Jennifer Benaman

University of Texas at Austin

Center for Research in Water Resources
J.J. Pickle Research Campus Bldg. 119
Austin, TX 78712
Phone: (512) 471-0073

Hello and welcome to my homepage. I am a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania native who has travelled all the way to the University of Texas to obtain my Masters Degree in Civil Engineering. This homepage gives you a short introduction to my research and background.

Before coming to Texas, I was an undergraduate at Florida Institute of Technology, in the department of civil engineering. During my four years at Florida Tech, I was a research assistant for Dr. Paul Cosentino. I was also a member of Alpha Phi Omega, a national service fraternity, and actively involved with the student chapter of the American Society of Engineers. During the summer of 1992, I participated in a National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergradauates at the University of Hawaii at Monoa. While in Hawaii, I studied marine geology and water quality. In the summer of 1994, I worked for Brevard County, Florida in their Surface Water Improvement Division. This county division was dedicated to cleaning up the water quality in the Indian River Lagoon, located along the east coast of Florida.

In August 1994, I accepted a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship to attend the University of Texas at Austin. My research is related to modeling dissolved oxygen in Galveston Bay, Texas, using GIS. My advisors are Dr. David Maidment and Dr. Neal Armstrong I finished my research and thesis in August, at which time I started a job with Hydroqual, Inc., a water quality modeling firm in Mahwah, NJ. I worked at HydroQual for 18 months, and am now employed at Quantitative Environmental Analysis, LLC. in Montvale, NJ. QEA is also a water quality modeling firm. Since at QEA I have been focusing on the uses of GIS with different types of environmental models.

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