RUBMRIO is a freely available, open-source
transportation-economic model that simulates the flow of
goods, labor, and vehicles across a multiregional area.
Developed by
Dr. Kara Kockelman and her
graduate students at
the University of Texas at Austin, and based on spatial
input-output principles (including logit models for input
purchases, such as labor and materials), RUBMRIO simulates trade across
regions/zones, as motivated by foreign and domestic export
demands. It estimates this trade across numerous economic
offering valuable predictions of future flow patterns via
implicit assessment of regional transportation conditions.
The RUBMRIO model serves as a powerful tool for policy
makers, transportation planners and developers, in answering
a great variety of questions, including the traffic and
production impacts of mega-projects like the Trans Texas
Corridors (e.g., TTC69 and TTC35), the effects of shifts in
export demands and production technologies, the impacts of autonomous trucks, and the results
of tolling decisions, trade regulation, and other policies.
This website
provides a cornucopia of information relating to RUMBRIO,
including all of the data used to run the models (for US and Texas networks,
with export zones).
Moreover, it offers all uncompiled C++ and Visual Basic
codes and supporting documentation (often in the form of
pre-prints of peer-reviewed published papers). Interested
parties can download the models and the US and Texas data sets
directly, run the sample data, enter new zone and network
systems (for wholly new applications), and further develop the
models. Please note that the relatively new U.S. code can
accommodate many more zones than the Texas code (3000+ vs.
300+), due to memory constraints. This new code allows
for much larger scale simulations. Please be sure to read the linked
Documentation files
and the Readme.txt files, for instructions.
The code is copyrighted
to Kara Kockelman
and associated investigators. As an open-source
program, all use of codes, original or modified or extended,
must be freely shared with others, and appropriately
referenced. We look forward to hearing about your
applications of RUBMRIO! And we welcome
