University of Texas at Austin, Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering

Comparisons of non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic internal wave propagation for a breaking wave

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Hydrostatic model
Non-hydrostatic model

20 horizontal x 15 vertical grid cells

While the hydrostatic model cannot reproduce the dynamics of an overturn (no surprise), the non-hydrostatic model shows the wave breaking on the second period.

<download 3mb avi of hydrostatic>

<download 3mb avi of nonhydrostatic>

40 horizontal x 30 vertical grid cells

With the smaller grid resolution, the hydrostatic model shows steeper waves, while the breaking behavior in the non-hydrostatic model becomes more complex.

<download 3mb avi of hydrostatic>

<download 3mb avi of nonhydrostatic>

80 horizontal x 60 vertical grid cells

At the finest resolution, the nonlinear steepening in the hydrostatic model leads to what appears to be a breaking event - that is, the inertia of the fluid where the steep front meets causes a density inversion. The dynamics of the density inversion cannot be handled by the hydrostatic equation, so the flow breaks up into grid scale mixing until it equilibrates. However, the non-hydrostatic model can handle the density inversions and shows the development of complex mixing behavior.





The above models are solved with the physical (molecular and turbulent) viscosities and diffusivities set to zero. Thus, as we refine the grid, any diffusion of mass or dissipation of energy is exclusively numerical. In effect, as we refine the grid, our numerical Reynolds number and our numerical Peclet number get larger.

©2006 Ben R. Hodges • last updated July 21, 2005

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