Creates a point coverage of flow gages within a specified watershed or set of watersheds and attaches attribute data from input ascii files to that coverage. Also projects the created coverage out of geographic coordinates.
Describes the process of downloading Digital Line Graph (DLG) data from CDROM and preparing it for regional analysis within the confines of a particular hydrologic or political boundary.
Must be run subsequent to Watershed Delineation AML (see below). Delineates drainage paths to subwatershed outlet points within a watershed, given a "filled" grid for a particular area or region of interest.
Addresses the problem of inland catchments with Digital Elevation Models, during watershed delineation. Inland catchments constitute closed hydrologic systems that do not drain to the ocean, as most watersheds. In inland catchments, water drains towards an inland pour point located within the basin, and not towards the basin border, which usually occurs.
NOT AN AML. Describes the process of accessing the USGS Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Files from various sources and preparing the data for analysis with other data coverages within a particular hydrologic or political region.
Creates a coverage of soil types within a specified watershed and attaches attributes from mapunit info files to that coverage. Also appends cumulative soil group type percentages (A%, B%, C%, D%) to the attached attributes.
Creates a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) with a point coverage and polygon coverage. The polygon coverage is used as a hard breakline to define the study area so that the TIN is not extrapolated beyond the boundary.
Delineates stream networks, watersheds, and drainage areas from a 3" Digital Elevation Model and a point coverage of USGS gaging stations. Drainage paths can be delineated after this process using the Drainage Path Delineation AML.