Appendix A C-codes

Appendix A1 Program newnx.c--reconstructing the flow connectivity between modeling units after some of units have been removed

/* newnx.c

* from new1.c, 9/21/95

* Pawel Mizgalewicz, CRWR UT at Austin  */


*  newnx.c -- reconstructs the flow connectivity between units

*  after some of them have been removed. Requires two ASCII,comma

*  delimited files:

*    file 1) full set of units. Each line should contain:

*            unit_id, next unit_id

*    file 2) reduced set of units. Each line should contain the 

*            unit_id number

*  Output file: unit_id, id of downstream unit, unit order


* USAGE: newnx infile1 infile2 outfile



#include <stdio.h>

main (argc, argv)

  int argc;

  char *argv[];

  /* arg 1) input_file (oid, onx => old ID, old NEXT)

    2) input_file (nid => new ID)

    3) output_file (nid, nnx, nor => ID, new NEXT, order)



  char loop, found;

  int i, j, k, onn, nnn, nni, nor[1200], nix[1200];

  long id, nx, ix,

       oid[1200], onx[1200], nid[1200], nnx[1200];

  FILE *fgsin, *funin, *ftable2;

  if (argc < 3 )


    printf ("wrong number of arguments = %d \n",argc);



  fgsin = fopen (argv[1], "r");

  i = 0;

  while (fscanf(fgsin, "%li,%li", &id,&nx) != EOF)


    oid[i] = id;

    onx[i] = nx;



  onn = i-1;


  funin = fopen (argv[2], "r");

  i = 0;

  while (fscanf(funin, "%li", &id) != EOF)


    nid[i] = id;

    nnx[i] = 0;



  nnn = i-1;

  nni = i;


  /* To each new unit assign old_next    */

  for (i = 0; i <= nnn; ++i)

    for (k = 0; k <= onn; ++k )

      if ( nid[i] ==  oid[k] )


 nnx[i] = onx[k];



  /* check if all next are valid (have new_id specified)*/

  for (i = 0; i <= nnn; ++i)


    found = 0;

    ix = 0;

    while (!found)



      for (j = 0; j <= nnn; ++j)

 if ( ( nnx[i] == nid[j] ) || ( nnx[i] == 0 ) )


   found = 1;



      if (found) continue;

      /* if not found, go to old table and read next_id  */

      for (j = 0; j <= onn; ++j)

 if ( nnx[i] == oid[j] )


   nnx[i] = onx[j];



      if(ix > 1000000) printf("error %i\n", ix);



 /*  ===============  WATERSHED ORDER ================= */

 /* Set initial value of order array */

  for (i = 0; i <= nnn; ++i)


    nor[i] = 1;

    nix[i] = nni;


  /* Select first order items */

  for (i = 0; i <= nnn; ++i)


   j = 0; loop = 1;

   while ( loop )


     if (nnx[i] == nid[j])


       nor[j] = 0;

       nix[i] = j;

       loop = 0;



     if (j == nni) loop = 0;



  /* order of the remaining streams */

  for (i=0; i<=nnn; ++i)

    if(nor[i] == 1)


      j = nix[i];

      k = 2;

      while ((nor[j] < k) && (j != nni))


 nor[j] = k;

 j = nix[j];

 k = k + 1;



  /* Write results to output file */

  ftable2 = fopen (argv[3], "w");

  for (j = 0; j <= nnn; ++j )

    fprintf(ftable2, "%li,%li,%i\n", nid[j], nnx[j], nor[j] );


  return 0;


Appendix A2 Program fdy4.c--calculating the flow rate in ungauged streams from the available record


/* fdy4.c  -- calculates flow rate in all modeling units from 

*             the available record. The average precipitation

*             depth is used as a weight.

*  arguments:

*            1) file name that contains USGS flow record

*            2) file name that contains modeling unit data

*            3) name of the output file.

*  input: two ASCII files, each record contains the following 

*         values, coma delimited:

*         file one specified by the first argument:

*            gsid = USGS station identification number,

*            gsnx = ID number of the downstream USGS station,

*            gsqo = flow rate;

*         file two specified by the second argument:

*            unid = modeling unit identification number,

*            unnx = ID number of the downstream modeling unit,

*            ungsid = ID number of the USGS station that 

*                     determines the zone in which the unit

*                     is located (ID of the gauging station that

*                     is downstream of the modeling unit),

*            unar = area of the modeling unit,

*            unor = modeling unit order in the flow system,

*            unpr = average precipitation depth;

*  output:   ASCII file specified by the third argument:

*            unid = modeling unit identification number,

*            unqc = flow rate estimated in modeling unit

*                   (this flow is cumulative, i.e., it

*                   is a runoff from the drainage area 

*                   determined by the modeling unit outlet. */


#include <stdio.h>

#define size 512

main (argc, argv)

  int argc;

  char *argv[];

  /* arg 1) input_file (gs) must have: id, next, and flow.

	 2) input (modeling units--un)

	    must have: id, next, gsid, area, order, precip.

	 3) output_file: unid, qc (cumulative)

      used in ArcView version:

	 4) name_id (copied from first column)

	 5) name_out */


  char loop, notfound;

  int i, j, k, l, n, unormx, d;

  int unor[2000], unixx[2000], ungsix[2000], gsused[100], or,

      gsni, gsnn, unni, unnn, unormxi;

  long gsid[100], gsnx[100], id, nx, idgs,

       unid[1200], unnx[1200], ungsid[1200];

  float gsqo[100], gsqi[100], gsvl[100], gscf[100],

	unar[1200], unqo[1200], unpr[1200], unqc[1200], unqct[1200],

	ar, qo, pr, rncf, sum1, sum2, xxx, x2;

  /* gsor[100], gsar[100], gspr[100] deleted, gsvl[100] created */

  char buf[size];

  FILE *fgsin, *funin, *ftable2;

  if (argc < 3 )


    printf ("wrong number of arguments = %d \n", argc);



  fgsin = fopen (argv[1], "r");

/*  fgets(buf, size, fgsin);  */

  i = 0;

  while (fscanf(fgsin, "%li,%li,%f", &id,&nx,&qo) != EOF)


    gsid[i] = id;

    gsnx[i] = nx;

    gsqo[i] = qo;



  gsnn = i-1;

  gsni = i;


/* look for records that has Q = 0. All records that has Q=0 will

   have instead of next-id, the id they should have as a new unit.


    for ( i = 0; i <= gsnn; ++i )


    if ( gsqo[i] > 0.0 ) continue;

    for ( j = 0; j <= gsnn; ++j )

      if ( gsid[i] == gsnx[j]) gsnx[j] = gsnx[i];


/*  =========================================================*/

  funin = fopen (argv[2], "r");

 fgets(buf, size, funin); /* tables unload first, dummy record */

  i = 0;                  /* that have negative area !!!!      */

  while (fscanf(funin, "%li,%li,%li,%f,%i,%f",

	 &id,&nx,&idgs,&ar,&or,&pr) != EOF)


    unid[i] = id;

    unnx[i] = nx;

    ungsid[i] = idgs;

    unar[i] = ar;

    unor[i] = or;

    unpr[i] = pr;



  unnn = i-1;

  unni = i;


  /* update ungsid[i] */

  for ( i = 0; i <= gsnn; ++i )


    if ( gsqo[i] > 0.0 ) continue;

    for ( j = 0; j <= unnn; ++j )

      if ( gsid[i] == ungsid[j]) ungsid[j] = gsnx[i];


 /* rebuild GS arrays, i.e. remove records GSQO <= 0  */

    i = 0;

  for ( j = 0; j <= gsnn; ++j )


    if ( gsqo[j] <= 0.0 ) continue;

    gsid[i] = gsid[j];

    gsnx[i] = gsnx[j];

    gsqo[i] = gsqo[j];

    gsvl[i] = 0.0;

    gsqi[i] = 0.0;       /* initialization of the inflow table */

    gsused[i] = 0;



  gsnn = i-1;

  gsni = i;

  /* Set UNGSIX index, i.e. index that relates UNID with the GSID

  = record in UN table with the record in GS table,

    if ungsid[] = 0, i.e.,. no gauging station assigned to this record

     index = gsnn + 1 = gsnx	   */

  for (i = 0; i <= unnn; ++i)


    if ( ungsid[i] == 0 )


      ungsix[i] = gsni;



    for (k = 0; k <= gsnn; ++k )


      if ( ungsid[i] ==  gsid[k] )

	ungsix[i] = k;



  for (i = 0; i <= gsnn; ++i )


      for (j = 0; j <= unnn; ++j )

       if ( ungsid[j] == gsid[i] )


	  gsvl[i] = gsvl[i] + ( unpr[j] * unar[j] );



  /* Calculate runoff coefficient, use first order GS watersheds only */

  sum1 = 0.0;

  sum2 = 0.0;

  xxx = 1.0 / 8640.0 ;  /*  area in km2, prec in 0.001 cm/d, -> m3/s */

  notfound = 1;

  for (i = 0; i <= gsnn; ++i)


    notfound = 1;

    for (j = 0; j <= gsnn; ++j )


      if (gsnx[j] == gsid[i] )


	  notfound = 0;




    if ( notfound == 1 )



     sum1 = sum1 + gsqo[i];

     sum2 = sum2 + ( gsvl[i] * xxx);



/*   printf("s1  s2  %f,%f\n",sum1,sum2);  */

   rncf = sum1 / sum2;

  /* 1) Calculate runoff from all UN watersheds */

  /* 2) assign initial values to both, unqc[] and unqct[]  */

  /* 3) fill array unixx[], index of the next/downstream unit */

  /*    is set in "find maximum order" module */

  for (i = 0; i <= unnn; ++i)


    unqo[i] = rncf * unpr[i] * unar[i] * xxx ;

    unqc[i] = unqo[i];

    unqct[i] = unqo[i];

    for ( j = 0; j <= unnn; ++j)


      if (unid[j] == unnx[i])


	 unixx[i] = j;





  /* Find maximum UN order */

  unormx = 0;

  for (i = 0; i <= unnn; ++i)


    if ( unormx < unor[i] )


      unormx = unor[i];

      unormxi = i;



   unixx[unormxi] = unni;

  /* Calculate zonal cumulative UN flow (zonal = within GS zone) */

  for (k = 1; k < unormx; ++k)


    for (i = 0; i <= unnn; ++i)


      if ( unor[i] != k )


      j = unixx[i];

      if ( ungsid[j] != ungsid[i] )


      unqc[j] = unqc[j] + unqc[i];



  for (i = 0; i <= unnn; ++i)


    unqct[i] = unqc[i];


  /* Calculate sum of GS inflow  (inflows ?  */

  for (i = 0; i <= gsnn; ++i)


    for (j = 0; j <= gsnn; ++j)


      if ( gsnx[i] == gsid[j] )


	gsqi[j] = gsqi[j] + gsqo[i];




  /* 1) Estimate correction factors GSCF */

  /* 2) Assign correction factor for the UN watersheds which are

  /* outside GS zones, i.e., most downstream UN watersheds

  /* (next wsh for the last unit has GSID = 0) */

  for (i = 0; i <= gsnn; ++i)


    x2 = rncf * gsvl[i] * xxx;

    gscf[i] = ( gsqo[i] / ( gsqi[i] + x2 ) - 1.0 ) /x2 ;

    if (gsnx[i] == 0 )


      gscf[gsni] = gscf[i];

      gsid[gsni] = 0;



  /* Calculate cumulative flow (total= observed inflow + calculated

     cumulative flow */

  for (i = 0; i <= unnn; ++i )


    k = i;

    j = unixx[k];

    l = ungsix[k];

    if ( ungsid[k] == ungsid[j] )  continue;

    if ( gsused[l] == 1 ) continue;

    xxx = gsqo[l];

    gsused[l] = 1;

    while (j < unni )


      unqct[j] = unqct[j] + xxx;

      k = j;

      j = unixx[k];

      if ( ungsid[j] != ungsid[k] ) break;



  /* Final distribution of flow */

  for ( i = 0; i <= unnn; ++i)


    j = ungsix[i];

    unqc[i] = unqct[i] * (1. + ( gscf[j] *unqc[i] ) );


  /* Write results to output file */

  ftable2 = fopen (argv[3], "w");

  /* arc view version:

  fprintf ( ftable2, "\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", argv[4], argv[5]);


  for (j = 0; j <= unnn; ++j )

    fprintf(ftable2, "%li,%f\n", unid[j], unqc[j] );


  return 0;
