictionary.make(unnx) for each rec in theFTab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) ltunit.Add(Nunit) ltnext.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDnext, rec)) ltorder.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDorder, rec)) ' ltflow.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDflow, rec)) xk = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDloss, rec) xt = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDtrat, rec) exnkt = number.geteuler^( -1 * xk * xt ) dcexnkt.add(Nunit, exnkt ) xa = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDarea, rec) xu = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDuse, rec) xe = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDexpt, rec) xroff = xa * xu * xe * usercoef * conversf ' ltroff.Add(xroff, rec) dcload.add(Nunit, xroff ) end ' find maximum order unmaxord = 1 for each i in 0..unnn av.ShowMsg("Finding maximum order ..."++i.asString) istatus = i * 100 / unnn av.SetStatus(istatus) if (ltorder.get(i) > unmaxord ) then unmaxord = ltorder.get(i) end end 'calculate values of load unmaxord1 = unmaxord - 1 for each k in 1..unmaxord1 av.ShowMsg("Decaying and decaying ..."++k.asString) istatus = k * 100 / unmaxord av.SetStatus(istatus) for each i in 0..unnn if ( ltorder.get(i) <> k ) then continue end Nunit = ltunit.get(i) Nnext = ltnext.get(i) Nxvalue = dcload.get(Nunit) * dcexnkt.get(Nnext) + dcload.get(Nnext) dcload.set(Nnext, Nxvalue) end end av.clearMsg av.clearStatus 'write results to Ftab for each rec in theFtab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) Nload = dcload.get(Nunit) TheFtab.SetValue( FDload, rec, Nload ) Nflow = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDflow, rec) if (Nflow = 0 ) then Nconc = 0 else Nconc = Nload / Nflow end TheFtab.SetValue( FDconc, rec, Nconc ) end theFtab.Refresh if(TheFtab.isEditable) then theFtab.SetEditable(false) end
' Cchart1, One year of Concentrations from crwsd chtitle = msgbox.input("Enter a legend's title", "Concentration Charts", "Conc. (m)g/m3") if (chtitle <> nil ) then LTpar = {chtitle,"Conc",true,1978,1979, 1, 12}"schart1",LTpar) endLchart Draw charts of the load (12 months) at the center of selected features, property Click ( runs script "schart1").
' Lchart1, One year of load from crwsd chtitle = msgbox.input("Enter a legend's title", "Load Charts", "Load (m)g/s") if (chtitle <> nil ) then LTpar = {chtitle, "Load", true, 1978, 1979, 1, 12}"schart1",LTpar) endQchar1 Draw charts of the flow rate (12 months) at the center of selected features, property Click ( runs script "schart1").
' Qchart1, One year of flow from crwsd chtitle = msgbox.input("Enter a legend's title", "Flow Charts", "Flow m3/s") if (chtitle <> nil ) then LTpar = {chtitle, "Flow", true, 1978, 1979, 1, 12}"schart1",LTpar) end
' PMchar1, displays multiple years of precipitation ' depth from gsprec or unprec '==================================================== '' title, prefix, one_year, fy, ty, fm, tm, '==================================================== sp = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ln1 = "Legend title:" ln3 = "From year (min 1960):" ln4 = "From month:" ln5 = "To year (max 1991)" ln6 = "To month" labls = {ln1,ln3,ln4,ln5,ln6} defts = {"Precip. cm/d", "1990","1","1990","12"} tytul = " Specify title and time interval" while (true) xlist = msgBox.Multiinput(tytul, "Draw charts of monthly average precipitation", labls, defts ) if (xlist.count = 0) then exit end for each i in 0..4 if (i=0)then continue end if (xlist.get(i).isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(i)++"is not a number", "Error in line "++i.asstring) continue end end fy = xlist.get(1).asnumber ty = xlist.get(3).asnumber fm = xlist.get(2).asnumber tm = xlist.get(4).asnumber if (fy < 1960) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(1)++" - year out of range ( < 1960 )", "Error in year field ") continue end if (ty > 1991) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(3)++" - year out of range ( 1991 < )", "Error in year field ") continue end if ((fm < 1) or (fm>12)) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(3)++" - month out of range (1-12)", "Error in year field ") continue end if ((tm < 1) or (tm>12)) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(4)++" - month out of range (1-12)", "Error in year field ") continue end break end LTpar = {xlist.get(0), "PM", false, fy, ty, fm, tm}"schart1",LTpar)pmchar1u Draws charts of the precipitation depth, property: Update
'Pmchar1u.ave 'multiple years data 'update event for "draw charts of precipitation" ' Is enabled when a theme is active and first theView = av.GetActiveDoc if (theView.GetEditableTheme <> NIL) then SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE) exit end xx = theView.GetActiveThemes if(xx.count <> 0) then visnm = xx.get(0).getname if (( visnm = "unprec") or (visnm = "gsprec")) then SELF.SetEnabled(TRUE) exit end end SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE)qmchar1 Draws charts of the flow rate at the center of selected features, for selected months, property: Click, (runs script "schart1",)
' QMchar1, multiple years of flow from gsflow or unflow '==================================================== '' title, prefix, one_year, fy, ty, fm, tm, '==================================================== sp = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ln1 = "Legend title:" ln3 = "From year (min 1960):" ln4 = "From month:" ln5 = "To year (max 1991)" ln6 = "To month" labls = {ln1,ln3,ln4,ln5,ln6} defts = {"Flow m3/s", "1990","1","1990","12"} tytul = " Specify title and time interval" while (true) xlist = msgBox.Multiinput(tytul, "Draw charts of monthly average flow rate", labls, defts ) if (xlist.count = 0) then exit end for each i in 0..4 if (i=0)then continue end if (xlist.get(i).isnumber.not) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(i)++"is not a number", "Error in line "++i.asstring) continue end end fy = xlist.get(1).asnumber ty = xlist.get(3).asnumber fm = xlist.get(2).asnumber tm = xlist.get(4).asnumber if (fy < 1960) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(1)++" - year out of range ( < 1960 )", "Error in year field ") continue end if (ty > 1991) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(3)++" - year out of range ( 1991 < )", "Error in year field ") continue end if ((fm < 1) or (fm>12)) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(3)++" - month out of range (1-12)", "Error in year field ") continue end if ((tm < 1) or (tm>12)) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(4)++" - month out of range (1-12)", "Error in year field ") continue end break end theView = av.GetActiveDoc lstact = theView.GetActiveThemes for each t in lstact if ( t.getname = "unflow") then LTpar = {xlist.get(0), "Qm", false, fy, ty, fm, tm}"schart1",LTpar) exit end if ( t.getname = "gsflow") then LTpar = {xlist.get(0), "M", false, fy, ty, fm, tm}"schart1",LTpar) exit end endqmchar1u Draws charts of the flow rate, property: Update
'Qmchar1u.ave 'multiple years data 'update event for "draw charts of flow" ' Is enabled when the theme is active and first theView = av.GetActiveDoc if (theView.GetEditableTheme <> NIL) then SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE) exit end xx = theView.GetActiveThemes if(xx.count <> 0) then visnm = xx.get(0).getname if (( visnm = "unflow") or (visnm = "gsflow")) then SELF.SetEnabled(TRUE) exit end end SELF.SetEnabled(FALSE)schart1 Draws charts, is executed from such scripts as pmchar1 and qmchar1 (Adopted from ESRII examples supplied with Avenue)
' MakeBarChartSpotSymbols ' title, prefix, one_year, fy, ty, fm, tm, ltitle = self.get(0) prefix = self.get(1) one_year = self.get(2) fy = self.get(3) ty = self.get(4) fm = self.get(5) tm = self.get(6) ' title for legend 'ltitle = "Flow m3/s" ' prefix (field name = prefix + 01..12 or prefix + yr + mt) 'prefix = "M" ' one year will be displayed ??? 'one_year = false 'fy = 1988 'fm = 1 'ty = 1990 'tm = 12 ' optional legend color if(one_year) then fy = 1989 ty = 1989 fm = 1 tm = 12 end 'Script.The.SetNumberFormat("d.ddddd") 'The maximum bar height and width are calculated as percent of height of 'displayed area. The largest bar is drawn at this height and the rest 'are scaled accordingly. A value of 0.1 means the largest bar will be '1/10th of the height of the current display. Four sizes (small, medium, 'large and x-large) are programmed as examples. bar_size = MsgBox.ListAsString ({"Small","Medium","Large","X-Large"},"Select bar size:","Bar Symbols") if (bar_size = "Small") then max_bar_height = 0.1 bar_width = 0.01 legend_gridlines = 2 elseif (bar_size = "Medium") then max_bar_height = 0.2 bar_width = 0.02 legend_gridlines = 3 elseif (bar_size = "Large") then max_bar_height = 0.3 bar_width = 0.03 legend_gridlines = 4 elseif (bar_size = "X-Large") then max_bar_height = 0.4 bar_width = 0.04 legend_gridlines = 5 else exit 'Cancel selected' end 'Number of gridlines on legend bar. Uncomment the following line 'to override above settings. legend_gridlines = 4 legend_color = Color.GetCyan 'draw_gridlines = MsgBox.YesNo("Draw gridlines on the bars?","Bar Symbols",False) draw_gridlines = true 'Point size of text used in legend leg_text_size = 8 'To ignore specific data values (eg., those that mean "nodata") put 'the values in this list and they will not be charted. This list 'should always contain 0, to prevent drawing zero size bars. ignore_values = {0} 'List of colors 'Make your own custom colors here and make sure to add to both 'the color_list and also color_names... pink = Color.Make pink.SetRGBList({255,105,180}) olive = Color.Make olive.SetRGBList({188,238,104}) orange = Color.Make orange.SetRGBList({255,69,0}) gold = Color.Make gold.SetRGBList({255,215,0}) maroon = Color.Make maroon.SetRGBList({255,52,179}) color_list = {Color.GetBlue, Color.GetCyan, gold, Color.GetGray, Color.GetGreen, Color.GetMagenta, maroon, olive, orange, pink, Color.GetRed, Color.GetYellow } color_names = {"Blue", "Cyan", "Gold", "Gray", "Green", "Magenta", "Maroon", "Olive", "Orange", "Pink", "Red", "Yellow"} 'Number of colors num_colors = 12 theView = av.GetActiveDoc theProjection = theView.GetProjection project_flag = theProjection.IsNil.Not 'true if projected theTheme = theView.GetActiveThemes.Get(0) 'Get first active theme theFTab = theTheme.GetFTab shpfield = theFtab.FindField("Shape") gra_list = theView.GetGraphics 'This section prompts the user for the fields in the 'FTab to generate the bar symbols from. f= " " max_field_prec = 0 'Field precision of selected fields selected_fields = {} 'Fields selected by user numeric_fields = {} 'Numeric fields in the FTab field_aliases = {} 'List of field aliases all_fields = theFtab.GetFields 'Build list of numeric fields from all fields. 'Also list of field aliases to display to user. for each f in all_fields if (f.IsTypeNumber) then numeric_fields.Add(f) field_aliases.Add(f.GetAlias) end end 'for 'Select fields for bar symbols user_colors = {} done = FALSE field_count = 0 for each yr in fy..ty for each mt in 1..12 if (( yr = fy) and ( mt < fm)) then continue end if (( yr = ty) and ( mt > tm)) then continue end if (mt < 10 ) then txt = "0"+mt.AsString else txt = mt.AsString end if(one_year) then fname = prefix+txt else fname = prefix+yr.AsString+txt end if (fname <> nil) then field_count = field_count + 1 f = theFTab.findfield(fname) selected_fields.Add(f) user_colors.Add(color_list.Get(field_count - 1 mod num_colors)) 'Store max field precision of selected fields for later use. max_field_prec = (max_field_prec Max f.GetPrecision) else 'Cancel selected. done = TRUE end 'if end 'month end 'year field_count = selected_fields.Count if (field_count = 0) then 'User did not select any fields to symbolize exit end 'Set bar height and width in page display units view_extent = theView.GetDisplay.ReturnVisExtent max_bar_height = view_extent.GetHeight * max_bar_height bar_width = view_extent.GetHeight * bar_width 'Iterate thru selection bitmap or all records in FTab if no selection. iter = theFtab.GetSelection num_records = iter.Count 'If no selected set, set iteration to all records in FTab. if (num_records = 0) then iter = theFTab num_records = theFTab.GetNumRecords end min_height = 0 max_height = 0 for each rec in iter for each f in selected_fields cur_height = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(f,rec) if (ignore_values.FindByValue(cur_height) > -1) then 'Ignore values user wants to ingore continue end min_height = (min_height Min cur_height) max_height = (max_height Max cur_height) end 'for end 'for 'Since the maximum height of a bar could be negative, find abs value of 'both min and max values to determine a scale factor. When building the 'actual bar for a field, divide field value by this scale factor. That 'way the maximum bar height (max_bar_height) will = the max field value, 'whether positive or negative; all other field values are scaled accordingly. ht_scale_factor = (min_height.Abs) Max (max_height.Abs) 'Figure out break points for legend to allow adding gridlines to legend 'and (optionally) actual bars on map. This set of code figures out a 'round number larger than the maximum field value, then divides that 'number by the number of legend classes desired. Then it rounds the break 'point to a "nice" round number. E.g., given a max field value of 123, 'and 3 classes, this set of code will create a legend with break points 'at 45, and a top value of 135. if (ht_scale_factor < 1) then theLog = ht_scale_factor.Log(10).Floor else theLog = ht_scale_factor.Log(10).Truncate end 'if x = ht_scale_factor / (10^(theLog)) y = (10 * x + 0.5).round * 10.^(theLog) / 10 x = y / legend_gridlines if (x < 1) then theLog = x.Log(10).Floor else theLog = x.Log(10).Truncate end 'if x2 = x / (10^(theLog)) legend_break_val = (2 * x2 + 0.5).round * 10.^(theLog) / 2 'Map value to display page units legend_break_height = legend_break_val / ht_scale_factor * max_bar_height 'Start drawing bar symbols gra_list.UnselectAll av.ShowStopButton av.ShowMsg("Creating bar symbols...") counter = 0 gra_group = GraphicGroup.Make 'For each selected record make the bars for each rec in iter acolor = -1 'initialize color index 'find the center of the feature to place bar symbol at ctr = theFtab.ReturnValue(shpfield,rec).ReturnCenter if (project_flag) then 'Project the centroid if the view has a projection ctr = ctr.ReturnProjected(theProjection) end xcen = ctr.GetX ycen = ctr.GetY 'Add line signaling zero in bar chart line_start_pt = (xcen - ((field_count * bar_width) / 2))@ycen line_end_pt = line_start_pt + ((bar_width * field_count)@0) aline = Line.Make(line_start_pt,line_end_pt) gr = GraphicShape.Make(aline) gra_group.Add(gr) 'set starting point for drawing bars bar_start_pt = line_start_pt bar_count = 0 'number of bars drawn for each f in selected_fields bar_count = bar_count + 1 acolor = acolor + 1 'Convert field value to bar height;divide by height scale factor. thevalue = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(f,rec) aheight = (thevalue / ht_scale_factor) * max_bar_height if (ignore_values.FindByValue(thevalue) > -1) then 'Don't draw values user wants to ingore bar_start_pt = bar_start_pt + (bar_width@0) continue end 'if 'draw the bar for the field abox = rect.Make(bar_start_pt,bar_width@aheight) gr = GraphicShape.Make(abox) 'the symbol of a poly is a rasterfill, thus SetStyle request works. gr.GetSymbol.SetStyle(#RASTERFILL_STYLE_SOLID) gr.GetSymbol.SetColor(user_colors.Get(acolor)) gra_group.Add(gr) 'Draw reference lines on bar to indicate value if (draw_gridlines) then num_tics = (aheight.Abs / legend_break_height).Floor c = 0 while (c <> num_tics) c = c + 1 if (aheight < 0) then tic_start_pt = bar_start_pt - (0@(c * legend_break_height)) else tic_start_pt = bar_start_pt + (0@(c * legend_break_height)) end 'if tic_end_pt = tic_start_pt + (bar_width@0) aline = Line.Make (tic_start_pt,tic_end_pt) gr = GraphicShape.Make(aline) gra_group.Add(gr) end 'while end 'if bar_start_pt = bar_start_pt + (bar_width@0) end 'for each f in selected_fields 'Clone bar chart and add it to the graphic list. Then reuse graphic group. 'AddBatch used so that once ALL bar symbols for ALL records are created 'they are drawn to the screen. Using Add request is much slower. gg = gra_group.Clone gra_list.AddBatch(gg) 'Add bar chart to the Theme's graphic list so that when the 'theme is not drawn, the bar symbols won't draw either. theTheme.GetGraphics.Add(gg) gra_group.Empty counter = counter + 1 progress = (counter / num_records) * 100 more = av.SetStatus(progress) if (Not more) then 'Break if user presses Stop button. break end end ' for each rec in iter gra_list.UnselectAll if (not ((num_records = 1) and (aheight = 0))) then 'Special case where only 1 record selected, and the total of the fields 'of the record is zero; essentially no bars are drawn, so endbatch 'should not be executed. gra_list.EndBatch end 'Start building the legend. 'Set text size for legend text_sym = av.GetSymbolWin.ReturnCurrentSymbol(#SYMBOL_TEXT).clone text_sym.SetSize (leg_text_size) 'Add dummy text to get an idea for spacing of graphic elements 'Spacing of objects in legend = current point size of text. gr = GraphicText.Make("ABC",0@0) gr.SetSymbol (text_sym) gr.SetSelected(TRUE) gra_list.Add(gr) spacing = gra_list.ReturnSelectedExtent.GetHeight gra_list.RemoveGraphic(gr) 'Set number of decimal places for legend text equal to max field precision 'This code builds a string like "d.ddd" numformat = "d." if (max_field_prec <> 0) then for each i in 1..max_field_prec numformat = numformat+"d" end end 'if 'Draw legend at (0,0) then move it to the correct location pnt = 0@0 abox = Rect.Make (pnt,bar_width@(legend_gridlines * legend_break_height)) gr = GraphicShape.Make(abox) gr.GetSymbol.SetStyle(#RASTERFILL_STYLE_SOLID) gr.GetSymbol.SetColor(legend_color) gra_group.Add(gr) 'Add "0" text in legend gr = GraphicText.Make(0.SetFormat(numformat).AsString, (pnt + ((bar_width + spacing)@(-spacing / 2)))) gr.SetSymbol (text_sym) gra_group.Add(gr) 'Draw a reference lines on bar. for each i in 1..legend_gridlines line_start_pt = 0@(i * legend_break_height) line_end_pt = line_start_pt + (bar_width@0) aline = Line.Make (line_start_pt,line_end_pt) gr = GraphicShape.Make(aline) gra_group.Add(gr) 'Add text indicating value represented by square atext = (legend_break_val * i).SetFormat(numformat).AsString 'Add text string to right of line gr = GraphicText.Make(atext,(line_end_pt + (spacing@(-spacing / 2)))) gr.SetSymbol (text_sym) gra_group.Add(gr) 'gra_group.SetSelected (TRUE) 'Clone graphic group;otherwise it would get deleted on Empty 'gra_list.Add(gra_group.clone) 'gra_group.Empty end 'for gra_group.SetSelected (TRUE) 'Clone graphic group;otherwise it would get deleted on Empty gra_list.Add(gra_group.clone) gra_group.Empty gra_list.UngroupSelected 'Workaround gra_list.GroupSelected extent = gra_list.ReturnSelectedExtent x = extent.ReturnOrigin.GetX y = extent.GetTop + spacing gr = GraphicText.Make(ltitle,(0@y)) 'gr = GraphicText.Make("Flow Rate",(x@y + (x@0))) 'gr = GraphicText.Make("TEXT EXAMPLE",(x@y + ((spacing * 2)@0))) gr.SetSymbol (text_sym) gra_group.Add(gr) ' acolor = acolor + 1 'Get next color ' y = y + (spacing * 2) 'Move y up for next box 'end 'for gra_group.SetSelected(TRUE) gra_list.Add(gra_group) gra_list.UngroupSelected 'Workaround gra_list.GroupSelected 'Draw white box to place legend in extent = gra_list.ReturnSelectedExtent origin = extent.ReturnOrigin - (spacing@spacing) size = extent.ReturnSize + ((2*spacing)@(2*spacing)) arect = Rect.Make(origin,size) gr = GraphicShape.Make(arect) gr.GetSymbol.SetStyle(#RASTERFILL_STYLE_SOLID) gr.GetSymbol.SetColor(Color.GetWhite) gra_list.Add(gr) gra_list.MoveSelectedToFront gr.SetSelected(TRUE) gra_list.GroupSelected 'Move legend to lower-left corner of View alegend = gra_list.GetSelected.Get(0) alegend.Invalidate alegend.SetOrigin(theView.GetDisplay.ReturnVisExtent.ReturnOrigin) alegend.Invalidate 'Merge the graphic legend into the theme's graphic list theTheme.GetGraphics.Merge(theView.GetGraphics.GetSelected) gra_list.UnselectAll av.ClearMsg av.ClearStatusmovie2 Displays charts in a sentence, category: tools, property: apply (script qmchar1u is used in the property: Update)
'movie2.ave theView = av.GetActiveDoc theThemes = theView.GetActiveThemes p = theView.GetDisplay.ReturnUserPoint t = thethemes.get(0) if (t.CanSelect.not) then exit end t.SelectByPoint(p,#VTAB_SELTYPE_NEW ) recs = t.FindByPoint(p) if(recs.count = 0) then exit end vv = t.getftab.updateselection selchart = {"Horizontal", "Vertical"} c = msgbox.choiceasstring(selchart, "Make a selection", "Chart type selection") if (c = nil) then exit end theView = av.GetActiveDoc visnm = theView.GetVisibleThemes.get(0).getname if ( visnm = "Gsflow") then prefix = "M" xnote = "Available: 1940 - 1991" if(c = "Horizontal") then TheChart = av.getproject.FindDoc("MovieMh") end if(c = "Vertical") then TheChart = av.getproject.FindDoc("MovieMv") end end if ( visnm = "unflow") then prefix = "Qm" xnote = "Available: 1960 - 1991" if(c = "Horizontal") then TheChart = av.getproject.FindDoc("MovieQmh") end if(c = "Vertical") then TheChart = av.getproject.FindDoc("MovieQmv") end end CHtable = TheChart.GetVtab sp = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ln4 = "First year:" ln5 = "Last year:" labls = {sp, ln4,ln5} fy = 1960 ty = 1991 fm = 1 tm = 12 defts = {" ", fy.asstring, ty.asstring} while (true) xlist = msgBox.Multiinput(xnote,"Movie2", labls, defts ) if (xlist.count = 0) then exit end if ((xlist.get(1).isnumber.not) or (xlist.get(1) < 1940)) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(1)++"is not a correct year", "Error in field #1") continue end if ((xlist.get(2).isnumber.not) or (xlist.get(2) > 1991)) then msgbox.error(xlist.get(2)++"is not a correct year", "Error in field #2") continue end break end av.showmsg(" Looking for the maximum value to set Y scale . . .") fy = xlist.get(1).asnumber ty = xlist.get(2).asnumber bmap = Chtable.getselection rec = -1 rec = bmap.getnextset(rec) step = -1 lablst = list.make 'for each i in 0..11 ' lablst.add("x") 'end '======== find maximum value to set Y(or X) scale ======== xxmax = 0 for each yr in fy..ty for each mt in 1..12 if (( yr = fy) and ( mt < fm)) then continue end if (( yr = ty) and ( mt > tm)) then continue end step = step + 1 'if ( step < 12 ) then ' continue 'end if (mt < 10 ) then txt = "0" + mt.AsString else txt = mt.AsString end name = prefix + yr.AsString + txt XFld=Chtable.FindField(name) xx22 = Chtable.returnvalueNumber(xfld,rec) if ( xx22 > xxmax ) then xxmax = xx22 end end end nomonths = step"Maximum value is"++xxmax.asstring,"Maximum") '============================================================ av.clearmsg av.showstopbutton if(thechart.getwin.isopen.not) then thechart.getwin.minimize end TheList=TheChart.GetFields TheFList = TheChart.getVtab.GetFields if(c = "Horizontal") then thechart.getYaxis.setboundsmax(xxmax) end if(c = "Vertical") then thechart.getXaxis.setboundsmax(xxmax) end step = -1 for each yr in fy..ty av.showmsg(" YEAR: "++yr.asstring) for each mt in 1..12 if (( yr = fy) and ( mt < fm)) then continue end if (( yr = ty) and ( mt > tm)) then continue end step = step + 1 if ( step = 12 ) then if(msgbox.miniYesNo("Start ?", True).not) then exit end thechart.getwin.restore if(thechart.getwin.isopen.not) then thechart.getwin.activate end end if (mt < 10 ) then txt = "0" + mt.AsString else txt = mt.AsString end xstatus = av.setstatus(100 * step / nomonths) if(xstatus.not) then rlt = msgbox.yesno("Do you really want to stop?","Stop movie", true) if(rlt) then rlt2 = msgbox.yesno("Do you want to minimize the chart window?", "Close Window ?", true) if(rlt2) then thechart.getwin.minimize end exit else av.ClearStatus av.showstopbutton end end name = prefix + yr.AsString + txt NewTitle = txt + " / " + yr.asstring NewFld=TheChart.getVtab.FindField(name) TheList.Remove(0) Thelist.add(newfld) TheChart.GetTitle.SetName(NewTitle) theChart.SetSeriesFromRecords(true) theChart.Getwin.Open end end av.ClearStatus rlt2 = msgbox.yesno("Do you want to minimize the chart?", "Close Window ?", true) if(rlt2) then thechart.getwin.minimize endaliaset Sets the alias names for fields, that describe a chart axis.
'aliaset.ave '========================================= 'msgbox.multinput may be applied 'if a table or view is an active document '========================================= 'theView = av.GetActiveDoc 'theTheme = theView.GetActiveThemes.get(0) 'xFtable =thetheme.getftab xFtable = av.GetActiveDoc.getvtab prefix = "QM" fy = 1960 ty = 1992 fm = 1 tm = 9 for each yr in fy..ty for each mt in 1..12 if (( yr = fy) and ( mt < fm)) then continue end if (( yr = ty) and ( mt > tm)) then continue end ' step = step + 1 if (mt < 10 ) then txt = "0" + mt.AsString else txt = mt.AsString end name = prefix + yr.AsString + txt XFld=xFtable.FindField(name) '======================================= ' The following line sets the alias text '(to remove alias set field name ) txalias = mt.asstring+"/"+yr.asstring ' txalias = name '======================================= xxx = XFld.setalias(txalias) end end
'order6.ave Adds a field that contains a numbering ' system to specify the stream order ' in a flow system. 'TBunit = av.getProject.findDoc(TXtable) TBunit = av.GetActiveDoc xxx = TBunit.getGUI if ( xxx <> "Table") then xxx2 = TBunit.asstring++"is active" msgbox.warning("A Table must be active", xxx2) exit end VTunit = TBunit.getVtab 'assume the default fields in UNIT table: TXunit = "Unit" TXnext = "Downstream" FDunit = VTunit.FindField(TXunit) FDnext = VTunit.FindField(TXnext) 'create list of fields that are in VTunit LSFDunit = VTunit.GetFields 'if the default fields can not be found, ask user for required fields: if(FDunit=nil) then 'Select current_unit id field FDunit = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++" the watershed/stream ID", "Unit_id Selection") end 'if not selected, quit IF ( FDunit = nil) then exit end if(FDnext=nil) then 'Select downstream_unit id field FDnext = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains"++NL++ "the downstream unit ID", "Next_id Selection") end IF ( FDnext = nil) then exit end TXorderField = msgbox.input("Enter the name of order field ", "Order Field Selection", "Order") FDorder = vtunit.FindField(TXorderField) xx = false if (FDorder = nil) then xx = msgbox.YesNo( TXorderField++"field is not in the table " ++TBunit.asString+nl+"Do you want to create this field ?", "Field not Found !", true) 'end if (xx.not) then exit end 'check if the VTunit can be edited if not, set it editable if(VTunit.isEditable.not) then VTunit.SetEditable(true) end if(VTunit.CanAddFields) then f1 = Field.Make( TXorderfield,#FIELD_SHORT, 5, 0 ) 'Add fields VTunit.AddFields({f1}) else msgBox.warning("Can not add a field to"++VTunit.asString, "Can not edit table") exit end else f1 = FDorder if(VTunit.isEditable.not) then VTunit.SetEditable(true) end end LSunit = list.make LSnext = list.make LSord = list.make LSrecnxt = list.make nx = VTunit.GetNumRecords nn = nx - 1 nst = 100/nx 'variable used in status displaying av.ShowMsg("Creating lists ...") for each rec in VTunit av.ShowMsg("Creating lists ..."++rec.AsString) av.SetStatus(rec * nst) LSnext.Add(VTunit.ReturnValueNumber(FDnext, rec)) LSunit.Add(VTunit.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec)) LSord.Add(1) LSrecnxt.Add(nx) end LSrecnxt.Add(nx) 'search for first order streams/watersheds and create list of the 'record numbers pointed by the "next/downstream unit" field for each i in 0..nn av.ShowMsg("Searching for first order streams/watersheds ..."++i.asString) av.SetStatus(i * nst) for each j in 0..nn if ( LSnext.get(i) = LSunit.get(j) ) then LSord.set(j , 0 ) LSrecnxt.set(i , j) Break end end end 'write downstream record pointers into field f2 'for each rec in VTunit ' VTunit.SetValue( f2, rec, LSrecnxt.Get( rec )) 'end 'determine order of the rest of streams for each i in 0..nn av.ShowMsg("Calculating order ..."++i.asString) av.SetStatus(i * nst) if ( LSord.get(i) <> 1 ) then continue end j = LSrecnxt.get(i) k = 2 while (j <> nx) if ( LSord.get(j) >= k ) then break end LSord.set(j , k ) j = LSrecnxt.get(j) k = k + 1 end 'while end 'i 'write stream/watershed order into Table for each rec in VTunit VTunit.SetValue( f1, rec, LSord.Get( rec )) end 'refresh table and set it "not editable" VTunit.Refresh if(VTunit.isEditable) then VTunit.SetEditable(false) endupavg2 calculates weighted average over upstream units
' upavg2.ave calculates weighted average ' for upstream units: ' output = upstr_sum(input*wght)/upstr_sum(wght) '================================================== ' note: dbf table contains a dummy (first) record ' that can influence calculations !!! TBunit = av.GetActiveDoc xxx = TBunit.getGUI if ( xxx <> "Table") then xxx2 = TBunit.asstring++"is active" msgbox.warning("A Table must be active", xxx2) exit end TheFtab = TBunit.getVtab ' Ask user for required fields: TXunit = "unit_id" TXnext = "unit_nx" TXorder = "order" TXitem = "input" TXadd = "output" TXwgt = "weight" FDunit = theFtab.FindField(TXunit) FDnext = theFtab.FindField(TXnext) FDorder = theFtab.FindField(TXorder) FDadd = theFtab.FindField(TXadd) FDitem = theFtab.FindField(TXitem) FDarea = theFtab.FindField(TXwgt) ' Make a list of VTunit fields LSFDunit = theFtab.GetFields ' If the default fields can not be found, ask user ' for the required fields: if(FDunit=nil) then ' Select current_unit id field (from entity) FDunit = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"the watershed/stream ID", "From-unit Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF (FDunit = nil) then exit end if(FDnext=nil) then ' Select downstream_unit id field FDnext = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++" the downstream unit ID", "To-unit Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDnext = nil) then exit end if(FDorder=nil) then ' Select order field FDorder = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select field that contains" ++NL++" the watershed/stream order","Order field Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDorder = nil) then xxx ="Create a field of stream order", "Missing fields") exit end if(FDitem=nil) then ' Select field that contains values to be averaged FDitem = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"values to be averaged", "Feature Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDitem = nil) then exit end if(FDarea=nil) then ' Select field that contains weight FDarea = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"weight", "Weight Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDarea = nil) then exit end ' Prompt for a name (name of the field, that will be created) TXadd = msgbox.input("Enter the name of output field ", "Output Field Selection", "output") if (TXadd = nil) then exit end FDadd = theFtab.FindField(TXadd) xx = false if (FDadd = nil) then xx = msgbox.YesNo( TXadd++"field is not in the table " ++TBunit.asString+nl+"Do you want to create this field ?", "Field not Found !", true) 'end if (xx.not) then exit end 'check the setting of "input" field fenum = FDitem.gettype fprec = FDitem.getprecision fwidth = FDitem.getwidth xxx1 = msgbox.input("Please specify precision"++ "(decimal part) of the output field", "Width of the new field" , fprec.asstring) fprec = xxx1.asnumber IF ( fprec = nil) then exit end xxx2 = msgbox.input("Please specify total width of the output field", "Width of the new field" , fwidth.asstring) fwidth = xxx2.asnumber IF ( fwidth = nil) then exit end 'check if the theFtab can be edited if not, set it editable if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end ' Create a new field if(theFtab.CanAddFields) then FDadd = field.Make(TXadd,fenum,fwidth,fprec) theFtab.AddFields({FDadd}) else msgBox.warning("Can not add a field to"++theFtab.asString, "Can not edit table") theFtab.SetEditable(false) exit end else if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end end 'create lists ltunit = list.make ltnext = list.make ltorder = list.make ltitem = list.make ltadd = list.make unnx = theFTab.GetNumRecords unnn = unnx - 1 dcarea = dictionary.make(unnx) dcmass = dictionary.make(unnx) for each rec in theFTab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) ltunit.Add(Nunit) ltnext.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDnext, rec)) ltorder.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDorder, rec)) ' Nitem = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDitem, rec) Narea = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDarea, rec) if (Narea = 0 ) then msgbox.error("The weight can not be zero !"++ NL++"record:"++rec.asstring++"field:"++ FDarea.asstring, "Division by zero" ) theFtab.SetEditable(false) exit end Nmass = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDitem, rec) * Narea dcarea.add(Nunit, Narea ) dcmass.add(Nunit, Nmass ) end ' find maximum order unmaxord = 1 for each i in 0..unnn av.ShowMsg("Finding maximum order ..."++i.asString) istatus = i * 100 / unnn av.SetStatus(istatus) if (ltorder.get(i) > unmaxord ) then unmaxord = ltorder.get(i) end end 'calculate cumulative values unmaxord1 = unmaxord - 1 for each k in 1..unmaxord1 av.ShowMsg("Calculating cumulative values ..."++k.asString) istatus = k * 100 / unmaxord av.SetStatus(istatus) for each i in 0..unnn if ( ltorder.get(i) <> k ) then continue end Nunit = ltunit.get(i) Nnext = ltnext.get(i) Nxmass = dcmass.get(Nunit) + dcmass.get(Nnext) Nxarea = dcarea.get(Nunit) + dcarea.get(Nnext) dcmass.set(Nnext, Nxmass) dcarea.set(Nnext, Nxarea) end end av.clearMsg av.clearstatus 'write results to Ftab for each rec in theFtab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) Xavg = dcmass.get(Nunit) / dcarea.get(Nunit) TheFtab.SetValue( FDadd, rec, Xavg ) end theFtab.Refresh if(TheFtab.isEditable) then theFtab.SetEditable(false) endcumul2 Accumulates values, going downstream (flow accumulation)
' cumul2.ave Adds a field or writes to the existing ' field the accumulated values. Summation ' is performed downstream, along the flow ' path. ' note: dbf table contains a dummy (first) record ' that can influence calculations !!! TBunit = av.GetActiveDoc xxx = TBunit.getGUI if ( xxx <> "Table") then xxx2 = TBunit.asstring++"is active" msgbox.warning("A Table must be active", xxx2) exit end TheFtab = TBunit.getVtab ' Ask user for needed fields: TXunit = "unit_id" TXnext = "unit_nx" TXorder = "order" TXitem = "item_x" FDunit = theFtab.FindField(TXunit) FDnext = theFtab.FindField(TXnext) FDorder = theFtab.FindField(TXorder) 'FDadd = theFtab.FindField(TXadd) FDitem = theFtab.FindField(TXitem) ' Make a list of VTunit fields LSFDunit = theFtab.GetFields ' If the default fields can not be found, ask user for ' the required fields: if(FDunit=nil) then ' Select current_unit id field (from entity) FDunit = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"the watershed/stream ID", "From-unit Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF (FDunit = nil) then exit end if(FDnext=nil) then ' Select downstream_unit id field FDnext = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++" the downstream unit ID", "To-unit Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDnext = nil) then exit end if(FDorder=nil) then ' Select order field FDorder = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select field that contains" ++NL++" the watershed/stream order","Order field Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDorder = nil) then xxx ="Create a field of stream order", "Missing fields") exit end if(FDitem=nil) then ' Select field that contains values to be accumulated FDitem = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"values to be summed", "Feature Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDitem = nil) then exit end ' Prompt for a name (name of the field, that will be created) TXadd = msgbox.input("Enter the name of output field ", "Output Field Selection", "Accumulated") FDadd = theFtab.FindField(TXadd) xx = false if (FDadd = nil) then xx = msgbox.YesNo( TXadd++"field is not in the table " ++TBunit.asString+nl+"Do you want to create this field ?", "Field not Found !", true) 'end if (xx.not) then exit end 'check the setting of "item" field 'ESRI gives no information how wide a field can be! fenum = FDitem.gettype fprec = FDitem.getprecision fwidth = FDitem.getwidth if(fwidth < 13) then fwidth = fwidth + 3 elseif (fwidth = 13) then fwidth = 15 elseif (fwidth > 13) then xxx = msgbox.input("Please specify a width of output field", "Width of the new field" , fwidth.asstring) fwidth = xxx.asnumber end IF ( fwidth = nil) then exit end 'check if the theFtab can be edited if not, set it editable if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end ' Create a new field if(theFtab.CanAddFields) then FDadd = field.Make(TXadd,fenum,fwidth,fprec) theFtab.AddFields({FDadd}) else msgBox.warning("Can not add a field to"++theFtab.asString, "Can not edit table") exit end else if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end end 'create lists ltunit = list.make ltnext = list.make ltorder = list.make ltitem = list.make ltadd = list.make unnx = theFTab.GetNumRecords unnn = unnx - 1 dcadd = dictionary.make(unnx) for each rec in theFTab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) ltunit.Add(Nunit) ltnext.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDnext, rec)) ltorder.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDorder, rec)) Nitem = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDitem, rec) ' ltitem.Add(Nitem) dcadd.add(Nunit, Nitem ) end ' find maximum order unmaxord = 1 for each i in 0..unnn av.ShowMsg("Finding maximum order ..."++i.asString) istatus = i * 100 / unnn av.SetStatus(istatus) if (ltorder.get(i) > unmaxord ) then unmaxord = ltorder.get(i) end end 'calculate cumulative values unmaxord1 = unmaxord - 1 for each k in 1..unmaxord1 av.ShowMsg("Calculating cumulative values ..."++k.asString) istatus = k * 100 / unmaxord av.SetStatus(istatus) for each i in 0..unnn if ( ltorder.get(i) <> k ) then continue end Nunit = ltunit.get(i) Nnext = ltnext.get(i) Nxvalue = dcadd.get(Nunit) + dcadd.get(Nnext) dcadd.set(Nnext, Nxvalue) end end av.clearMsg av.clearStatus 'write results to Ftab for each rec in theFtab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) TheFtab.SetValue( FDadd, rec, dcadd.get(Nunit) ) end theFtab.Refresh if(TheFtab.isEditable) then theFtab.SetEditable(false) enddecom2 calculates the difference between the inflows and the outflow, the reverse process to the flow accumulation
' decom2.ave for all modeling units calculates ' the difference between sum of inputs and the ' output ( deaccumulate values) ' This part is for active View: ' theView = av.getactivedoc ' theFtheme = theView.getvisiblethemes.get(0) ' if (theFTheme = nil) then ' exit ' end 'theFtab = theFtheme.getFtab ' This part is for a table (Attribute table !!!) ' note: dbf table contains a dummy (first) record ' that can influence the calculations !!! TBunit = av.GetActiveDoc xxx = TBunit.getGUI if ( xxx <> "Table") then xxx2 = TBunit.asstring++"is active" msgbox.warning("A Table must be active", xxx2) exit end TheFtab = TBunit.getVtab ' Ask user for requireded fields TXunit = "unit_id" TXnext = "unit_nx" TXorder = "order" TXitem = "input" 'TXadd = "decom_fd" FDunit = theFtab.FindField(TXunit) FDnext = theFtab.FindField(TXnext) FDorder = theFtab.FindField(TXorder) 'FDadd = theFtab.FindField(TXadd) FDitem = theFtab.FindField(TXitem) ' Make a list of VTunit fields LSFDunit = theFtab.GetFields ' If the default fields can not be found, ask user for ' the required fields: if(FDunit=nil) then ' Select current_unit id field (from entity) FDunit = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++"the watershed/stream ID", "From-unit Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF (FDunit = nil) then exit end if(FDnext=nil) then ' Select downstream_unit id field FDnext = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains" ++NL++" the downstream unit ID", "To-unit Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDnext = nil) then exit end if(FDorder=nil) then ' Select order field FDorder = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select field that contains" ++NL++" the watershed/stream order","Order field Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDorder = nil) then xxx ="Create a field of stream order", "Missing fields") exit end if(FDitem=nil) then ' Select a field that contains values to be decomposed FDitem = MsgBox.List(LSFDunit, "Select a field that contains"++NL++ "the values to be decomposed", "Input Field Selection") end ' If not selected, quit IF ( FDitem = nil) then exit end ' Prompt for a name (name of the field, that will be created) TXadd = msgbox.input("Enter the name of the output field ", "Output Field Selection", "Decomposed") FDadd = theFtab.FindField(TXadd) xx = false if (FDadd = nil) then xx = msgbox.YesNo( TXadd++"field is not in the table " ++TBunit.asString+nl+"Do you want to create this field ?", "Field not Found !", true) 'end if (xx.not) then exit end 'check the setting of "item" field 'width and the precision of the input field are assumed fenum = FDitem.gettype fprec = FDitem.getprecision fwidth = FDitem.getwidth ' Create a new field if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end if(theFtab.CanAddFields) then FDadd = field.Make(TXadd,fenum,fwidth,fprec ) theFtab.AddFields({FDadd}) else msgBox.warning("Can not add a field to" ++theFtab.asString, "Can not edit table") exit end else if(theFtab.isEditable.not) then theFtab.SetEditable(true) end end 'create lists ltunit = list.make ltnext = list.make ltorder = list.make ltitem = list.make ltadd = list.make unnx = theFTab.GetNumRecords unnn = unnx - 1 dcadd = dictionary.make(unnx) dcdec = dictionary.make(unnx) for each rec in theFTab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) ltunit.Add(Nunit) ltnext.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDnext, rec)) ltorder.Add(theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDorder, rec)) Nitem = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDitem, rec) ' ltitem.Add(Nitem) dcadd.add(Nunit, Nitem ) dcdec.add(Nunit, Nitem ) end ' find maximum order unmaxord = 1 for each i in 0..unnn av.ShowMsg("Finding maximum order ..."++i.asString) istatus = i * 100 / unnn av.SetStatus(istatus) if (ltorder.get(i) > unmaxord ) then unmaxord = ltorder.get(i) end end 'calculate decomposed values unmaxord1 = unmaxord - 1 for each k in 1..unmaxord1 av.ShowMsg("Decumulating values ..."++k.asString) istatus = k * 100 / unmaxord av.SetStatus(istatus) for each i in 0..unnn if ( ltorder.get(i) <> k ) then continue end Nunit = ltunit.get(i) Nnext = ltnext.get(i) Nxvalue = dcdec.get(Nnext) - dcadd.get(Nunit) dcdec.set(Nnext, Nxvalue) end end av.clearMsg av.clearstatus 'write results to Ftab for each rec in theFtab Nunit = theFTab.ReturnValueNumber(FDunit, rec) TheFtab.SetValue( FDadd, rec, dcdec.get(Nunit) ) end theFtab.Refresh if(TheFtab.isEditable) then theFtab.SetEditable(false) end